My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2504: So strong and dazzling!

The surroundings seemed to be swallowed by strange darkness.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine beast claw magical powers made the Xiao Jialong clan look completely disgusted.

"King Jiaoyao? I seem to have heard this name somewhere, yes, in the Galaxy Divine Palace--" Xiao Jia Longzun had been thinking about these three words just now, and now he remembered them.

"Senior Longzun, you must think of a way. The king of the horns wants to go to the heavens for a long time. He is no less powerful than that of Master Galaxy. He has not healed from serious injuries and is difficult to contend." Look at Xiao Jialongzun.

"Don't worry, at the critical moment, if I fight this old life, I can also stop him for one or two. Yedi may not have no chance with that Buddha ruler." Xiao Jialong said.

"Is it going to be too passive if I continue to practice the Buddha ruler now?" Xiao Zi'er was also worried.

"Yes, too passive!" The dragon kings behind them also saw the problem.

That piece of Buddha light.

That piece of Buddhaland.

Su Jin sat quietly, facing the beast claws of nine hundred and ninety-nine horned kings, he had not yet chosen an action, which made the cautious king horned a little puzzled.

No way! King Jiaoya feels unable to drag, this kid always feels anxious to him, especially the ‘Mingwang’s ruler’ is still in the hands of Su Jin——

"Meditation." Su Jin closed his eyes, covered with golden glaze. On his closed hands, there was a hint of green tears entwined, as if there was a sacred artistic conception that was born.

Su Jin’s thoughts and primordial spirit seemed to be cruising in a sea of ​​Buddha's will, but what he was looking for was unexpectedly not found.

Buddhism does not have the technique of killing and cutting. For example, the monks within the Five Elements Day have different Taoisms. Those are the ‘dharma’ and ‘skills’ in the eyes of the five elements.

Su Jin was unbelievable, but later he realized that although the Buddhism and Taoism did not have the methods of killing and cutting, they had supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers!

The big mudra of the Heavenly Buddha Aquarius is a magical power. So, is this ‘Ming King’s Ruler’, the Buddha who preaches compassion, or...

Su Jin opened his eyes directly, Tian Daojin, he seemed to have brilliant eyes, but that was a thinking gaze, and he did not look at King Jiaoya.

"This kid!" King Jiao Qian was startled, looking at the thinking Buddha's eyes, he felt a sense of horror.

In the illusory--

A strange voice rang out, as if talking about Buddha, as if talking about the universal true meaning of Buddha, like a song, but not a song.

It's too late, but it's really fast!

The condensed beast claws of the nine hundred and ninety-nine horns are the manifestation of Senluo's supernatural power, but there are so many weird avenues in a plane. The foundation is Senluo's supernatural power!

That's not important anymore.

King Horny felt nine hundred and ninety-nine beast claws, as if they were entangled by a kind of colloidal vine, full of elasticity, only the golden light represented their existence, and all the terrifying beast claws could not be grasped anymore——

Xiao Jialong Clan Department.

The Zierlong King was searching everywhere, there was no place where the Buddha's light was permeated. The calm and relaxed ‘Sanskrit’ is still appearing, as if it is everywhere, as if in the ear, as if at the fingertips.

"This is a kind of artistic conception! After the ancient Tian Mi was born, I don't know how many people wanted to imitate Tian Mi and create a method of artistic conception, even Master Xinghe, creating the power of Doomsday Galaxy, that divine method It has surpassed the power of some secrets of heaven." Longzun Xiao Jia said in a shocking tone.

"Does Buddhism and Taoism have artistic conception?" Xiao Zi'er asked with a dazed expression.

"Yes, the ‘One Sand One World’ which is capable of viewing the freedom is extremely powerful."

"Look, you can't grab those beast claws anymore, you can't even retreat—" The Eternal Goddess said with great joy.

That's right.

As if contaminated with cause and effect, King Kakuya secretly struggled, but even the beast claws transformed by Senluo's divine power couldn't dissipate, and he couldn't take back the power he used.


cause and effect.

Su Jin said these two words and four words in total, and everyone heard them, but everyone in the back saw his lips move slightly, but they seemed to have a silent epiphany.

That piece of Buddha's flower bead curtain like a waterfall, one after another, the words of Buddha swayed and fell out——

One word, one hundred words, one thousand words.

In the end, the densely packed Buddha characters seemed to have found a destination, floating outside Su Jinzhou, a terrifying and spectacular scene, which made people unable to breathe cold breath!

Those Buddha characters fully enveloped Su Jin's golden body of heaven and earth, forming a giant Buddha 100 meters high!

If it hadn’t been for the faint ups and downs of Buddha characters, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have thought that it was composed of Buddha characters. The five senses, compassion, good and evil, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Into one piece!

"Why is this Tiandao kid so strong!" King Jiaoqi's scalp was numb, and he was secretly taken a few steps back. He had the idea of ​​giving up.

Give up those powers, it’s better not to provoke this person——

Can't figure it out.

King Jiaoya is very puzzled. Su Jin's performance is just a monk of Heavenly Dao. He has been to many heavens. He has seen too many cultivators of Human Race. When did the monk of Heavenly Dao become so strong?

You know, the cultivator of the Heavenly Dao was carrying shoes in the back, and it was not worthy to comb the lush hair——

King Jiaoya didn't know, if Master Heiyuan and Master Xinghe knew, they would definitely cry in silence, they thought so too! Nine cultivators against the sky, they are not walking the same way!

The ups and downs of the giant Buddha with the word "Buddha" slowly raised its head, and the round Buddha traces seemed to reappear.


Without warning, King Hornya was shaken back by a hundred meters. The nine hundred and ninety-nine beast claws it displayed burst into pieces in a silent and breathless way. The Sera's original divine power it sacrificed was completely annihilated. Can't even recruit back!

So strong, so dazzling!

King Jiaoya was a little flustered. He hadn't tried Su Jin's true combat power. Now he felt that his divine method was pinched. With only the instinct to survive, he turned around and moved around, trying to escape from here——

Don't want to meet this kid again!

What is moving from this corner to the heavens, what is the "Mingwang Buchi", many things are based on the word "alive"!


How to run

The giant Buddha made up of different Buddha characters has raised its head, and the giant palm of the ups and downs of the Buddha characters is raised, as if fishing for a bright moon on the sky, stretched out his palm--

Shrunk? How can this Buddha's palm have the **** pupils that "shrunk the ground into an inch"! Jiao Yi Wang Dao Xin collapsed a bit. It ran too fast, but the entire giant palm seemed to be very slow, but he would always take a beat!


King Jiaoya lost his voice in horror, and even forgot that he might have the strength to kill Su Jin, but at this moment his Dao Heart was frightened and collapsed, he wanted to run, how could he remember--

The dragon kings of the Xiao family were trembling all over, looking at the growing Buddha's palm, it was difficult for everyone to develop a sense of resistance. King Kakuya was like this, and they were even more unbearable.

The palms composed of different Buddha characters, lightly half hold, and directly hold the beast body of the horned king...

Hold it in your hand!

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