My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2604: I am the strongest!


The Chimeng behemoth opened its mouth and roared, and those sounds full of killing intent turned into sound waves that could be seen with the naked eye. Su Jin brushed his sleeves and covered his face, and his whole person was swept away dozens of miles away——

Strong, too strong!

If Su Jin compares the corpse of the old **** with this beast, he would rather face the corpse of the old **** before, rather than fight life and death with this level of fierce beast, it is not an order of magnitude!

The Chimeng giant beast gasped hard, looking like two lakes of beasts towards Nanli Shrine, but with particularly gentle eyes——

Su Jin wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and he was injured by just a roar. If this Chimeng behemoth really wanted to destroy him, he felt that he would never have a chance to live.

This Chimon behemoth comes from the fart of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, it obviously comes from the heavens! I have taken that step for an unknown period of time, this is just coming back!

"A roar, make the night emperor hurt?" The big hunting **** looked at Jialan Bodhisattva nervously, with some doubts in his tone. If Guan Zi was present on the scene, plus the night emperor, with all the power of everyone, he could beat this Chimeng ?

The answer is very hanging-

A few tens of miles away, Su Jin's divine pupil's might not be lost, he was very strange!

At the other end of the bridge, why is there chaos and silence?

In the scene from the illusion, there are countless giant statues in the eye, and the eyes of those statues seem to be artificially painted black, which seems to add a little more aura.

"You can't take Nanli Shrine--" Su Jin plans to fight hard, even if he knows that the hope is very slim, he can only try it alone!

The Chimeng behemoth floated with divine clouds all over the body, and those clouds were like solid ones. This kind of strength made people see it, and it would give birth to a sense of powerlessness in the bottom of my heart!

Su Jin recovered from his injury, and when he looked up, his eyes were blood blue!


Lifting a palm, Douzi Tianmi blessed the ‘Sky Covering Technique’, and the hand that covered the sky reappeared!

The billowing power turned into a giant palm, the entire sky lost its color, the sun, moon and stars disappeared at this moment, and the Chimon beast roared again and again, and it also raised its right beast arm——


Su Jin was stunned. Does this Chimon beast want to use his flesh beast arms to resist the sky-covering hand blessed by his blood-blue fighting character Tian Mi?


Do not! It's not very possible anymore, the other party can really do it! Su Jinqiang endured the numbness of his scalp, and his body was full of vigor. He wanted to see how far he was from the opponent!

The azure blue hand that covers the sky seems to be leaning slowly, but in fact it is caused by the artistic conception, and the speed is not slow at all—

The thick brown hair, the arm of the Chimon Giant Beast, turned into a terrifying fist, and those condensed powers continued to spiral around the arm of the beast, blasting the sky-shading hand with one punch!


The scene was choked for a while!

Many people are extremely complicated. Nan Litian has been an eventful time recently, but who would have thought what attracted such a terrifying beast!

"Just now, this Scarlet Monarch beast can roar and hurt Ye Di with a roar, and now it is using its own fist and arm to forcibly receive Ye Di's Heavenly Secret Art!" Someone stared and raised his face, looking in his eyes. As if only Su Jin and the Chimeng beast existed.

"This is the hand that covers the sky! And it is the hand that covers the sky with the blessing of the Tian Mi with the word'dou' by the emperor! The power cannot be underestimated, this Chimon Giant Beast may not be able to take it."

"No! I think it can blast through the sky-shielding technique! Destroy the night emperor's technique!"

"It's very possible that the night emperor will be smashed to death by this Chimon behemoth--"

"The terrible evil thing, the divine palace will be poached if it is dug up. In such a contest, the heights can already be predicted, but Ye Di insists on insisting."

"There is Yedi's wife in Nanli Shrine. Would you like to change?"



The appalling blue palms collided with that giant fist between rumblings, and a terrible crack appeared in the void from bottom to top, which could not be closed for a long time!

Who has the upper hand in this blow?

Su Jin only felt that his chest was hit by a heavy hammer, and the hand that covered the sky seemed to be broken into tofu-like lumps, and on the arm of the Scarlet Mongolian behemoth, the meat flew around and the wound was terrible!

And Chimeng behemoth was shaken back nearly fifty meters away! Su Jin vomited several mouthfuls of blood again and again. With this match, it is hard to say who has the advantage!

In fact, the parties know best! Su Jin understood that this was the blessing of the heavenly secret power, and the unparalleled artistic conception of the hand that covered the sky did not make him go backwards much. You must know that he used two kinds of heavenly secrets, blessing the nine ways, the condensed hand that covers the sky!

If it were normal, I guess I could be shattered to pieces by that fierce punch——

Su Jin's body was shining with Buddha's glory, and the injuries in his body were more serious than he thought, almost all of them were caused by the force of that punch!

"Tailong Tianbei, you have a rough skin, come to block this evildoer..." Su Jin slowly raised his left arm, and mysterious blood spots grew on it. This is his avenue of demons and gods.

In the palm of his hand, a town monster tower emerged——

Commander Bombshell has spent a lot of money on the top of the blood mountain in the tomb, but it is obviously not the strongest. The defensive power of its stele is simply a difference from the human monk.

Seems to be sleeping and recuperating?

However, when Su Jin's voice appeared on the second floor, the Tailong Tianbei seemed to be stunned, his short legs jumped, stood up, and shouted, "I am the strongest! I am the best! Ye Di, you still need me to support the scene..."

"Go--" Su Jin shook the town's demon tower, and the Tailong Tianbei was once again reappeared. It had already become famous. It was famous for its ugliness, and all the people who looked forward to vomit and vomit. Fortunately, everyone in Nanlitian is ready. , But there are still many people experiencing retching.

Handsome, willow-like eyes are dumbfounded...

The sausage-like mouth trembles constantly, and Shuai Shuai swallows with a grunt, "Ye Di, you are still a young man. Young people just lack experience. To be honest, this Chimon monster, I can't do anything about Shuai Shuai..."

"You are the best, come on--" Su Jin, just like playing football, turned around and kicked very smartly!

"Oh~~~" Feng Shuai screamed, and the whole body of the stele has begun to grow infinitely larger, and it has grown rapidly!

The Chimeng behemoth roared and struck it on its body in an instant, and it was directly taken away!

Feng Shuai's miserable and miserable voice resounded in the sky, its willow-like eyes, its sausage mouth was smashed, and a triangular green tongue came down...

This Chimeng behemoth almost beat it to death with a punch! !


Su Jin sighed. He still has another method, but now there is no time to implement it. A fierce beast of this level shouldn't appear here at all!


so what!

My wife and Nanli Shrine can't be taken away by it anyway!

"You... don't fight! I'll just go with you..." A voice appeared on the Nanli Shrine, which was sealed by the mystic restraint in the distance.

Someone walked out--

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