My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2585: I'm still a kid



Su Jin had just been wondering for an instant even Yan Huayun would come up as the fifth person. After all, his cultivation was enough, but Yan Huayun was obviously not.

And this fifth person, at this moment, is riding a stiff wooden pony with an old gourd on his back, which is very inconsistent with her weak body. She... is actually Xiao Dongling!

Hua Shengfu stared at--

Taishang Taoists are very uncomfortable in their hearts. The Five Ancestral Altars, in the southeast and northwest, are naturally the best in the middle. Now this traitor girl is the fifth person, or the one in the middle!

In the entire Altar of the Five Ancestors, apart from the python-gold skull, the Supreme Taoist claimed to have only one ‘right path’ monk, such as Hua Shengfu and Su Jin’s people!

Su Jin is a heaven-defying person, and this little winter spirit comes from "Li Hengtian", who was originally born to be a traitor!

"Big Brother Ye Di..." Xiao Dongling seemed to show off the divine treasure he had searched for. That strange and inexplicable'trojan horse' looked really extraordinary, acting like the wind, swishing into afterimages, and shuttled back and forth, dazzling Shenhua .

"Little Dongling, why are you here?!" Su Jin reacted and asked softly.

"There is a big sister who gave me this ‘BMW’ and said that there are better things here, so I’ll come—" Xiao Dongling was very excited.

Su Jin frowned.

This little Dongling is very strange, riding on that sacred horse, he has no restrictions on his movements!

The question is, is this girl the ‘fifth person’?

"Curse the goddess, okay! It's good!" The Taoist Taoist looked indifferently, and he almost certainly thought that Xiao Dongling was the fifth person!

"Bad old man, call me that name again, be careful, I draw a circle to curse you~~" Xiao Dongling pinched a small pink fist and threatened the high priest.


The Taoist Supreme turned his head indifferently, no longer caring about this little Dongling. He eagerly hopes that the Five Ancestral Altar will be opened. When he is "superborn" in the Tiandao Arbitration Institute, he will achieve his current glory in a short time.

The weird atmosphere always made Su Jin feel wrong. He asked Xiao Dongling: "Who is the big sister you are talking about? What does it look like?"

"She, she looks so weird!" Xiao Dongling gestured, repeatedly describing each other's appearance, and said that the other party was stroking a very powerful piano and sitting beside a pair of divine coffins——

"Mandarin Duck Coffin! Fuxi Qin!"

Su Jin's tone was solemn and his eyes were fierce to the extreme, "It's the King of Corpse!"

Definitely the king of corpses, there is no need to run! Su Jin secretly cried out that he had a headache. The Corpse King's strength that day was not so good to him at present, but the methods were numerous, and now he coaxed Xiao Dongling over.

The mysterious little wooden horse, whose ears are being pulled by Xiao Dongling, is actually faintly going to the middle altar——

"Broken." When Hua Shengfu was sober, his brain went blank after seeing this scene.


There is no fluke in the world.

Xiao Dongling was really the fifth person, and the corpse king had already prepared the "Mandarin Duck Coffin" that day. Whenever he thought of this, Su Jin felt nauseous and uncomfortable.

"Dong Ling, don't board the altar for the time being, come here, elder brother has something to ask you." Su Jin's voice was thunderous, and he shouted out with divine power, as if it was blowing in Xiao Dongling's ears.

"Oh—" Xiao Dongling was not restricted at all, and ran over directly on the wooden horse. The old gourd on his back was just the finishing touch, showing her little witch's temperament to the fullest.


In the depths of the stone man ancestor's corpse, Yan Huayun's body and soul were almost shattered. The'Da Ri Golden Crow' in the East Emperor's Bell almost burned a ray of his soul. It was so miserable that he had never suffered such a serious injury. !


After being bombarded into the soil, Yan Huayun went all the way south, intending to sacrifice a complete stone man ancestor corpse and then seek Su Jin to settle accounts, and he was very efficient, regardless of serious injuries, and did not even intend to recover his injuries, and went straight to hide in the stone man ancestor. Around the heart of the corpse, immediately began to devour it with sacrifices--


Yan Huayun endured the severe pain, and the dark red power covered the surroundings, but soon he was astonished and his face turned crazy.

"What's going on! Why can't I sacrifice this physical **** to swallow it! Could it be that the stone man ancestor's corpse is too old and the Dao body is too hard?" Yan Huayun roared inwardly.

Do not! impossible! Yan Huayun calmed down a bit, and then he looked at the huge stone heart, and his calm mood could not be calm anymore——

On the stone heart of the stone man's ancestor's corpse, there are unexpectedly many blood holes, and there are many carvings on it, densely packed to form an ancient formation that makes people difficult to understand.

The huge stone ancestor corpse, like a star, has been occupied by people all the time. Yan Huayun was extremely annoyed, no wonder he couldn't sacrifice and devour it--


Who is taking the good fortune of the stone man's ancestor corpse!

Yan Huayun was so angry that he couldn't help himself, but his voice could not be heard by outsiders. He could only be angry and angry alone.


The top of the Blood Mountain, the Five Ancestral Altar.

When Xiao Dongling came to the front, Su Jin felt uneasy in his heart. He had a different opinion from anyone. This Dongling girl was definitely not the fifth person.

Why do you say that——

The fifth person will be affected by an inexplicable force and will involuntarily board the altar, but this little girl shows no signs of abnormality. The more abnormal, it is also abnormal!

"Sister Dongling, now that Taishang old dog can't get away on the altar, I will give you a magic knife, you directly cut off Taishang old dog's head, what do you think of this deal?" Su Jin asked, narrowing his eyes. .

The Taoist Taoist was so angry that he couldn't release his anger, but he could only let Su Jin be arrogant and swallow his voice.

"No way, I'm still a kid! If you plan to make my collection, I can take you away~~" Xiao Dongling smiled.

"Promise her--" On the north altar, a broken skeleton with a red bone flag and a golden python pattern on his back came directly.

It seems that this place is not what it wants!

Based on this, Su Jin confirmed that Xiao Dongling was not the fifth person.

"How do you collect it?" Su Jin's eyes flashed with cold light, but the animal smiled harmlessly on his face.

"Big brother close your eyes, I can take you directly with the old gourd!" Xiao Dongling took off the'old gourd' with difficulty and looked at Su Jin and said.

"Come on, give it a try. After accepting me, accept that big sister too--" Su Jin asked Xiao Dongling to also take Hua Shengfu away. He wanted to break the doom of being controlled by the Wuzu Altar.

"Hehe, okay! Close your eyes..."

"Closed." Su Jin closed his eyebrows together.

Xiao Dongling rejoiced, pointed the mouth of the old gourd at Su Jin, and shouted excitedly: "My opinion~~~"

In an instant, Lao Gourd did not seem to be exalted, but Xiao Dongling's state changed drastically. Her two beautiful big grape-like eyes turned directly into a deep black color...

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