My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2599: Two steps? Two steps forward!


There is still the world!

I really bluffed the official Su-

Fu Xiqin is a pity for Su Jin. Before the Heavenly Corpse King fought against this old god's corpse, the Celestial Corpse King was pinched to death, and Qin was probably in the hands of this old guy, so he shouldn't be too rich...

The face of the old god’s corpse was very cold, and it was so cold that it was so frigid at the first glance, it immediately slapped its hands and tugged with both hands~~~

Su Jin was stunned.

It seems the whole world is dumbfounded--

The face of the old god’s corpse was faintly ugly. It never expected that it would be so. He pulled a dark yellow shirt with both hands. It turned out to be a mantle, but the state of the mantle was very tattered, and the top was broken. Dozens of holes of different sizes can be opened on one side...

"It turns out that even in the era of Fuxi, when the gods were fighting for hegemony, there were also mantles~~~" Su Jinqiang held back a smile and remained vigilant in his heart.

There is no way, how to describe this, it can only prove this fact, and whether it is Fuxi Taoist clothing that has not shown power for the time being is still a matter of question.

"Although it's damaged, a single thread on this shirt can wipe out your Dao soul--" The old god's corpse was in its current state, and there was no panic. After his words were over, he held his clothes with both hands and slammed'Fuxi Daoyi's flung towards Su Jin's position.


An old black face was born-

The "Fuxi Dao Yi" only floated for three meters, but it fell off directly. There was no difference between throwing a piece of rags. This was immediately embarrassing. Su Jin felt embarrassed...

"Senior, do you want to turn it over again and look for it?" Su Jin's expression was weird, but he was unwilling to say anything that would hurt people and blow the old god's confidence.

The face of the old god's corpse is almost bleeding from black now!

It has not been completely resurrected, and even the process of resurrection has only progressed to one-tenth. If it succeeds, it is now afraid that it will vomit divine blood and get angry!

"I swear, this Taoist dress is definitely left by Fuxi himself!" The old god's corpse clenched his claws and said angrily.

"Well, I pretended to believe it. I'm afraid there will be daoists outside who don't know how many billions of them are watching. Senior should maintain a masterful demeanor, and then make sure to take it out again--"

"Really!" The old god's corpse was almost mad.

"Believe! That is indeed a genuine Fuxi Taoist clothing!" Su Jin pointed at the torn shirt that was still slightly blown by the wind on the stone ground.

"You--" The old god's corpse felt annoyed, and he swept away his clothes and strode towards Su Jin.

But Su Jin instantly melted into an icy chill, his whole body's great life technique swiftly circulated, and his strong vitality faintly transformed into the shape of a dragon.

The corpse of the old **** stopped immediately!

It finally understood why Su Jin could have the courage to resist it, after all, he still had to use vitality, but it was useless at all, as long as it was not on the eternal Qingtian lotus, it would not have the slightest fear!


The ‘God Position’ behind the old god’s corpse suddenly gave birth to strands of black divine flower. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be condensed with corpse energy. Su Jin had already seen this tablet, which could cut off vitality!


Su Jin looked at it coldly, the whole Buddha ring rose, and as the golden halo rose, the bottom-up golden body began to cover his whole body. He lightly clicked his eyebrows, and the Great Wisdom Buddha's pupil opened suddenly——


Three temples condensed out! Now Su Jin's Buddha, the king of life and death, is in the realm of the gods, and is his strongest!

Great Leiyin Temple.

Daxiong Hall.

The Sumi Bodhi Hall is lined up, and the golden light is not scattered around, and there are faint golden Buddhas splitting it! Su Jin clasped his hands together and made a light leap, he didn't cross the'Daxiong Palace' this time!

Su Jinyue went to Da Leiyin Temple!

"Shinto King Buddha, far from being able to contend with my corpse qi!" The old god's corpse burst out.

"I know, I know, be quiet, hold back your words--" Su Jin stood on the Great Leiyin Temple, separated his right hand with his closed hands, gently spread the palm of his right hand, and then lifted it up.

The old god's corpse was secretly surprised. It was all surprised at how it felt, thinking it was a bit ridiculous, but it actually had a sense of crisis?

The sacred Buddha light is dazzling! Su Jin hesitated, raised his raised right palm, and with a wave, a bell tower appeared in the Great Leiyin Temple.

I can faintly see that there is a three-foot-high giant clock on the clock platform, and there is a huge "Buddha" on the north and south sides.

Although it is not a real Buddha bell, Su Jin had a bold idea. Then he took the'East Emperor's Bell' from his waist and turned it into three feet high, floating on it, matching the Buddha Bell of Leiyin Temple——

"East Emperor Bell? With your strength, it can't display one ten thousandth of its power!" The old god's corpse stared at the shriveled red eyes. Although it said so, its tone was a little surprised and unexpected.

"Take two steps, come, take two steps forward." Su Jin motioned to the old god's corpse.

Old corpse:...

This little guy has so many means!

Just now Kunpeng’s nine changes have damaged its magic brush, and now it has another scene in this temple, it will naturally not go rashly...

Seeing that the old god's corpse was not moving, Su Jin squinted his eyes, sat down cross-legged, chanting words, but he was chanting the scriptures that existed in his mind, the original scriptures of the King of Life and Death!


Pieces of Buddha clouds began to gather, row after row of sacred Buddhist caves, among which there were Buddha statues standing, and Su Jin was reciting the original mantra of the King of Life and Death!

This old **** corpse is really powerful--

Ordinary **** corpses, stained with such a strong Buddha's chanting, are afraid that they will be disintegrated and transformed by him. As a result, those corpses are so rich that it is difficult to purify a trace.

Fortunately, Su Jin's goal is not to remove those corpses...

The Donghuang Bell merged with the "Buddha Bell" on the clock stand, and began to faintly shine the light of Buddha! In the deep space, the Buddha Yun faintly began to roll, covering the sky and the sun, even covering the entire stone man ancestor corpse——

What does he want to do? The dignity on the face of the old god's corpse has reached eighth.

In these three temples, none of the corpses of the old gods are known, but the Buddhist principles in them make it feel scared, and the key is that Su Jin is in charge of the eastern emperor clock, which is in harmony with the imaginary Buddha clock. It is always different. Wonderful feeling.

"Senior, pay attention! Quickly use all your abilities to guard against this king's attack! Otherwise, I will destroy you, don't blame this king for not reminding you!" Su Jin pretended to be serious and said.

"Believe you? Old ancestor, I'm standing here without moving, you can't hurt a single hair of me!" The old **** corpse grunted heavily, showing disdainful eyes.

"Senior said, it's hard to chase a horse! If you can't say it, you'll definitely not move--" Su Jin nodded his head, his expression of ‘respect’ was clear.

The face of the old god's corpse is still a little black...

Originally it was just a anger, but now he can't retreat, this kid is really a thief!

"Just show it!" The old **** corpse suppressed his anger, planning to take Su Jin's blow.

The Buddha energy in countless Buddhist caves began to stretch out a Buddha arm, and a ray of Buddha's light appeared from the Buddha's finger, and it gathered on the clock platform. Su Jin's face was calm, and he slowly stood up. He wanted to hit the clock himself!

On the clock platform, the bell and pestle was densely covered with golden Buddhist scriptures. Su Jin pulled the bell and pestle a great arc, looking at the old god's corpse:

"You shouldn't have existed. Today, my king of life and death will completely transform you and give you a ride--"

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