My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2528: Ghost King Travel

Ten miles besieged city.

The people in the tomb want to live!

Su Jin and the three walked into Juyin Lake again, and soon he stood in front of the tomb city of Shili, the two women stood side by side, surrounded by his left and right arms——

The whirring wind seemed to be violent, which made people feel a terrifying atmosphere.

The ice corpse, tears and blood, and the yin spirit of the young goddess corpse, gathered in the tomb city of Shili, for many years, regardless of the years, was transformed by the gathering formation, and this life lamp was always bright, incredible.

"Go in?" Guiying asked wildly.

In a short period of time, the dignified hunting **** didn't know his changes. Who did she obey in the past? I always do whatever I want, I did it first before talking, but now I ask the emperor—

"Don't go in anyway." Xian Xuanyi was a bit awkward. When he whispered, his eyes couldn't help aiming at the palm of his right waist. When Su Jin covered his waist, it didn't use it, but both of them had something in their hearts. Special experience.

"Go in and take a look." When Su Jin said, let go of the willow waists of the two of them, and took the lead with confidence.

Take the Yin Road and enter the Yin City.

For the eternal ghost king, it shouldn’t be too simple, you have to kneel for me if it is a demon!

After passing the moat, there is a blood river several meters wide around the city of Ten Mile Tomb. This should be the meaning of a moat, in which dark and viscous blood is constantly surging, and the rushing blood water, from time to time, sticks out green and white corpses. arm--

The Su Jin trio chose to ignore it.

It scares people, but this tomb city is a bit interesting. I don't know which ancient ‘king’ wanted to live, live comfortably, and want to dominate the other side after death.

After crossing the moat, in the passage in front of the city gate, a hundred statues of soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons stood neatly on each side——

The Great Hunting God is responding carefully. If it is in another place, she may not need to be so nervous, but this place is different. They are in the heavenly tomb. Every one of them carelessly is in danger of life.


The statues of two hundred soldiers, full of blue ripples, seemed to come alive, and they jumped directly down Xianxuanyi. The two hundred terrifying soldiers even put down their weapons and knelt down on their knees!

Who is kneeling?

Of course it is kneeling "Ghost King"!

Guiying Kuanglan and Xian Xuanyi's expressions are strange--

"Normal operation, don't be so surprised." Su Jin watched the door to the tomb city gradually open, and walked in with the two women casually.

Have a face!

Although the identities of the Great Hunting God and Xian Xuanyi can be treated like this at any time in their homes, the travel of the ghost king is completely different from their travel!

Because Su Jin gave them the identity of the two, now in the tomb of the sky, even the slight courtesy, make them feel a kind of special treatment sincerely——

Just entered the city gate.

The scenes were like scenes in the living world, moving one after another, the carriage galloping in the street, the maid holding the pot, the luan driving across the sky, and even in a pool, the water was shining, and there were lotus blooms.

"The ghost king travels, there is no place to entertain in the dead tomb. Only one shot of'Xing Jian' can be favored by the ghost king. I will give this to the ghost king——"

In the siege of Shili, a middle-aged man's voice appeared. The "Longevity Lamp" on the moat swayed more violently, while the other nine lamps were somewhere deep underground. The sound naturally changed from ten lamps. On the light.

Waking up for a short while in long sleep, if it were not for the presence of the ghost king, who would dare to disturb the lord of this tomb city!


The city is empty, the blood is soaring, and the ghost hisss in the blood! I saw a wild magic weapon appeared, the magic weapon was in the shape of a ‘torture frame’ with a sack-clothed withered bone tied to it, which was terrible.

"It's too dirty, I don't want this king, how about your eyesight? So ignorant?" Su Jin said lightly.

Although Xing Jian seems to be powerful, it is not as good as his dragon sword, and it makes people uncomfortable to watch, Su Jin don't want it!

Guiying raging:...


Both women are speechless, are they still picky? A stranger enters the tomb with yang energy, and has an unmeasurable loss to the yin-gathering formation. It doesn't matter if they don't take any trouble. In the face of gifts, Su Jin is still a little bit sensible!

Damn, Ye Di is terrible.

The big hunting **** is worried.

There was a brief silence, the torture disappeared into the city, and then a jade box appeared out of thin air——


The jade box opens, and the glazed glow overflows!

A dozen sets of exquisite and beautiful accessories are neatly embedded in that jade box, a dozen sets! The overall value is enough to resist the value of "Xing Jian"!

Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, a set!

And there are still a few pieces of **** clothes in the corner of the jade box, Su Jin concluded that this must be a two-person tomb city! It's a pity that these gods' clothes have been covered in dust until now——

But disrespectful!

Su Jin grabbed the jade box, stretched his finger, took two sets of accessories and **** clothes, and dropped them on the hands of the two women. Then he took the jade box.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The dark ‘Ghost King’s halo’ on Su Jin flashed, and his fingers condensed a dark red ‘Ghost King Curse’ in the void!

The entire tomb city was trembling, and ten long-lived lamps burst into flames!

"Master Xie Gui Wang!" The voice seemed a little excited and trembling.

Su Jin naturally knew that the owner of the tomb was extraordinary, and if he changed to an ordinary evil spirit, he might have collapsed long ago. There is no way of giving gifts. If the owner of the tomb really launches an attack, there will be serious trouble.

"I wish you an early return to the sun--" Su Jin was helpless. He really wanted the tomb owner to attack him. Then he could search for it. The key is that the tomb owner knows the current affairs!


Outside the Juyin Lake, the divine light is brilliant, and the entire circle of the lake is shattering!

"Niece Xuanyi! I notified the Taoist friend too, and came to rescue you with him! Where is the Ye Di child!" King Chan Wu said.

The Taishang Taoist went hunting and hunting, and appeared together with King Chan Wu. The chief deacon and the other four were still recovering from their injuries. He and King Chan Wu could solve the Fallen Emperor on this trip!

Xian Xuan Yi, who received Su Jin’s gift, didn’t even turn his head back.

With a man, if I look at it again, I am afraid that Su Jin will misunderstand him.

It can only be said to be too conservative, so conservative that it is unimaginable.

Su Jin joked and said, "This old man, I really like you..."

"He is not worthy." Xian Xuanyi shook his head slowly.

This is really unworthy. At first, Xianxuanyi chose Master Xinghe as her backer. Xinghe left her after suffering a big loss. After entering the tomb, Xianxuanyi didn't go with the Zen Wu king.

Even if I died just now, I didn’t want to go with King Chan Wu——

It's not that the Dongshi Temple is not strong enough, but that the age difference makes Xian Xuanyi unwilling to die.

Su Jingang wanted to speak again, but the owner of Shili Tomb City roared! The whole city is shaking!

"Yang Ren, get out of me--" The voice of the master of the tomb city resounded outside.

The Great Hunting God and Guiying Kuanglan are females, females are Yin, and the influence is not too great, and Su Jin, as the ghost king, brings only benefits to the tomb city here, no harm, especially the gift of a'Ghost King Curse' , This is simply a great gift!

But the King of Zen Wu and the Taoist are different.

When the two stepped into the Juyin Lake, following the roar of the owner of the tomb city, on the Juyin formation, the ‘Xing Jian’ shot soared, as if it turned into a Xingtai!

The sackcloth withered bones tied to the torture, two green flames ignited in the eye sockets of the skull!

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