My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2530: Who took the magic medicine secretly!

"What do you see?"

Guiying Kuanglan hurriedly asked.

She saw Su Jin's nerves tense, as if she had discovered something extraordinary!

Xianxuanyi stood up silently, Qingyu's temperament, as if it were in the dust.

Similarly, Xian Xuanyi also had a very curious look. Since she promised to be a woman, Su Jin's words are an order for her, not to mention her, even the female cultivators of the entire ancient immortal plane are the same--

The conservative thinking is terribly conservative.

Su Jin's face was solemn, no joking thoughts on his face, he calmed his emotions, and said: "To be honest, I didn't see it very clearly. There is a faint red desert, as if there is a distant ancient dragon still alive— —"

Is it an ancient dragon?

Alive? how is this possible!

After entering the tomb of the sky, apart from outsiders, the two women have seen all the ancient corpses in the dark ground. When Su Jin said this, they did not believe it!

"Really? Are you sure?" Daxie Shen's expression became nervous.

"I am too imaginary. I traced back the way the'Eastern Emperor Bell' flew out. The old dragon is on the ground. It is a hundred thousand feet long and has a heartbeat." Su Jin took a deep breath and looked at Shenyou. Too empty direction.

"Go--" The Great Hunter suddenly became interested, even a little excited.

Such heavy treasures as Donghuang Bell can fly out from there, and their current location is still outside the sky tomb, not at the center of the sky tomb, and the ancient dragon is very likely to be alive.

How can the noble ancient dragon lie down!

There is only one possibility, it is dying!

Without hesitation, Su Jinjue went to see the scene first. It was really impossible to retreat safely with the power of three people!

At least Guiying Kuanglan and Xian Xuanyi thought this way--

Su Jin slowly waved the void and grabbed a void portal. It was actually extremely risky to make such an action here, but he couldn't worry too much. He took the lead in flashing in, followed by the two women!

It’s one thing to feel like a wandering Tai Xu, you can see everything with your own eyes, so Su Jin just said that he was not sure!

The wind blows.

On the barren desert, the sand was blown up by a strong wind and rolled into deep space! The 100,000-meter-long dragon is like a terrifying mountain range, and the whole body is yellowish in color!

Su Jin and the three walked out of the void passage. Although they were far away when they saw this scene, they still felt a grand atmosphere——

The whole body of the old dragon has many broken scales, which are already irreversible damage. This dragon is too old, so old that it can’t even open the dragon’s eyes. It has only a weak heartbeat, and it still vaguely maintains the only remaining vitality. .

Xian Xuanyi's mind roared, his neck stiffened and looked at the big hunting god——

"I shouldn't have come." Guiying Kuanglan took a look, looked into the red desert, and frightened himself two steps away.

"Do you know where this is?" Su Jin clearly saw the problem.

"Although we are in the heavenly tomb, you should know that this is already within the scope of the Five Elements Heaven Realm. Looking at the head of the divine dragon in the depths of the desert, there is absolutely no way to enter—" Gui Ying Kuanglan looked hard.

"In ancient times, there were ten fierce places. The boundless river in the desert was known as the ‘Beidi fierce water’." As he said, Xian Xuanyi didn’t want to go in, and shook his head at Su Jin.

Beidi fierce water!

Su Jin's face was startled, as if he had heard the place name somewhere.

"Ancient Xian records: 猰貐, chiseling teeth, nine infants, gale, sealing horns, and repairing snakes are all harm to the people. The'gale' was strangled in Qingqiu Ze. The'snake repair' was broken in Dongting. And the'Jiuying' 'It is hidden in the'Bei Di fierce water'.

Behind the brown leather armor, the big hunting **** Guiying Kuanglan said and took off the hunting god's bow. She tried to calm down, but Dao Xin was trembling, and she didn't want to take risks at all.

Su Jin's heart is Ming and Qing-

The two women couldn't stop them, they saw him with a cautious expression, and swept toward the dragon head.

The old dragon didn't even have half a breath left, only the dragon's heart beating from time to time. This divine dragon has no chance of being alive anymore. Eventually, the dragon's heart will stop beating and be completely weathered here.

"I still plan to go in..." Su Jin said to the two women behind him.

"No kidding?" Guiying Kuanglan asked slowly.

"Of course not kidding."

"Entering the scope of'Bei Di Fierce Water', no matter how strong the Divine Body will be torn apart, how to continue?"

"I have a way to cross Tianchuan and enter Xuyuan. There should be no problem in it. If you two are worried, you can wait for me outside—" Su Jin was very confident in himself.

Xian Xuanyi swallowed softly, how many methods Su Jin had!

How can you even have that terrible technique? !

Soon, Su Jin looked to the south, and a lot of horrible fluctuations were permeating. This place was not destined to be a calm field. When the sky tomb appeared, he did not know how many terrifying powerhouses came.

"The two beauties will be very dangerous here, you have the heart to leave it~~" Guiying Kuanglan knew that if he could survive, the benefits would be great, so he immediately chose to follow.

Xian Xuanyi nodded, Su Jin swept the waists of the two of them, and said lightly: "Go, let's eat the first wave of crabs, others dare not say, Beidi's fierce water can't hold you and me--"

The figures of the three gradually disappeared in the faint red desert.

The wind became calmer and calmer, and there was a strange smell in the breeze.

On the red desert, there are still many huge stones standing, with man-made traces on them, marked with peculiar marks. On this day, the tomb has no age and was born before, otherwise so many **** tombs would not be moved.

The sand and dust dissipated as the wind calmed down, and a giant full moon appeared in the sky. A small part of the entire moon was buried under the horizon, covering the northern sky.

A ray of silver light appeared in the eyes, and the land began to become wet, and that was the location of ‘Bei Di Xiong Shui’!

Su Jin's eyes closed slightly, and a scene flashed through his mind as if it were fragments, but that scene was so fast that he couldn't catch it at all—

"The paw prints on the ground, I don't know how many eras existed. These powerful existences have long been extinct in the years." The Great Hunter looked at the wet stony ground and sighed.

"It smells." Xian Xuanyi said suddenly.

"Yeah." Su Jin looked at him a long time ago.

There are rare magical medicines on the shore of Beidi's bad water!

Gui Ying Kuanglan's eyes shined straight. Although she had expected it, she still didn't expect it to be so simple. At this moment, she sincerely admired Su Jinlai——

But soon, the two women were stunned!

Su Jin also stared down--

Where the fruity fragrance wafted, there was an ‘Iron Peach Tree’, no more than thirty feet tall, but the original fruit on it had disappeared!

This sacred tree definitely bears fruit! Otherwise, it is impossible for the fragrance of fruit to float out, and the three of them will smell it all the way!


What about the fruit?

Su Jin was annoyed, and the two girls came under the "Iron Peach Tree" and looked at the five fresh "Peach Cores" left on the ground. They looked at each other, and the faces of the three were speechless!

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