My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2496: Doomsday Galaxy

The hot atmosphere seemed to ignite in that instant!

Su Jin stepped on the'Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Dao Map', holding up the condensed vision of the imaginary city of God, and the thousands of colorful scenes seemed to be included in the city of God. Even the 30 million monks who watched around were manifested in it.

This scene scared everyone!

Fortunately, they all found that it was just a vision. Some people were relieved. They saw themselves in Su Jin's vision——

Doomsday festival.

Unify the three cities into one!

Once the two were opposed, as if there was a chemical reaction, it actually made the void begin to appear terribly twisted and broken.


The void surrounding the two of them began to blow up a storm. Su Jin's whole person was wrapped in a gorgeous glow. When the vision was lifted by him, others seemed to be among them. At that moment, he raised his fist and rushed directly towards Lord Galaxy!

The black robe was hunting and hunting in the storm, Master Xinghe was also blessed by that round of "Phnom Penh Sky", and the two of them seemed to be bombarded together like two stars!

At that moment, the world seemed to have lost all voices——

Su Jin has the blessing of "No Word Tian Mi", and the word "Dou" Tian Mi has increased his power by 50%. This kind of overall sublimation can be more than doubled!

At this time, Su Jin seemed to be a fighter who would not bow his head. Facing Master Xinghe who was extremely famous in reputation and status, he considered himself not a ‘challenger’ posture, all he had to do was to defeat Galaxy!

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the gods to leave, and the Xiao family dragon clan who sacrificed to the gods and defected to him will be difficult to live! Similarly, he must not lose, he cannot bear the consequences of a complete defeat!

The more Master Xinghe hit, the more dazzling his eyes, Su Jin's burst of power, he was a bit unbelievable, but if this goes on, he is definitely not the loser!

"Since you can't tell the victory with bare hands, let's use the magic vision!"

The two stars are separated immediately. Instead of fighting with the golden body of boxing, Master Xinghe directly drank wildly. That round of Phnom Penh sky began to rise, gradually revealing the lowest part from below the horizon——

So strong!

Su Jin was a little surprised, coldly looking at the rising sun of Phnom Penh, he immediately raised his hands again, his vision turned into a **** city, and under the thick Buddha cloud, he crashed into it——

The sky in Phnom Penh was fully revealed, and in the dark sun, a pair of red triangular eyes appeared faintly, the sound of constantly fluttering wings, and the party began.

bat? God Su Jin saw that the sky in Phnom Penh was densely covered with black bat shadows!



Su Jin and Master Xinghe drank together, and Phnom Penh greeted the **** city blessed by the "Three Cities", and the two came into contact for a moment.

The deafening sound, stunned, I don’t know how many strong people——

Xishan Longzun, Xiaojia Longzun, and even the high priest were stunned. The void of nothingness began to collapse and explode under the two visions, and even the void fragments were turned into powder!

At this moment, Su Jin couldn't help it anymore, the blood in his throat was a bit sweet, spouted out of his mouth, and flew out~~~

Master Xinghe was also shaken back by a kilometer, and his black robe appeared torn in pieces, but he did not vomit blood, but his eyes were a little cold.

He was already embarrassed.

This is not the result that Master Xinghe wanted.

And Su Jin was not shaken to death by his own sky, which exceeded his expectations.

Feelings of regret breed on the faces of many people.

I thought that this young man named Ye Di could compete with Master Xinghe, but the result was still a lot worse and was shocked. Although the adults were also embarrassed, Master Xinghe undoubtedly won!

In the process of sublimation, Xiao Jialongzun recovered most of his injuries, but he sighed after seeing this scene. He had already seen Master Xinghe's power. Su Jin's years of cultivation were too short. If he was given some more time, it would be absolutely incalculable.

Now, the gap is still there, and it's big—

An Ji Tiannv and Xiao Zi'er are the most complicated. They hope that Su Jin can contend with Master Xinghe. After all, in this way can they retreat safely from the ‘Divine Plane’, otherwise, no one can leave!

"It is already amazing to be able to retreat Master Xinghe. This battle is enough to make this emperor famous! Even if he loses, it is still admired." Someone watched the whole scene, but it was also regrettable.

"He seems to have walked out of his own path, not limited to one intensive training, but using a certain ability to integrate all the avenues to provide strength, so he can leapfrog the challenge—"

"And the combat power is still terrible!"

"This battle is about to end. The weak and the strong eat the king and the loser! His heavenly secrets and the tree of enlightenment will be occupied by Master Xinghe, and the future Master Xinghe can definitely become a strong man from the plane of God to the heavens. !"


Discussion continues.

Master Xinghe wrinkled his brows slightly, and looked at the dense forest of the Yin Power in the south——

Bang bang, bang bang.

It seems that there is a heartbeat appearing, and the veins and life of the earth seem to be swaying with the rhythm of that heartbeat.

"I can't lose."

"I can't lose!"

"I can't lose!!"

Three times in a row, one louder than one, the branches of the entire dense forest are all falling to the south! A trace of greenery was plundered away.


At the same time, every towering ancient tree instantly turns into powder, life and death, as if between a single thought!

The dense forest turned into powder, a mellow force visible to the naked eye, turned into a whirlpool in all directions, and was constantly being accommodated in it, and the visitors would not refuse!

Two three-color eyes, as if blinded by a black, even so, in the vortex of the storm, his eyes are still striking——

"What you want... is here! The power to defeat King Black Abyss! My fusion skills!"

Su Jin wants to be crazy, and many people feel that his current state is more appropriate to describe him as ‘absent-minded’, but he can’t take care of it anymore! Because he is a demon! Modern and ancient crazy demons!

"Oh? I'm looking forward to it. I hope you will finally show hopeless eyes, and then be wiped out by me—" Master Xinghe paid more attention to it in his heart.


Behind Master Xinghe, in the "Phnom Penh Sky and Sun" that occupied half of the sky, a piece of artistic conception power suddenly appeared, a clear star and Milky Way running through the "Phnom Penh Sky and Sun"!

artistic conception?

Tian Mi?

Do not! That is a false sky secret, imitating the artistic conception of sky secret, a galaxy condensed by original magic!

"Master Xinghe won't give a chance--" The beautiful eyes of An Ji Tiannv are all desperate.

"Essential magic, Doomsday Galaxy! Even in the plane of God, most people have never seen Master Xinghe use this trick." Xiao Zier sighed heavily, and could not bear to look directly.

Su Jin resolutely stood on the southern ground. He stared at Master Xinghe, and immediately stepped on the ground with a firm foot, almost roaring:

"Sun Luo Dao supernatural power! Sun Luo Wanxiang!"

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