My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2562: Nebula Lotus Eye

‘Mandarin Duck Coffin’!

Su Jin stunned, there is such an operation?

Official Shu Su said bluntly, I have never seen it!

Perhaps it feels too abrupt, and Hai Cangyue's head is buried lower and lower. After all, the method she said is prone to misunderstanding and unpleasant.

Of course, Haicangyue wanted to explain the benefits of "Mandarin Duck Coffin", because males are yang, females are yin, and yin and yang are reconciled. There are great opportunities for coexistence, but it is extremely difficult to find the right one...

For example, there was no mandarin duck coffin in the 52 mouths before.

Su Jin didn’t respond, nor could he respond. He always felt that Haicangyue knew something, but he didn’t explain it to him. Nowadays, a lotus in the eternal blue sky is rooted in the right eye of the weird ancient stone man, that size is terrifying. The ancient stone man is indeed extremely dangerous, but he has incomparably discovered value, and he may not be able to survive the crisis!

At the bottom, the heart-wrenching scene was seen. Hua Chefu had a black guqin on his back and an ancient coffin on his shoulders. The ancient coffin was made of stone and very heavy. There are faint patterns on the edge of the coffin that make people feel mysterious, and the secret light is flowing— —

"This sarcophagus has forgotten how many years it has been under the'Beidi Bad Water', and this is the ancient coffin she saw when she stopped in front of the deep stream... Besides, I was a little puzzled." Xian Xuanyi said calmly. .

"What are you wondering?" The big hunting **** asked the hunting bow that was exposed on his shoulders.

"That young bone is obviously already ossified and turned into ashes. Why does she drag the coffin away?"

"It's very simple. The ancient coffin should have been left for the Lord Ye Difu-"


Xian Xuanyi didn't understand at all, that Hua Zhufu failed to kill Yedifujun, now that the bones are destroyed, but the coffin is still for Yedifujun?

"Just now, can you see the color of the exposed arm bones of Lord Ye Difu?"

Of course I noticed!



Xian Xuanyi suddenly realized that the Qing Bone definitely had a lot to do with Ye Di Fujun before, and later Hua Jiafu seemed to be by their side by default, and did not make a fuss.

high altitude.

The quirky little girl of Dongling, riding the old gourd backwards, the gourd mouth sprayed a splendid glow, and directly led him into the nebula, while Su Jin and Haicangyue were the second to reach the edge of the nebula. ! Moving forward, there are many Qinglian Nebula eyes.

Su Jin hesitated for three, finally broke the silence, and said to Hai Cangyue: "Sister Cang, can you promise me to be the last person to enter the coffin?"

Haicangyue's heart warmed, thinking for a few seconds, and nodding: "Okay—"

"The closer you are to the center of this lotus, the better the effect of Nebula lotus eyes. Sister Cang, go and stand up first. If what you say comes true, then do it your way." Su Jin said slowly.

Only then did he formally respond to this question. Su Jin was afraid of Cang Haiyue’s misunderstanding. After all, she was the last one to enter the eyes of Nebula Lotus. Sister Cang might think she needs her help——

In fact, Su Jin knew very well that when he entered the coffin and settled down, it would really remain dark, and the chances were slim. He hadn't seen anyone live a life through the Nebula Lotus, so he didn't believe it, and the divine coffins that fell from the previous fifty-two mouths, including the people with the corpse, were all destroyed, and there was not a single life. Therefore, he wants to save Haicangyue!

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Haicangyue asked in a low voice. Su Jin was silent just now and chose to avoid the problem of Mandarin Duck Coffin, but now he took the initiative to respond, which is a bit strange.


After Su Jin laughed, the voice transmission said: "Don't say the mandarin duck coffin, even if it is the same coffin! It is my great blessing to be able to sleep with a super beautiful woman like Sister Cang..."


"Don't think about it, you can just treat us as if we are cooperating at that time--" Haicangyue was a little anxious. She heard other meanings from Su Jin's words, plus she was embarrassed at first, so she quickly found a'serious' reason.

It's to tease the girl, how to tease!

Su Jin casually said: "Hmm, work together!"

Strange to say--

After rejecting the Queen of Heavenly Corpse, it was not happy or angry. It disappeared holding the Fuxi Qin, and the Sujin Qin has not been determined whether it is true or false. After all, is the famous "Fuxi Qin" so easy to touch?

With fifty-two Nebula lotus eyes, twenty-three divine coffins have fallen into it. The divine coffin that Xie Fa Tuo took out was a crimson wooden coffin. Apart from being twice the size of a normal coffin, Su Jin even felt like it The kind of red-painted coffin from my hometown.

"The evil method really doesn't give up--" Hai Cangyue quietly spoke to Su Jin.

"If it has to strip the'big life technique' from me, I will find the opportunity at the right time, sell a flaw, and send him back to his hometown directly at that time!" Su Jin's eyes were cold, and after talking to Hai Cangyue, he stopped. Look at that evil law.

Haicangyue felt that Su Jin was really confident. It might not be easy to say below, but here, it is really possible to find opportunities.

"Do you want to go to that ancient stone man?" Haicangyue asked.

"Not bad."

"If you didn't tell me this secret, I'm afraid I would still be in the dark. This thick nebula can shield the soul, and it will affect the field of vision, and your amazing pupil technique can see through..."

"Sister Cang, wait here first. I'll go down to see the situation. Don't worry about the things that occupy Nebula's eyes. Remember to remember--" Su Jin's whole body was submerged in the nebula.

The heavy ancient coffin caused Hua Fu Sheng to walk halfway.

Many people no longer pay attention to this poor woman, but there is only one exception!

Yan Huayun.

Yan Huayun was defeated by Su Jin before, and after desperately running away, King Chan Wu and others responded together, allowing him to get away. Because there was no pursuit, he didn’t escape far. Nebula’s visible corpse king and many others The scene of the **** treasure, also seen by him, it is impossible for him to give up easily...

"Ye Di! You hurt my Dao body seriously, this hatred needs your woman to pay it back! What's "Misty Star Palace", what little star sky! And the heavenly arbitration house that sits and doesn't care about me! After I recover, all will be crushed Destroy!" Yan Huayun couldn't hide his anger, his eyes fixed on Hua Shengfu~~

Hua Shengfu, with a beautiful body wrapped in red gauze and a black guqin on his back, never thought that he would be remembered by Yan Huayun...

Intact Yuanyin divine power——

Ancient immortal body with delicate skin and tender flesh.

The more Yan Huayun watched, the more his heart moved. At first, his goal was Xianxuanyi.'Ancient fairy body' is also very good for him, but because of the great hunting gods and ghosts, the power of the two women, with his current Judging from the situation, it is almost impossible to succeed.

A female cultivator of Yuanyin can condense his Yuanyang and speed up his recovery from his injuries. At that time, with the original strength of his Arcturus, refining Du Tianyu's fierce wolf constellation is only a half-pillar of incense.

The most important thing is that this Hua Sheng Fu Dao heart is unstable, and there is a faint death breath that breeds all over her body. This female Dao heart is dead, and Yan Huayun feels 90% hope to swallow it.

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