My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2570: No one can run away!

Propped up——

As the radiant light of the Buddha in the sky condenses seven characters, behind him, the jewel-shaped wheel radiates the Buddha Dharma in the sky, and the strands of scripture swim in an irregular path, continuously surrounding Su Jin's body!


In the treasure wheel behind, Haicangyue turned into the spirit of the icy bird, and stood up directly, spreading its wings, and the icy blue light shining in all directions, making people unable to open their eyes!

Sen Luo Dao supernatural power!

The south side was empty, shaking violently, and the terrifying characters of'five' seemed to be smashed into the deep sky!

Using the two avenues in one body, Su Jin's current strength makes it difficult for people to give birth to a heart of contempt. The blue ink streamlined supernatural power is extremely shocking, and the void is collapsing everywhere, attracting supernatural power from the other side of the Senluo plane——

Xie Fa Tuo's face was ugly, and he made up his mind. In any case, he can't let Su Jin get out of here today, otherwise the eternal sunny lotus will be damaged, and only waiting for it to die quietly!

Su Jin's great life technique, it is bound to win!

"I'll test how strong you are!" Xie Fa Tuo stepped forward again, almost ignoring the dazzling Buddha's light, raised the copper right arm, traces of evil runes on the arm like a red snake, soaring to the sky Rise.

The evil Fa Tuo has been killed!

Su Jin is not afraid--

Now he is rightly strong!

The eight arms of the Tong Buddha swung lightly, as if it fits the ‘circle’ of the Dao, plus the strongest King-Buddha Dao and the blessing of the Buddha in the Sky Realm, he will not persuade the evil dharma to the slightest!

The huge golden Buddha body, with eight arms turned, the treasure wheel is brilliant, and the ice bird is lofty!

Su Jin's golden body directly turned into a mountain-like Buddha's arm. The palm of the Buddha was no less than a golden lake. When he waved it away, Fo Lei rolled and patted the evil Fa Tuo who was starting—

The evil method Tuo thinks that he is not weaker than Su Jin’s “Heavenly Taoist cultivation”. The red copper in the distance is thrown out with one arm, and the front is turned into a red bronze fist. Su Jin has an arm!


A wave of power spread out from the void, and the world fell silent...

how come!

Xie Fa Tuo's heart shook wildly, and the tremendous power from Su Jin's Buddha palm was simply unshakable! On the contrary, after its huge copper fist bombarded the palm of the Buddha, the entire copper arm was cracked with more than a dozen cracks——


Xie Fa Tuo no longer has a physical body, and the red copper is like a substitute for its Dao body, and has been sacrificed under the "Bei Di Xian Shui" for an unknown number of years, but now there are cracks!

"You are so courageous! You ruined my bronze statue! In this case, I will take your physical body, plunder all your mysterious opportunities, and take it for yourself!" The evil method was so angry that it was so angry last time, I don't know it anymore. How many years ago!

"Today I slaughtered all of you!" Su Jinfa was ruthless, knowing this was a rare opportunity.

"What an arrogant tone!" The bronze statue of Xie Fa Tuo was trembling with stimulation.

"No one can run away, I'll catch and kill!"

Su Jin was right and unforgiving. After letting out his rhetoric, the "Buddhist Eyes of Great Wisdom" sparkled on the eyebrows——




With three sounds, the temples of the Buddha began to smash down one after another, shaking back into the void, and finally the three temples of "Da Leiyin Temple", "Daxiong Hall" and "Sume Bodhi Hall" lined up, shocking the world!


In the Great Leiyin Temple, a clear ‘bell hit’ appeared, and the sacred Buddha rhyme seemed to establish a connection between the three halls, and the evil Fa Tuo trembled in his heart——

These three temples are actually suppressing it!

impossible! Xie Fa Tuo felt that his entire body was in steel, and wanted to move, but the surrounding void also moved, and its evil body was suppressed by the sacred Buddha hall!

The mysterious fisherman, naturally knows that the evil magic tuo will only get weaker and weaker. After all, without a body, these powers are accumulated for many years, and it takes a long time to make up for every point.

"Friends of Taoism, today we are fortunate to slay the ghost king together!" The angler faintly raised his head in the hat. The material of the fishing rod in his hand was difficult to understand, so he slammed it!

The fishing line filled the sky in a circle, and the line was plated with celestial clouds, but the trajectory that the fishing line crossed, the void was cut by a line!

"court death!"

Su Jin has two arms of the deity, and six arms are condensed. He directly throws the'Ming Wang's Ruler' with his other hand. The powerful Buddha treasure suddenly turns into a Buddha's fault, and it is crushed and killed by the angler. Past!


The fishing line is tied round and round to the'Mingwang's Ruler', but how can the powerful God of Fire be disturbed by this trick? On the Buddha's ruler, one Buddha character floats, and each one carries a terrifying fire, destroying all the fishing lines!

The angler was anxious, stepping forward, stepped onto the vast Buddha's ruler, and wanted to suppress this Buddhist treasure with his immeasurable power!

How can it!

How can it!

The king of the Ming Dynasty was controlled by Su Jin in the air, he raised his hand and turned it fiercely, and the entire giant of the king of the Ming Dynasty began to reverse!

I have to say that this fisherman is very powerful. He can step on the Buddha's ruler several times without being hit, but the void has been twisted to pieces, and the high-speed reversing Buddha's ruler is finally under Su Jin's inexhaustible strength. Hit the angler's back hard--


The angler was knocked into flight, and the hat covered the position of his face, spraying out an amazing blood mist!

The evil method was inconsistent, and the bronze statue became taller and smaller, and it was firmly suppressed by the three Buddhist temples. It saw the angler being blown into the air, and it felt bad when it was impatient.

"Why don't your strength be exhausted!" Xie Fa Tuo asked angrily.

"I'm envious of the vitality here all the time in the refining and chemical industry, don't you? Kow your head, shout, I'm wrong, Lord Yedi, I'll spare you a dog!" Su Jin said coldly.


Why didn't I expect it!

Xie Fa Tuo is very angry, but there is no other way. If it is strong in Taoism, this kid can be smashed into ashes by waving his hand. Now that this junior is prestigious, who can be blamed! Blame yourself for not being able to get out, others have inexhaustible power!

"Dreaming! Look at me..." Xie Fa Tuo hadn't broken free, and was about to try to open up the oppressive power of the three Buddhist temples, but Su Jin did not give him time, his Buddha arms rose high, turning his palms into fists. Thunder can't bombard the heart of the bronze statue!


Just one arm penetrated the bronze statue of Xie Fa Tuo--

The bronze statue suddenly became unstable. In Xie Fatuo’s hollow eye sockets, the divine flame was almost extinguished. It was expected to come, but he did not expect Su Jin to be so resolute and to give no chance...

"Dog stuff, let me die!" Su Jin knew that this evil method was over, but didn't forget to drink it.

"Hateful, hateful, Buddha restrains my evil body, otherwise..."

The copper statue of Xie Fa Tuo was cracking all over, piece by piece began to collapse and shatter, until it collapsed into broken copper, and fell on the stone ground with blue smoke and disappeared completely.

Su Jin's eight arms crossed the Buddha, and he turned around abruptly, raised his hand like a prescription for medicine, and pressed towards the Zen Wu king who was like a sieve!

"Master Yedi, I was wrong!" King Chan Wu hit a violent spirit all over his body, unable to control his fearful Dao Xin, his legs softened...

Knelt down!

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