My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 257: Arrange for Zhai Yao to join


Looks like my wife found out...

Seeing his wife staring into his eyes in a daze, Su Jin felt like he was lying down with a gun. He touched his nose pretendingly and asked with a smile, "Are you jealous?"



"Did you say it."

"Then why are you asking?"

After Su Jin asked, Xia Yuyan:...

Seeing Xia Yuyan not speaking, Su Jin smiled and said, "I want to say that this is the second meeting with her. You definitely don't believe it, and I can't help it. So it's better not to explain."

"Really?" Xia Yuyan felt that Su Jin didn't look like a lie, and couldn't help but hesitate to ask.

"She used to be a killer, right around you and me, and shot me too. But... Maybe because I'm so handsome, she is a little blind worshiper, so she decided to put down the butcher knife and chase me on the spot, but you wife Don't worry, I still like you very much." Su Jinniu touched the bangs on his forehead. Seeing that she didn't believe it, he faintly told most of the truth.

Xia Yuyan blushed slightly, and she was shocked when she heard Su Jin's explanation, and asked: "How could she be a killer, she doesn't look like it!"

"I don't think you look like an eight-woman, but now it proves that you are really long-winded." Su Jin hugged the clothes after speaking, and walked directly into the bathroom without talking to Xia Yuyan.

"What kind of friends does this guy make!" Xia Yuyan felt a little self-confident and boring, so she pulled over the thin blanket and lay down and closed her eyes.

Su Jin secretly rejoiced that if his wife had trouble with him about this, he really couldn't explain it. Such things would always get darker and darker, because the other party was beautiful and had a late night tryst... so he felt He responded wisely. As for Jiang Wei, who remembers eating or not, he will show him a good look tomorrow.

After washing, Su Jin put a bath towel on his shoulders, wiped it, and soon lay down on the bed, and hugged Xia Yuyan familiarly in the dark. He found that he was very used to sleeping like this now, otherwise he would always feel a little Not quite right.

In the darkness... Xia Yuyan's eyelashes moved, and she pretended not to know. Anyway, he only hugged her waist.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight poured into the window.

After Su Jin opened his eyes, Xia Yuyan by his side had disappeared. This girl was also working hard for her career. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost eight o'clock. He could not help but stand up. Xia Yunxi should not be there anymore, right? , He was thinking.

In order to prevent Zhai Yao from waiting, Su Jin walked out the door after washing quickly.

Group entrance.

Zhai Yao looks very dazzling in black clothes. Although she doesn't like to dress up, she doesn't match clothes like other girls, but now she looks really good, especially black clothes can set off her handsome The face, coupled with the liberation of Fengman in front of him, is indeed a bit of a scale. Not only did Su Jin secretly praised after watching it, but even many male employees of the Xia Group cast admiring eyes.

Su Jin walked in front of her and said: "Wait for a while."

"I just came." Zhai Yao shook his head.

"That's good, since you study planning, I will put you in the marketing planning department, I remember there is in the group." Su Jin said.

"Each group has a planning department." Zhai Yao said with a smile.

"Well, come with me." Su Jin walked into the door with Zhai Yao.

If it weren't for Su Jin, Zhai Yao wouldn't be able to enter, and the employee ID must be checked at the door to be allowed to enter.

It is the first time for Su Jin to come to the marketing department, which is located on the eighth floor of the Group.

"President Su." Although they just started work, many people started their work in a hurry, and some people kept saying hello to Su Jin. In the Xia Group, if you don’t work hard, it means you will be eliminated. In this top group In, no one thought about being lazy!

"How is the environment?" Su Jin asked with a smile looking at Zhai Yao.

"Very good." Zhai Yao nodded.

"You wait, I will help you find a supervisor."

After Su Jin finished speaking, he walked to a staff member who was working and asked, "Is your supervisor here?"

"Hello, Mr. Su." The employee said with awe in his eyes: "Director Liu is always one of the first few people who arrive first. He is in the office over there."

"Okay, thank you." Su Jin turned his head, looked at Zhai Yao and said, "Here..."

Then, Su Jin took Zhai Yao to the office of the business executive and knocked on the door.

"Please come in." said a man inside.

Su Jin opened the door and walked in.

"President Su." The man should be doing audit work. He raised his head and glanced at Su Jin. After a little stunned, he quickly got up.

"Are you Director Liu?" Su Jin asked.

"It's fine for Mr. Su to call me Liu Wang," the man said.

"Arrange someone on your side." Su Jin said with a smile.

He feels that this person in charge called Liu Wang is very good, at least hard working. It seems that there are many capable people in the Xia Group, and it is no wonder that the group has developed into the first consortium in Qincheng! He recognized this in his heart.

"No problem." The man nodded and said, "Excuse me, what major do you study?"

Zhai Yao then introduced himself and said: "My name is Zhai Yao, design and planning."

"Very well, recently there has been a shortage of such talents. President Su, it's okay." Liu Wang said.

Su Jin didn’t hear that he was very flattering. He also admired this kind of person. He had to ask his profession when he walked through the back door, because the group’s rule was not to raise idlers, even though he had spent some time in the security department as an idler. , Others call him President Su, and in many cases, it is better to call him on the face of his wife and Lao Zhangren.

"Well, you are very capable, then Zhai Yao will be assigned to work under you." Su Jin said.

Liu Wang nodded.

Su Jin smiled, "Then I won't disturb you."

"President Su is polite, do you want to sit down and have a cup of tea?" Liu Wang asked.

"No." Su Jin then brought Zhai Yao out again.

Zhai Yao chuckled and said, "People call you President Su. Will I call you like that in the future?"

"I'm not a boss, they just called it on the face of my wife. By the way, if I trouble Jiang Wei, will it affect you?" Su Jin said.

"No." Zhai Yao shook his head, "I am no longer a killer, and besides you and my master, no one in Qin Cheng knows who I am."

Su Jin understood in an instant. The reason was that Zhai Yao used to wear a mask no matter what she did. This concealed her original face, so now she is showing her true face, and no one really knows.

"That's good, you have now become a member here, Liu Wang should arrange your work later, you can wait." Su Jin said.

"Thank you." Zhai Yao said with a hum.

"If you want to thank me, please invite me to dinner when you have time." Su Jin wanted to leave, but after only two steps, he turned his head and smiled: "By the way, if you have any trouble, you can find me."

"Good." Zhai Yao nodded in response.

Su Jin felt that this question was rather redundant. With Zhai Yao's skill, who would dare to provoke him? I am afraid that three or five brawny men attacked her together, none of them were her opponents, and she was worried for nothing.

As soon as Zhai Yao's affairs were over, Su Jin walked out of the group, but his eyes were cold.

Since Jiang Wei is like this, don't blame him for being cruel, and dare to hide himself behind his back, then he must bear the consequences!

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