My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2608: Burning City (2 bursts)

The golden buddha seedling swayed the leaves in the wind, swaying out the silk of the Buddha, and falling onto the mud. The King Shanjiao stared for a while, licked the wound, and cried and whimpered——

Inevitably, a little bleak.


Half a pillar of incense time, flashed past, the distant Galaxy Station, the sound of waves, Huan Zhao Dao Zun always had to be on the upstairs of the station every time, staring at the pattern flickering no less than 20 times, but could not wait for Su Jin and the girl. The appearance of Du Yuyan.

This time, the pattern of light bloomed, and Huan Zhao Dao Zun glanced at it at will. The posture that he was about to turn his head was suddenly frozen on the three of them!

Xia Yuyan, Su Jin! There is also a big and tall strong woman, at least Huan Zhao Dao Zun can't see the true strength of that wild beauty!

The three fairies Su Jin said, let them stay in the Tiangong, and when they come again, they will pass through the great world of the gods anyway, bring them together, and attack the heavens together.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun spoke to the Fu Yao Palace Master who was meditating, and the two sisters appeared directly in front of Su Jin's trio——

"Just come back..." Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked at Xia Yuyan and found that there was nothing unusual. Knowing that under Su Jin's protection, half of his hair had not been damaged, he relaxed.

At that time, Xia Yuyan was swept away by the little fairy Xiaoxiang. They have spent the past few days in self-blame. Now that they see their lover return safely, their self-blaming thoughts are all gone!

"Introduce, this is Guiying Kuanglan, and these two sisters are also my helpers——" Su Jin introduced it casually, without even leaving the formation pattern.

In my heart.

Some hesitated and irritable, even Su Jin himself didn't know why he felt this way. There was a feeling of panic in his heart. It might be affected by the tomb of the burial ground before, so he comforted himself.

"Guiying... Kuanglan... a familiar name--" Dao Zun Huan Zhao had a puzzled expression on her face. She knew that Guiying Kuanglan was powerful, and she did not dare to express it more.

"Kuanglan, Kuanglan... She is..." The Fuyao Palace Master trembled fiercely, without concealing the shock and horror on his face, even speaking with a little hesitation!

"Great Hunting God." Su Jin said three words calmly.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun and Fu Yao Palace Master, the two of them immediately flushed red, and they exchanged greetings. They all knew that if it were not for Su Jin, they would have three steps to the heavens and the power of the gods, this kind of cultivation is not big enough. The Hunter took a look--

After the two girls had finished their greetings, Su Jin asked, "Is there nothing left in the station?"

"I didn't stay--" Hun Zhao Dao Zun shook his head apprehensively.

"If you haven't left, leave now. When will the ship arrive?" Su Jin pointed to the distant shore of the Star River.

"I'm going to ask the boatman if he can leave. It's really impossible. Let's charter a boat faster."

"Okay, charter a boat, the sooner the better." Su Jin waved his hand.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun and Fu Yao glanced at each other, and the two sisters quickly rushed to the shore where they could see the boat to stay. No one knew, the two of them were playing drums in their hearts!

Voice communication!

"Oh my God, how did Tianzi Su find the Great Hunting God? The Hunting God clan is the only one in ancient times, and she is the only one who can be respected as the Great Hunting God! If it is supported by the Hunting God clan..." The tone is extremely excited.

"No, don't you feel that their relationship is a bit special?" Palace Master Fu Yao said with a heartbeat.

"The relationship is special? Su Tianzi can invite the Great Hunter, this is his ability, I don't feel there is a special place—"

"Big mistake, in terms of status, how do I feel that Su Jin has the intention of instructing the hunting god, and the hunting **** seems to be very obedient to his words..." The Fuyao Palace Master knew that his words were a bit absurd.

It's impossible to think about it.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was stunned, she didn't dare to think about it after hearing it! How noble is the Great Hunting God, no one has ever dared to instigate the Great Hunting God, it is nonsense to listen to it!

Soon, the two sisters Huan Zhao Dao Zun found a boat owner and directly chartered the entire boat. After the completion, the Su Jin and the three also arrived on the boat. They only chartered the boat without stopping in the middle. They went all the way and reached the teleportation at that time. It will take a day at the fastest...

Su Jin is sitting on the bow, nine sacred flowers gathered above his head, gorgeous and incomparable——

The Dao Zun Zhaozhao wanted to inquire about it several times, but was afraid to disturb Su Jin. During the period, he learned some misin in the mouth of the hunting god, and the two girls were naturally surprised and at a loss...

One hour and one day a day, after several twists and turns, Su Jin felt the familiar sea breeze and the familiar starry sky...

But since the moment they came back, the women obviously saw something wrong with Su Jin, and his expression was unprecedentedly ugly!

what happened?

Dao Zun Huan Zhao remembered that before taking Su Jin to find Xia Yuyan, the prestigious Emperor Su threatened the world and forbade any foreign enemies to move a piece of vegetation inside or outside the territory!

"Go home?" Xia Yuyan took Su Jin's hand, lest he leave again.

"Huanzhao Daoist, Fuyao Palace Master! I want you two to stay away from Yuyan for a period of time. If you make a mistake, you will definitely not forgive!" Su Jin's eyes widened in anger.

What a terrible momentum-

"Yes—" The two daughters of Huan Zhao Dao Zun wanted to turn around and ran away in fright. It was terrible. They were still their own people. They didn't dare to think about changing to be enemies!

"Great Hunter! Go!" Su Jin stood sideways and waved his arm to open a void passage.

"Okay!" Guiying Kuanglan nodded lightly, exchanged eyes with Xia Yuyan, and walked in.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun had to take Xia Yuyan and head straight to Qin City...

Jiuyou Jedi.

Su Jin's face was gloomy. He had never felt such a quiet situation. At least he hadn't appeared in the Jiuyou Jedi. It was quiet and terrifying. Outside the territory, at the northwestern pole, black smoke blocked many places, and the flames seemed to follow the darkness. Smoke rises into the sky--

Not far from the sea of ​​blood, the Buddha seedling swayed, being guarded by the mountain armored king under the tree...

The mud girl has never left the side of the Shan Jia Jing Wang, now I only see the Shan Jia Jing Wang, not the mud doll!

"I'm sitting cross-legged in the land of enlightening Buddha, could that muddy mud..." Su Jin felt a pain in his heart.

He babbled, the voice of the mud girl seemed to linger in his ears, just like yesterday!

Daxie Shen's face tightened, watching Su Jin's violent aura getting stronger and stronger!

And Su Jin's eyes...

Red eyes!


Su Jin stomped his foot, and soared into the sky, and the Great Hunter followed him!

When they were condescending, the two saw that there were eight cities connected together and they were being burned! There are a few places outside the realm that are deserted, and you can’t even hear the chirping of birds--

Su Jin screamed from the sky, and his whole body was shaking violently. His anger was already at its extreme, and then he almost roared in a roaring voice: "Who is in Burning City! Who is slaughtering the five-domain monks! Who is it! No matter who! What power! I will give it back ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times!!"

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