My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2553: A lotus

Fifty-two Nebula God's coffins were smashed into the desert, and the trembling earth seemed to be still in the age of the evil end of the world!

Everyone was shocked--

Shocked that the nebula coffins in these vertical deserts are all giving birth to glory~~

"Use your pupil technique to look at it quickly, and then feel it with your heart!" Haicangyue noticed the difference in Su Jin due to poems, but she did not appear cold to him, so she reminded him directly.

The scars on Su Jin's eyebrows were still unhealed. Haicangyue was the incarnation of the ‘Ice Bird of God’. She was stronger than her and could not help him recover. Now she heard the words, her eyes glowed with bright colors, and she looked over!

Fiery eyes!

Fifty-two vertical nebula coffins. The appearance of each coffin is the same, but the details are different. Su Jin felt an unbearable tingling when he looked at the places where the glorious light was emitted. ——

From the top to the bottom of the coffin lid, like a divine monument, it began to condense strands of patterns on the surface, and the words of Taoism appeared faintly...

Many weaker powerhouses wanted chance, endured uncomfortable, and their eyes were bleeding, but almost no one could see those Dao words!

On the first divine coffin, the pattern and Taoism were half of the glitz, but suddenly stopped--

Su Jin was horrified. I don't know why this happened. Those Dao characters were extremely jerky, like symbols, and couldn't understand them at all.


As if the soul was struggling, the first divine coffin made a sound, and then Hao Guang retreated. The entire divine coffin began to disintegrate, instantly turning into a piece of dust and being blown away by the wind.

The second divine coffin was worse than the first divine coffin. Only one-fifth of the divine pattern was manifested, and it was also broken into granules, falling into a cup of yellow sand!

The fifth divine coffin.


Twenty, forty, fifty!

fifty two!

Hai Cangyue's beautiful body trembled again and again. Although her face was seen by others in a hazy manner, the feeling of despair was still felt by others.

Suppressing the full of emotions, Hai Cangyue was a little confused.

"Has none of them survived?" Hai Cangyue looked confused, and seemed to be asking herself.

"What do you mean?" Su Jin's expression changed sharply.

"As you can see, if the existence in the just fifty-two divine coffins can live, will not return to dust, dirt will return to the earth, those Taoist characters and **** patterns, it is the people in the coffin who know that the divine body will collapse and the soul will be destroyed. I wanted to pass on the lifelong divine law to the world, but unfortunately, no divine law was passed down completely." Hai Cangyue murmured.

"Someone once buried themselves in a coffin, and after that nebula eye released the coffin, they managed to walk out alive?" Su Jin felt impossible even after thinking about it, and asked.

"Yes, and many, but that's all from endless years ago—"

"Where is the Nebula Eye?" Su Jin took a deep breath.

"Look at it for yourself..." Hai Cangyue finished speaking and raised her head to look at the fifty nebula.

"That's it?!" Su Jin looked up and just stayed on the spot--

When there is no God in the coffin, the fifty-two nebula eyes really look like a lotus, especially when the strong Shenxia is gushing, it feels really shocking.

"Yes, there is a lotus in the eternal blue sky, the biggest secret of the whole sky tomb, turning into a starry sky, Sumina mustard seeds, fifty-two divine coffins are attached to it. ', have endless life!" Haicangyue sighed.

"No, I mean there are more than..." Su Jin said, shutting up.

He wants to say more than a green lotus forever!

Haicangyue turned her head in shock and looked at Su Jin. She knew that Su Jin had pupil technique. Maybe this enchanting genius could see something that she couldn't even see.

Hearing this, Xie Tuozi's red bronze statue turned sideways slightly, and his murderous intent was fleeting. Su Jin's ‘big life technique’ was about to be seized, and this kid seemed to have discovered what secret?

Haicangyue was faintly frustrated. At this moment, she spoke to Su Jin and said, "It's true that I, Xie Tuozi, and the people who were hidden during this trip are all the people who buried Lianxin——"


Su Jin stared at Hai Cangyue...

Nothing surprised him more than this news.

"But Sister Cang, didn't you and Xie Tuozi just say that you want to get what you need?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked.

"Every time a divine coffin falls, more or less one or two people will survive. As long as people live, the divine coffin will not be broken. What I talk about with it is to take the divine coffin." Hai Cang Yue said.

"Uh..." Su Jin suddenly.

"What do you see, can you tell me? Just treat me as a favor, although I know it is hard to pay." Hai Cangyue sighed.

"What kind of favor is this? Sister Cang can give me a glimpse of the beautiful face, and I will tell you what I see, um, only tell you!" Su Jin felt that this is no different from sending information, and it is not at all hurtful.

Hai Cangyue was stunned, and with a finger lightly, two willow-like marks floated in front of Su Jin——

Su Jin didn't feel that Hai Cangyue harmed his heart. If he wanted to harm him, it would be a good opportunity to just point his eyebrows.

Immediately, Su Jin hooked the two strands of willow leaf imprints with his fingers, and then discovered that this was a manifestation of divine power, and it felt a cool feeling in the eyes...


Haicangyue was a little colder and arrogant than imagined. This kind of cold arrogance was not only brought to him by his temperament, but even his appearance was holy and cold.

Seeing, it really looks like a twenty-four-five year old, my eyes are icy--

Su Jin thought to himself, what would be used to describe Haicangyue?

ruthless? Cold blood? arrogant? These three times are not comprehensive! The key to that cold and arrogant temperament, there is a trace of ‘well-quality blue heart’.

Well, high above!

Being high above is more suitable for her, as if she should be born to ignore the common people, but this kind of "high above" makes Su Jin not disgusted. Of course, this may be the reason why Hai Cangyue treated him exceptionally.

Su Jin Jiujiu's calm Taoist heart shook violently in front of the holy snowy Hai Cangyue. For a long time no one could make him so nervous!

"Tell Sister Cang it is--"

Su Jin said in a voice transmission: "I can see the whole picture of a green lotus forever! I can see the nebula leaves, nebula branches, and even the fifty-two eye ‘Lotus’."

"Is there only these?" Hai Cangyue was inevitably disappointed in her heart. These were not important, and Su Jin knew that without saying it.

"Do not--"

Su Jin spoke decisively: "The starry sky did not know who planted the Nebula Qinglian, and that Qinglian is the right eye of a huge stone man~~"

The starry sky, a lotus everlasting!

Rooted in the right eye of that huge stone corpse!

In the distant starry sky, Su Jin saw the faint sight of the nebula. The corpse of the stone man alone was half the size of the southern sky and remained intact!

how is this possible……

Hearing this, Hai Cangyue had opened her glamorous eyes wide, and she didn't believe it!

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