My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2514: Too tough

Except for the sound of hunting and roaring clothes, the few people were very quiet. A powerful atmosphere of killing made people feel suffocating--

Xian Xuanyi's eyes were on Master Xinghe's face, her lips were lightly opened, and she slowly said, "That year, you asked someone to come to the door and ask your father to ask me for a count?"

Master Xinghe was stunned.

He turned his head fiercely and looked at Xianxuanyi——

There have been rumors that Xian Xuan Yi is the most determined Taoist and the most cold and unfeeling beautiful female nun among the ancient immortals. He has met her a few times and was quite heart-stricken. .

That year was once. Still Tianjiao, not great power——

"Naturally count." Master Xinghe nodded his head.

"it is good."

Xian Xuanyi raised her head slightly, her expressions of neither happiness nor anger were always the same, and then said, "My father is gone, and Gu Xian and you Xinghe will be one family in the future."

"Hahahaha!" Su Jin pressed his big hand directly on his face and laughed exaggeratedly. This kind of laughter made people angry. It seemed to be a ridicule, and it seemed to have some other meaning. In short, Master Xinghe was extremely uncomfortable.

"Ye Di, what are you laughing at? You try to laugh again!" Master Xinghe's murderous intent increased, and secretly clenched his fist and asked.

King Chan Wu was secretly depressed, no wonder Xian Xuanyi was so confident, and now he actually put himself in, marrying Master Xinghe, this time I am afraid it will be difficult!

Su Jin laughed twice, and then cleared his throat, and put his hands behind him like two to eighty thousand. His injury had recovered within just a short time.

"I said~~~ You take the initiative to climb high branches, want to find a backer and be smarter, how can you jump into the fire pit like this?" Su Jin was lazy to take care of Master Xianhe, but looked at Xianxuanyi.

Laugh, naturally laugh at her.

Laugh her foolishly.

"Huo Pit?" Xian Xuanyi looked at Su Jin indifferently, not understanding the meaning.

"Yes, patrons, why don't you find me—"

Su Jin spread his hands, and then lifted the bangs on his forehead, his tone could not conceal his strong self-confidence: "Being my maidservant is much more noble than being this guy's wife..."

On the suppressiveness of speaking IQ! As a result, Bige is soaring!



This kind of rhetoric, under the reflection of many Five Elements Heaven's mighty powers, was seen, heard, and directly admired by the Five Elements Heaven Realm's monks.

"Find an ant with the three steps of heaven as a backer?" Xian Xuanyi's eyes were cold, this person was so arrogant that she actually made her a handmaid, and the status of the handmaid is higher than Master Xinghe's wife!

Of course, it's just the fiancee now!

"Ye Di! The previous battle, we are not over yet! I really look forward to your dead man's power in Rank 7! Come on! Watch me kill you!"

Master Xinghe was extremely annoyed, as if he was holding the "Blood God's Scythe" with one hand, he would not keep his hand this time!

If this sentence hadn't been uttered from the large population of Xinghe, the monks of the Five Elements Tianyu, even Xianxuanyi and the King of Zen Wu would not believe it!

Have they fought before? And Ye Di left safely? Shouldn't it be crushed directly? what happened!

Xianxuanyi's willow brows frowned slightly--

As soon as this remark came out, one stone caused a thousand waves!

"How could Master Ye Di be Master Xinghe's opponent! But Master Xinghe shouldn't lie, isn't this aspiring to others and destroying one's prestige?" Nan Litian, the monk was stunned by the news that he was blown up. .

"It is rumored that Yedi was defeating Queen Black Abyss, and rushed to the plane of God that night and took away the Xiao Family Dragon Clan. This is probably what Master Xinghe said at the time—"

"It's too tough, Ye Di is a Jiu Dao Xiu, and he has walked onto another road. With the power of the Nine Dao, he can compete against Master Xinghe!"

"Ye Di!"

"Ye Di! Ye Di!"


The cultivators of the Five Elements Skyland were crazy, and finally kept shouting the words Yedi! Because Su Jin is the strong man who has witnessed and risen up!

The top of Nanli Shrine.

"This kid--" The beauty in the white shirt stared wide, and then slowly looked towards the Jalan Bodhisattva, Master Xinghe's words made both of them feel incredible.


Master Xinghe was angry like a wild horse, and he couldn't control it at first sight, but Su Jin was calm and relaxed, feeling that he had the upper hand in his momentum.

"Xinghe boy, how long will it take you to kill him?" King Chan Wu suddenly said, calling Master Xinghe.

"What does King Wu mean? He is a Nine Dao Xiu, a monk against the sky, I can't cut it off with one breath." Master Xinghe suppressed his anger, which shouldn't be the case in front of his fiancee. After all, this is a manifestation of Dao's instability.

"Nine Dao Xiu, I underestimated him. I didn't expect anyone in the world to be able to break through the Six Dao Emperors. It seems that the rumor that the Six Dao cannot become an emperor has been broken--"

King Chan Wu looked at Su Jin as he spoke, and then said to Master Xinghe: "I will join forces with you to directly kill this kid. This is not a plan of cooperation between the tombs, but just clearing away obstacles. What do you think? "

The cultivators of the Five Elements Heaven are all yelling: the word ‘despicable’——

Too shameless, such bullying words can be said, does King Chan Wu still have a face?

Sorry, someone wants it!

"I'm all alone!" Master Xinghe didn't look at King Chan Wu anymore, his body shook, and his profound cultivation was almost condensing the afterimage. He raised the'Blood God's sickle' in his hand and swept out a terrifying blood. Light, attack directly!

Su Jin swiped his feet and avoided it calmly. It was not that he didn't fight, but he was delaying time--

He has a plan!

This conspiracy is about whether he can survive here!

"Brother Xinghe, show your best doomsday galaxy, how can I fight with you again?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"Cunning! You use the'Dead Man's Sutra' to fight me!" Master Xinghe shouted, and immediately a burst of x blood was cut out!

Su Jin appeared in another position, then shrugged and said, "The dead are hard to practice. I have only changed my strength until now, otherwise I would use'Shen Luo Wanxiang' to fight you? You treat me as stupid. ——"

Master Xinghe almost vomited blood!

The power of a turn! Are you honest now? Really angry!

However, it was a bit weird at this time. Master Xinghe was frightened, and he thought a little bit more in his heart. If Su Jin said it was true, why did he expose the real state of the Dead Man’s practice?

"Not good! There will be great power again! If this continues, the light of the tomb of Chongxiao will not dissipate, I don't know how much trouble it will cause—" Lord Chan Wu was affected by his perception, and he faintly saw a shadow in the distant sky swimming. Shen.

After avoiding another ordinary slash, Su Jin knew that it was time for a wave of big things to come out!

Su Jin stretched his waist, raised the corners of his mouth, and asked Xian Xuanyi who was standing not far away:

"Tell me! Do you want to be a dead widow or a living widow?"

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