My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2606: Open your own grave

The face of the **** mother is really ugly-

Pale and bloodless.

Not long ago, Su Jin took her three daughters away. After going to Nanli Tian, ​​she was very curious and went to see the tomb of Su Jin! After seeing it, I was extremely regretful and ran away.

It is no exaggeration to say that the godmother has been living in anxiety recently, she has never slept once and woke up in a nightmare, which she has never experienced.

"What's the problem?" Su Jin frowned slowly, looking at the **** mother and asking.

"It's better not to go, and look at your own tomb. Although it looks absurd, you are still alive after all. You will be a little bit ugly and unclear--" The **** mother turned her head, as if trying to hide something...

Su Jin's eyes were slightly cold.

He saw it.

The **** mother was panicked, if Su Jin guessed right, the **** mother should have been to the burial ground this day, checked his cemetery, and might even lift the coffin lid.

"Kuanglan, let's go--" Su Jin was lazy to pay attention to the **** mother, and gently opened a void passage to connect to the burial ground, he must figure it out!

"I'll go with you..." The **** mother felt Su Jin's power. At that moment, she felt utterly cold. She didn't know what happened to Su Jin during this period, but she made her only in terms of temperament. Fear.

The three of them walked into the void passage, watched the passage close, Xia Yuyan opened her mouth slightly, almost raising her hand...

She wants to see.

However, in view of the special circumstances, Xia Yuyan is obviously not suitable for going with her. She feels useless recently. Su Jin brought the big hunting god, and the power of the hunting **** and ghost is more useful than her wife.

"Sister Yuyan, let Ye Di take care of things, go! Let's take you to visit the biggest fairy bathing place in the sky, here you are like at home, don't be polite with us." Little fairy Xiaoxiang held Xia Yuyan's hand.

"Hmm -" Xia Yuyan looked in the direction where Su Jin and the three had left, and could only wait for news.

Princess Jincheng was embarrassed, clutching her little hand, she was too far behind in terms of identity——

"Sister Jincheng together." Little fairy Xiaoxiang quickly smiled.


The rest of the setting sun has not been swallowed by the night, and the cold wind blew up, and the burial ground suddenly appeared in front of him. With Su Jin's strength, regardless of any evil spirit, even if the corpse reappears, he can now wave away and dissipate without walking. past.

There are lonely tombs, lush vegetation, and the **** mother leads the way. From a distance, there are quite a thousand li tombs, and there is nowhere to say a bleak atmosphere——

"God burial ground, I know here..." The big hunting **** Guiying Kuanglan had a solemn tone, and looked around, always feeling that there was a mysterious aura in this burial ground.

The **** mother deeply feels the power of the ghosts, the great hunting **** is famous, no one knows, no one knows!

The status, status, and status are few comparable to the Great Hunting God, but this kind of existence is now used by Su Jin, and it has become his right-hand man-like existence——

The last sunset glow faded.

This is a very cold starry night. The silence on all sides seems to be broken. Outside the tombs, crying and laughter seem to have turned into a carnival and wanton vent.

Is Su Jin under pressure?

There must be pressure! Especially when he was going to really face his own'tomb', that kind of feeling was unimaginable. The panic of the God Mother of Key Heaven seemed to be strange in the coffin?

The scalp of the **** mother was numb, and the tomb was less than two hundred meters old. A white-headed ghost figure knelt down, exactly the same as what she saw last time. Those are beautiful female ghost visions, covered in white cloth——

Guiying Kuanglan had never experienced such a situation before, and she was equally cautious. The speciality of the burial ground was not how dangerous it was, but that it was an ominous place.

"Master Hunter knows here?" The **** mother felt honored, after all, this is the big world of the gods.

"I know, the sordid name of the burial ground can be known in the very distant world. It is said that there is the great power of Shouyuan consummation, and I dreamed that I will be buried in the burial ground. Within three days, the Shouyuan was taken away and had to be buried. Here--" The Great Hunter said to the God Mother, but his eyes looked at Su Jin.

"The mere burial ground of the gods makes you so worried..." Su Jin sneered and strode away.

The female ghost sitting on her knees and crying kept crying, Su Jin came to the tomb and stood——

The wind seemed to blow strangely.

Who... dug the tomb.

Who... the buried coffin.

Who... erected the monument!

Gui Ying Kuanglan shook his heart fiercely. The four large characters "Su Jin's Tomb" on the tombstone have indicated everything. Behind the tombstone, the sarcophagus has not covered the soil. I wonder if it is destined to wait for the tomb owner to arrive.

Su Jin's face was calm and quiet for a while before the tomb, two steps forward, touching the tombstone with his right hand, and looking around——

Those female ghosts in white cloth, as if they didn't realize he was coming, were all long and pure and beautiful, and the ones who cried were even more pitiful when I saw them. Unfortunately, Su Jin didn't know him.

"Mother Heaven, did you come here while I was away?" Su Jin suddenly fixed his eyes on the face of God Mother and asked.

"I've been--" The **** mother had no choice but to admit, knowing she couldn't hide from Su Jin, after all, the burial ground was in the big world of the gods, and she was too curious.

"Overturned the coffin?" Su Jin said lightly.

"I have opened it, but I suggest not to open it again, especially you..." The **** mother said grimly, holding back her fear. If Su Jin and the hunting **** were not there, she was afraid that she would turn around again and run away.


"The last time I came, I remember very clearly... After uncovering the coffin, I left without covering the coffin. This sarcophagus is now..." The **** of heaven was trembling in his mother tongue. Needless to say, both the Great Hunter and Su Jin should understand.

The lid of the coffin, I don’t know who covered it——

"Mr. Yedi, although you don't care, but don't believe it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just come here and have a look, and the coffin will not be opened..." As Gui Yan heard this, his scalp was numb and his back was cold.

Without opening the coffin, what did Su Jin do here? !

A waste of time on a busy trip? This is definitely not Su Jin's style. He only shook his head to show his attitude to the two women.

The coffin must be opened!

Su Jin retracted his hand on the tombstone, walked to the back, and looked at the somewhat lavish sarcophagus. The delicate lines on it were all meticulously carved out, which was not careless.

With his arm pressed against the lid of the coffin, I don’t know if it was an illusion or something else in my mind. Su Jin suddenly felt faint. He could lift the lid of the coffin with just one thought.

The pretty ghost maid dressed in white cloth stopped crying almost at that moment when Su Jin pressed her hand on the lid of the coffin!

The **** mother and the big hunting **** shook their hearts. When they looked at the female ghost servants, they found that they had stopped crying and laughed, as if they were welcoming their master home!

Su Jin slowly narrowed his eyes and lifted it up fiercely, and the lid of the sarcophagus was lifted off instantly...


Set off!

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