My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2558: There is wine!

A technique to repel eighty enemies--

The yin and yang are broken, the sky is cracked, and the emperor of the night is cheating! !

Haicangyue, Xie Fa Tuo, and even Xian Xuanyi thought that Su Jin was in a dangerous state just now. Who would have thought that Su Jin was so terrifying!

The outside world simply burst into flames.

At Nanli Shrine, the three fairies and Princess Jincheng looked extremely excited. Xia Yuyan was wearing a white gauze, with small delicate pink blue flowers embroidered on her clothes. At this time, she saw Su Jin's appearance, Yuyan The wife was obviously relieved.

"The son is really smart--" Fairy Xiaoxiang felt desperate for a while.

The two sisters also nodded, and the little fairy Xiaoxiang had already said what they wanted to say.

Princess Jincheng smiled a little more on her face, and agreed: "After all, no one wants to touch the'Dead Man's Sutra'. This magical technique can slaughter the door, and it just happens that most people stop it, otherwise this yin and yang picture cannot be shredded. ."


As the person involved, Su Jin did not know the sensational effect created at this moment. His divine power was in short supply, and now he resolved the first blow, but he could not escape the second blow.

The six arms that condensed gradually faded and disappeared.

Su Jin turned the golden body of the Heavenly Dao King Buddha into normal. Although his face was calm, he can barely maintain his golden body now.

The Taishang Daoist has blue eyes and the fateful mood is overflowing around him. He can no longer wait. Killing the emperor is the most important thing, and the evil spirit has a weird temper. If he is not satisfied, he is estimated to be unable to escape!

Su Jin knows the secret of heaven well.

When the ‘Fate Secret’ had spread, he naturally felt it, but unfortunately his divine power is now exhausted, and none of the three Secrets he possesses can be used.

"Hey, you--" The Taoist Taoist didn't finish his words, and his fierce smile gradually turned into an iron color, and he couldn't laugh anymore!

The luxury top 100 lineup, everyone is still at the moment!

Do not!

It's not completely prohibited--

Only the eyes can turn around! Including the Taoist!

What's happening here? !

Su Jin looked back suspiciously, and found that Hai Cangyue was shocked and suspicious, and even the evil Fa Tuo was taken a step back!


There was a faint green scale giant beast rising and falling, but after one or two breaths of the green scale giant beast, it turned into a blue shirt man, his expressionless expression fluctuating.

The scene behind the man in the green shirt directly stunned Su Jin on the spot. He saw Hua Shengfu carrying a black guqin and putting his hands on his right shoulder. There was a clue on it. She was dragging an ancient coffin!

With his long hair loose, without any tying, the man in the blue shirt walked indifferently, even passing between the still "King of Zen Wu" and the Taoist priests, and he didn't even take a look at them!

One technique, fixes the power of a hundred planes, and even the Tao God is ‘fixed’!

The monk of Nan Litian feels like he is going crazy now——

"Who is this majesty?" Thousands of miles away from the shrine, in a super giant city, the monks gathered in the dark and gathered together, and many people have a question mark in their minds!

"It's so strong, that evil spirit is strong enough, but after this person appeared, he took a step back!"

"Watching the battle almost came out of illness, my little heart, this great power comes from a geometric background, look at the appearance, I don't see the Taoist **** in my eyes at all!"

"You said, why did he help Yedi? And the female cultivator with a black guqin on her back, seems to be the power of the'Mission Star Palace'!"

"Mission Star Palace? Huh?"


With the appearance of the man in the green shirt, it is almost, a wave of waves aroused!

The man had a ruthless face. Hua Shengfu was left far behind by him. The ancient coffin seemed heavy, but Hua Shengfu didn't seem to feel bitter. When she was in the water, she fell asleep at the time, and she understood everything when she woke up. ——

The green shirt man walked to Su Jin...

The Supreme Taoist cried out that he was not good, he was sane, and his eyesight was excellent, but he seemed to be imprisoned by his divine power, and he couldn't push even an inch. This kind of power is incredible!

Just now because of the blessing of the Supreme Taoist King Chan Wu, his hands were lifted, his body was slightly bowed, and his posture made people want to laugh, but there was no way, he couldn't move!

"You--" Su Jin looked at this person squarely, always feeling a little very mysterious emotion floating in his mind.

The man in the green shirt stared at Su Jin without saying a word, but directly stretched out the index finger of his right hand and pointed it on the center of his brow...

Haicang Yue felt a little in her heart.

Is he going to strip off Su Jin's big life technique?

Do not! Not!

On the index finger of the man in the green shirt, wisps of death entangling his knuckles!

Haicangyue was unimaginable. She had just thought about several situations, but she never expected that this person was actually helping Su Jin to heal the wound of Tian's Secret!

It is impossible to cure.

Haicangyue tried it before, and she couldn't heal a loss. The Fate Heaven Secret cut Su Jin's dead end, unless Su Jin himself was enough against the sky-

Guiying Kuanglan and Xianxuanyi are very worried, there are still many good people in the world! However, what happened to the wounds who started to heal without saying a word?

The atmosphere fell into weirdness.

The surroundings are terribly quiet.

There was almost no wind, but the drifting rain was very anxious. Hua Shengfu’s clothes were wet, and she had no spare energy to force the rain away. The ancient coffin was really heavy--

With her wet long hair and constant rain, she kept repeating those two lines of poems in her mind.

First acquaintance with Qing is like returning home.

In the morning and evening, I hide lovesickness.

Struggling to drag the coffin, the man in the green shirt gushes out wisps of cyan light...


Su Jin actually started to tremble in his heart, the trembling was definitely not because of fear or other emotions! He had a vague guess, and immediately transmitted a voice message to Guiying Kuanglan and Xian Xuanyi: "What color is the Buddha light?"

Guiying Kuanglan almost didn't react, but he responded quickly: "Golden and cyan!"

Cyan Buddha light!

They are generally golden, and cyan is also rare, and Su Jin actually breeds a sadness in his heart——

Where does the sadness come from? It's the feeling of my heart, it's not clear, or it's because of that Hua Shengfu who is dragging the coffin with the hardship on his back!

The girl's expression was a bit desperate and pitiful, but when she raised her head to look at Su Jin, she had a substantive killing intent, she didn't hide it at all!

Why is she so hostile to herself?

Su Jin felt the origin of the murderous intent, and the fingers of the man in the green shirt had already begun to slowly move down between his eyebrows~~~

I have never heard of anyone recovering from the ‘injury’ caused by the Fate and Secret, but at this moment, Hai Cangyue showed a ‘ghost’ gaze! The fingers that slowly moved down gradually smoothed the cracks--

"There is wine." The green shirt man put his fingers away, and the first sentence was unexpected.


No shortage!

On Su Li's head, the wound of Tian Secret recovered as before, without leaving any scars, and he instinctively tried to open the "Maha Prison Eye"——

can! I can open it, but after seeing the man in the blue shirt in front of him by the prison eye of Maha Town, Su Jin understood everything--

Su Jin's eyes were red, and the man in the green shirt sat face to face on the deserted clock. In those eyes, the tears of the tiger shone!

The ‘Secret of the Sky’ is completely healed! He was completely wiped out and healed, and Hai Cangyue saw it with his own eyes. At that moment, it was like a heavy blow!

How, maybe...

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