My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2566: Plunder the vitality and grow the nine realms!

Although Xiao Dongling is greedy for money--

But he didn't have the slightest maliciousness towards Su Jin. Instead, he often called him Ye Di's brother that he was able to cross the ‘Nebula Barrier’ and this girl was also indispensable. He couldn’t let the little girl have trouble.

Su Jin immediately raised his arms, and more than nine thousand phantoms suddenly appeared around him, and there were white fairy patterns condensed under his feet, and then faint white wings were unfolding behind him...

Big Ascension!

As Su Jin's cultivation base grew, this magical technique became more and more terrifying. In almost an instant, the glow of the gods was bright, and the whole person disappeared directly, only a little bit of brilliance fell!

The whole earth turned into stone man, surrounded by a lonely dark deep sky, Su Jin appeared at the edge of the stone man's left eye!


Only this word can describe it. Looking at it from high above, this eye hole alone is like a lake. Now looking at the edge, at least it has reached the scope of a small sea area!

Hu Hu Hu-

The wind was blowing, as if faintly blowing out of the eye hole. Although Xiao Dongling was very fast, he did not have Su Jinkuai who had used the'Great Ascension Technique'!

Su Jin looked at the left eye cave and watched it cautiously. It was dark and bottomless. He could only look at the depths of a thousand meters with the "Mahe Town Prison Eye", as if an inexplicable force was preventing him from visiting. .

Moreover, the rock cliffs on the edge of the eye cave are not like anywhere else. They are all full of vitality. Most of them are plants, of which the most succulents.

The kind of ‘succulent’ is light purple, but the big one is no more than a basin, with purple crystal clear stamens in the middle, mucus and small gray hairs on the stamens——


Su Jin's face flushed, and just on the edge, he felt the powerful vitality that he could not feel anywhere! Even the "big life technique" in his body is active!

No wonder, it's no wonder that the right eye cave can breed eternal blue sky lotus, and even the vitality is so strong that the person who falls in the coffin has the ability to reverse the yin and yang——

Xiao Dongling was confused, riding the old gourd backwards, long overdue~~

"Brother Ye Di, mine is mine, don't grab it with me..." Xiao Dongling's eyes suddenly became wary. When she saw Su Jin standing on the edge of the stone man's eye cave, she was more nervous than anyone else. .

"I won't fight with you, but you can't go down..." Su Jin shook his head.

He has been thinking about a problem.

There is a lotus with eternal blue sky in the right eye cave, and the left eye cave is also full of strong vitality, why the plants here are no more than half a meter tall and not bigger than a washbasin?

There is only one possibility, and that possibility more and more confirms Su Jin's thoughts, and the sojourner lives in it!

"How can you take it if you can't go down?" Xiao Dongling spread out her small hands, her eyes rolled, her legs moved fiercely, and the old gourd riding on immediately spewed a gorgeous glow, directly past Su Jin!

Su Jin stretched out his hand and turned into a giant arm, directly trying to catch the old gourd, but he failed!

Su Jin stood alone in front of the eye cave cliff with his hand held down. Su Jin had no idea for a while, but he was very relieved. Xiao Dongling is a person with a big chance, and there may be nothing wrong with it!

Su Jin frowned slightly, and the wind in the eye cavity sent out patches of undulating purple mist, the mist filled with patches of lavender fleshy. Seeing this, he suddenly became worried, what will Xiao Dongling do underneath——


In the distance, the vast yin-yang fish road slowly ran over the nebula barrier. The entire barrier was trembling, but it could not shake the stone ancestor corpse!

Su Jin turned his head abruptly, watching a hundred powerful blessings of ‘Tao Shang Taoist’ driving yin and yang, the nebula barrier had a faint tendency to shatter--

"This old dog!" Su Jin immediately sat down.

His strength has not been fully restored before, and only 70% of the work is far inferior to this sage and a group of people. Here, he has truly become a lone army, no one will help him!

After Su Jin sat down, his robe swelled, his pores began to relax, the vitality of the sky turned into green, and he was condensed in the surroundings, and the big life technique was constantly swallowed through the pores——


Su Jinmo's hair is flying, as if every hair is fluttering. With this vitality, his whole person's strength is quickly recovering!

The fifth breath recovered to 80%!

The tenth breath has recovered to 90%!

Creak creak--

When Su Jin was recovering his peak strength, he sat cross-legged, his right arm bone, with this opportunity, originally the blue bone only stopped at the forearm, but now, the green Buddha power is actually direct Turn the entire right arm into a Buddha bone!

The cyan and golden Buddha light suddenly released, Su Jin couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, the Buddha-colored clouds and waves all around him directly covered all directions!


One after another aura rose from sitting down!

A full nine halos appeared, and the last ‘Sen Luo Dao’ turned into a nine-gong Dao map, directly pressing the other eight together, and vitality was rushing all around!

With a burst of noise, the Taoist Taishang and others drove the ‘yin and yang picture’ and crashed down on the corpse of the stone man ancestors. With more than a hundred people working together, the power was terrible. Just a try, they broke the nebula barrier——

"He who possesses the great life technique, is plundering his vitality! All fellow Taoists are doing their best to bless me. This is the last chance, and I must not let him break through!" The Taoist is too anxious, and even anxious is written on his face!

This is not a joke!

If you wait for Su Jin to break through other avenues, then you will be in trouble, and you have to say that the eyes of the Taoist are very vicious, and Su Jin's plan is directly approved!

The cloud of Buddha followed the surface of the stone man, spreading continuously, merging with blue and yellow, bright and dazzling, and the nine palace roads around Su Jin contained nine colors, and no one saw it.

At the same time, there are people who are more anxious than King Chan Wu and others!

On the Eternal Qingtian lotus, the ‘xiefatuo’ who has been lingering in the coffin directly used that weird yin yin eye socket to stare at the area where Su Jin was located. It barely hesitated and stepped directly away from the copper color!

"Evil Fa Tuo! What do you want to do!" Haicang Yuejiao shouted.

"Go away, don't stop me—"

Xie Fa Tuo seemed to have made up his mind, and then said: "Eternal Qingtianlian, connected with the stone man, he used the'big life technique' to plunder the vitality. It is even more impossible to work hard."

Its voice is not small.

The power of falling into the coffin is shaking in every divine coffin, but it is difficult to come out. The divine coffin has begun to flourish when the coffin is placed. When the coffin suddenly emerges, the soul and bones will be annihilated!

In the eyes of fifty-two lotus, thirty-six divine coffins have been lost so far! In the distance, a vision of the rising of a fisherman's song appeared, and a green hill and the surface of the water were faintly manifested, and on the green hill, there was a fisherman with a hat on his head and no face in sight!

This person directly turned into a black light, abandoned the divine coffin, and went straight to the left eye cave——

Xie Fa Tuo took a step, the bronze statue unfolded, and this step reached the sky above the left eye cave!

When that foot stepped on Su Jin, it was no less than a mountain!

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