My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2575: Weird blood scene

"I don't understand."

"You, you, you want to be so handsome--"

"Ugly, I haven't been beaten, and now I found a problem again, stutter!"

"Smelly shameless, who stutters!"

"Swearing +1." Su Jin's voice spread behind his head.

Tailong Tianbei:...

It didn't know how dirty it was in its heart, and it suffocated it to say it. It was vainly arguing that it was handsome for a lifetime. Now it has been neglected for nothing, and no one wants it to be a magical treasure. It is simply unique!

Hua Shengfu was speechless. She knew that Su Jin was crazy, but she didn't expect that her eloquence was so strong that it made her scalp numb.

However, Hua Shengfu naturally knew that Su Jin had a purpose. Otherwise, with the speed of the two, it would be impossible to move forward at a normal pace. He must have a plan!

"Stop! It seems that you don't show your hands, you guys are so handsome--"

So handsome.

It's ugly to call it ugly, and it's not to be beaten, doesn't it mean it is useless? Can't bear it.


In Hua Shengfu's eyes, Su Jin's style of painting changed, he turned around, looked at the Tailong Tianbei, and applauded: "Well, well, although it is the age of looking at faces outside, the strength is far above the face. You are The mule came out with a horse. If you have strong magical powers, I can consider it and accept you as my **** treasure——"


"Of course it's true, but I always don't look away, you still can't..."

"I bet you must have gone wrong!"

"Showing both hands!" Su Jin's eyes were'disdain'.

"I said that you have nine ways to cultivate and have three kinds of heavenly secrets. The strongest one is Buddhism, and you also have a tree of enlightenment that will be comparable to the eternal Qingtian lotus in the future. Is that accurate?" Zhi Shuai shouted.

"Quasi." Su Jin was secretly surprised. What is the origin of this dragon-tail-shaped Tailong Tianbei? One glance can see through his mystery.

"Speaking of you being immoral, your past life, that young bone! I came to the Eye Cave Cliff last time. I sat down and looked up. You were still crying at the time. I couldn't bear it. The voice transmission asked. I ask you why you are sad—"

"He asked, I don't know which way is the strongest in the world..."

"After coming down, I also passed him a ‘satisfaction technique’."


Su Jin was a little flustered.

Qinggu’s ‘sound concentration technique’ was originally taught by this ‘Tailong Heaven Monument’? This it so strong?

Hua Shengfu's inner anxiety was not much better than Su Jin, she couldn't believe it—

"The bones have come down?" Su Jin asked closely.

"Of course! Only by virtue of the'concentration technique', your'once' bones can be named a predator! Am I amazing?"

"Awesome, the Emperor Ben Ye now allows you to recognize me as the master. When I finish exploring the body of this stone man ancestor, I will take you out--" Su Jin applauded loudly.

"What is the ancestor corpse of the stone man? How can this kind of name be matched! Forget it, there is nothing wrong with it." Tailong Tianbei thought for a while.

Su Jin walked towards the Tailong Tianbei, a dazzling drop of blood was forced out of his fingertips, and then bounced towards the Tailong Tianbei, he then asked: "What is the situation with this stone human body?"

On the Tailong Tianbei, Su Jin's blood was contained in it, and the whole dragon-shaped Tianbei suddenly glowed with brilliance and light!

"That is not something you can understand in your current realm. Originally, this masterful power was transformed by a star, but in the twilight era of the gods, no matter how strong it is, the heavens will be cleansed again..."

Zhi Shuai refused to explain any more. This is a long story. It is now eager to escape here. The Tian Tomb is not a place for people at all. Although it is not a person, it is also very lonely.

Su Jinpan sat down and quietly sacrificed this monument. The entire Tailong monument quickly became smaller, and finally it was as small as an egg——

At this size, it looks a little less ugly, and a little more cute.

Su Jin pulled the dragon's tail on top and pinched him up...


After the sacrifice, Su Jin should have felt weightless, but after the sacrifice, they all reached nearly a thousand catties, only the size of an egg! When he changed to the one hundred feet high just now, he felt that he still had to say whether he could lift it up!

"It hurts, it hurts."

The Tailong Tianbei was called Lianlian. It was not until Su Jin changed his grip to hold it. He sighed, and immediately made a request: "Don't think you are the master now. I will work hard for you. I will live in a mansion after I go out. , The kind of dozens of floors—"

"Don't go out, I'll provide it to you now." Su Jin raised a demon red halo all over his body.

Behind, the Scarlet Demon Tower rumbling up, Su Jin didn't even think about it, and kicked it to the second floor just like kicking a feather shuttlecock.

This treasure needs to be discovered! It even has a magical power, and when it takes time to squeeze the magical magic on it, Su Jin feels that it should have a great secret, such as a powerful magical power that transcends the sky secret!

In the Scarlet Demon Tower, there was a sound of laughter. It seems that the Tailong Tianbei has fulfilled his wish and lived in the ‘mansion’ as he wished——

The town demon tower is put away.

Hua Sheng Fu's nervous heart came down, and Su Jin gave a white look and said, "You are too thief..."

"A thief? Don't say that, I always feel that something is wrong here." Su Jin shook his head and looked around.

"What's wrong?"

"Just now you heard what the Tailong Tianbei said? The bones of the previous life have been down here, and they have also been sealed as'predators'. I don't think this place is easy to take, in case we're sealed again as'predators'. ', let's not even leave the tomb." Su Jin has a headache thinking about it.

Hua Shengfu was silent, Su Jin thought very thoughtfully, indeed this is a hidden worry——

Before long, after receiving the Tailong Tianbei, Su and Jin continued to move forward. He was obviously more cautious as well——

In about a quarter of an hour, the Supreme Taoist led more than seventy people and walked in the opposite direction from Su Jin.

On the cliff of Eye Cave, Yan Huayun was active in the void, staring at the place where King Chan Wu died.

The fleshy mud on the ground has disappeared, leaving only the blood of the gods, and Yan Huayun's abacus fell in vain. He clearly saw the Taoist priest leading the people down, and did not clean up the "King of Zen Wu".

unfortunately! Yan Huayun looked fiercely, looked at the left eye cave not far in front of him, and muttered to himself: "Since this is the case, I will try to refine the entire stone man giant corpse! If it succeeds, the night emperor can kill it with a finger!"

Yan Huayun also jumped into the left eye cave!


Black environment, purple mist transpires——

Su Jin used Maha's prison eyes to reverse the path that "Little Winter Spirit" had walked. The path was extremely deep, but it seemed not too far away from him.

In his head, it seemed to be dizzy, and the sight of the feedback from the prison eyes of Maha Town made Su Jin's expression extremely ugly!

Blood, the scene in my mind is all blood scene——

"Ooo, ooo." Ear children appeared at the scene, heard the cries of the innocent.

not good!

Su Jin grabbed Hua Shengfu's shoulder, no longer hesitated, and directly used the big ascension technique to travel thousands of miles! The scene into the eye is an old gourd with a hole, Xiao Dongling hiding behind a stone much shorter than her, is crying 簌簌!

"Little Dongling." Su Jin shouted.

Ignore? Naughty?

Su Jin didn't care, smiled and walked over, squatting next to the stone, and patted Xiao Dongling's shoulder.

In the next scene, Su Jin never expected--

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