My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2512: The storm will come!

The mighty Buddha light clears the field instantly, purifying the corpse Qi——

Twenty heavenly corpses screamed repeatedly. Amidst the strange screams, they were swept into the air and swept away directly. But the king of corpses finally paid attention to it. The power of the corpse was originally evil. It's almost the same.

Silver Armored Great Lord Kray, his eyes are going to be shocked at this moment!

No one would doubt it, because the "zhuan wheel" is very famous. When the "Living and Death Wheel Buddha King" created this Buddhist technique, the influence should not be too strong. Who would have thought that Su Jin would have it, and even It seems to have learned the essence.

In the overwhelming corpse air, there are faintly condensed evil images, but when the powerful Buddha illuminates the light, all kinds of strange sounds disappear, and it is difficult for every corpse to gather.

The Celestial Corpse King regressed steadily, and many corpse methods could not be performed smoothly——

Su Jinbaoxiang was solemn, with a golden body, and his closed palms suddenly began to be printed continuously, and every handprint was fast and very real.

The last slanted bottle appeared--

"Receive!" Su Jin yelled softly, as if drank thunder, scenes after scenes of corpse gas turned into tornadoes, absorbed by the treasure bottle.

"Don't force me!"

The Celestial Corpse King became annoyed, "The prophetic tomb of the heavenly tomb is present, although it is accurate, but it is deviated! Forget it, you and I will let the tomb of the heavenly tomb be born half a year earlier!

For some reason, Su Jin suddenly felt shocked.

But soon even Su Jin couldn't stop it. That day, the corpse king retreated to the top of the sky tomb. It seemed to be a tomb guard, and the twenty sky corpses suddenly walked in every position of their own!

In the darkness, wisps of starlight began to shed, and on the ground with black background and white stripes, began to follow the entrained starlight, and began to shimmer continuously——


A loud noise appeared, and a star-like blue beam of light burst out from the entire sky, illuminating the entire Five Elements universe, and this blue beam of light could even be seen from extremely remote places!

Su Jin's face changed wildly.

Originally, in the Five Elements Heaven, the location of this heavenly tomb happened to be a treasured place of Fengshui. He didn't know if there was such a thing as Fuxiqin, but the known "East Emperor Bell" definitely existed!

This Heavenly Corpse King actually directly drove the tomb Zhou Tianban, attracted the starlight, so that the location of the entire Heavenly Tomb was announced, so that the Heavenly Tomb could reappear in the world!

In the Five Elements universe, on every star, the monks are all looking up at the blue starry sky rushing into the depths of the starry sky, and many people are confused--

"What the **** happened there? How could it make people so uneasy?" When a strong man in Guishui Tianyu looked up, he muttered to himself in a daze.

"That is an unsealed sky forbidden, and it can also attract starlight. In all likelihood, it is the tomb of the five elements that reappears in the world!"

"Tian Tomb!"

"The Tomb of Heaven has appeared!"

"Such a big battle, is it good or bad for my Five Elements Cosmos? The many caves in the distance will not be allowed to fall beside the tomb, and no one wants to lose that kind of benefit—"

"Not good, not good."

At this moment, the tomb of the sky appeared, and the movement was beyond description. I am afraid that you can see it in the very distant horizon! Many Wuxingtian monks worry, and worry will attract many terrible powers.


Cave sky, gods are all planes.

Master Xinghe stood on the top of a mountain, with King Heiyuan standing honestly bowed behind him, looking at the endless blue starlight.

At the front of the mountain, there was a ripple, faintly that the phantom was condensed, and the voice was a bit shrill and unusual: "King Jiaoya has left, and he has gone to the tomb of the heavens. He has not completely reached the heavens. Brother Xinghe can Pay attention to—"

The ripple disappeared, Master Xinghe hunted in black robe, did not respond, looking at the disappearing figure in the ripple.

"My lord, when will you leave?" King Hei Yuan searched for his body again, and the fit was good at the moment, so he asked gently.

"The previous cunning Ye Emperor, I am afraid that he is already close to the water platform at this moment, and went to the Tian Tomb first, and fight again, I swear to kill him!" Master Xinghe clenched his fist, and his finger bones were pinched.

Now that God is in the plane, many people in private are saying that Yedi’s IQ suppressed Xinghe.

Afterwards, Master Xinghe also thought about it and felt embarrassed. After all, Su Jinzhen had cultivated the "Dead Man Sutra" to the seventh rank. Why bother to use Sun Luo Wanxiang to fight with his Doomsday Galaxy?

"Yes, that kid is definitely not Master Xinghe's opponent. Last time it was just..." King Heiyuan said as he saw the adult's face in profile, he knew his mouth was dumb.

"This trip is complicated. There are many cave planes around. I will never miss this opportunity. Yedi’s bluffing skills are definitely hard to work. You follow my instructions. After integrating the army, go to the Tomb of the Heavens. ——"

"Yes!" King Black Abyss suddenly became excited.



On the crown on the head of the dark priestess, the black dark priestess was slowly flapping her wings. Like the other two, she didn't look very good and knew what it meant.

"Look at the north!" Xiao Zier's voice was horrified.

The northern starry sky was trembling faintly, and a giant foot took a step as if it had crossed a galaxy. The giant foot was pure silver with dense animal hair on the lower legs, and it was not high enough to see the upper body!

Su Jin had seen this kind of sight on the corpse surrounded by the three-color nebula. That body shape was terrifying——

The strong come!

Su Jin's face was dignified, but he gritted his teeth very quickly, and his golden body continued to skyrocket, but that great power, seen from a distance, was so huge, it made people feel that it was difficult to resist.

"Heaven tomb treasures, those who have the ability will get it, mortal juniors, get out of the deity——"

The voice rumbling, there was a pause on the northern starry sky, a giant silver finger, as if it had passed through the sky, pressing from the other side of the starry sky, trying to kill Su Jin, the ‘ant’!

Wind blows!

The wind seems to be changing because of the appearance of this giant finger, Su Jin's golden body of heaven, turning into a golden light, directly avoiding this finger!


That giant finger pressed on the ground like a crystal, and it actually pressed cracks!

The two daughters of Great Lord Kray and Anji, directly retreated to a far position. The three of them were almost anxious to death. Su Jin could not resist this kind of series, that is to say, this battle of the sky tomb, Many people will not put him in the eyes!

The truth is so!

Su Jin's eyes were red, and that big silver finger twitched directly up, as if a tearing pain appeared behind him, this blow, his side back! There seems to be cracking!

So strong

"Huh?" There was a surprised voice from the great power of the stars in the north. According to reason, this blow should be able to beat the little guy into a powder.

However, it is clear that the giant Buddha beads that the "Turning Wheel Sutra" turned into just now resisted most of the power!

Su Jin's breathing started to be sluggish, even a bit heavy, staring at the giant finger, his figure flashed, and he recoiled, his voice resounded from all directions, and he roared fiercely:

"Give me... to die!"

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