My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2622: Dead words like clouds

Azure, for the hand to cover the sky!

White-gray, for the hand of God!

The two condensed giant arms, just like people high-five in normal times, but there is no sound at this moment. The surrounding void within 10,000 miles is all shaking silently!

This scene is breathtaking!

Quiet, I don’t know how many people raised their heads to pay attention. The amazingly grand scene is simply suffocating. Everyone has a feeling of breathlessness——

The two giant palms trembled violently, and a black giant hole appeared in the center, and each palm was broken into tofu-like lumps in a blink of an eye, and collapsed within the scope of the black hole——

Su Jin felt like he had been hit by a star at this moment. His internal organs were suffering from unbearable pain. He was clutched at his chest and flew out fiercely!

Qin painting, the goddess of light, was shocked to the top of the light at that moment! Thanks to the quick support of the old lady, her face is as paper-colored after she stands firm!

Qin Hua relied on the gods above, took a deep look at Su Jin, and then was shaken away by the sky-covering hand. She heard the small sharp voice. When raising his hand, a strand of hair appeared on the egg surface of the Maya Heavenly Stone. Like cracks--

Meat pain!

The Mayan sky stone has always been in perfect condition, but now after a slight crack appears, it has become flawed!

"Heavenly treasure, but so!" Su Jin stretched out his right thumb and wiped the blood from his lips. He was injured, but it was not too serious!

"Young man, if it wasn't the Lord Goddess just now, but I was using the Mayan Sky Stone, you would have died!" The old lady was very depressed, and she couldn't see Su Jin performing in her bright holy place.

"Old lady, if you don't accept it, please let me see--" Su Jin gritted his teeth and sneered. The wheel of the secret behind him gradually faded away, and the nine gods all over his body became engulfed. He needs to heal faster!

A Holy Land of Light is so difficult to deal with...

If that great King Sword Eleven reverses the heavens and becomes the ancient Buddha, the ancient demon, and the ancient **** "Sanhua Venerable", the consequences will be disastrous, and it will be difficult for him to protect the entire domain, his woman, his brother, everything will be Encountered an unrecoverable disaster!

Not allowed!

Su Jin does not allow this to happen-

The whole body, as if a piece of crystal-clear snow-colored wings floated out of nothingness, Su Jin’s foot marks gathered together, the prosperous light, and a pair of wings appeared on display in an instant...

Big Ascension!

"Stop him!" The old lady let go of Qin Hua, gently stepped her legs, holding the bright dragon stick in both hands, and at such a distance, she appeared directly behind Su Jin's left in almost a few tenths of a second, and slammed at him. Overhead!

Su Jin failed to lift up the Xia, and simply stepped on the old lady's footsteps, which directly caused the old lady to smash her--

More than two million light **** disciples received the order, and they all shot together, and the light curse filled the sky like a net, as if to isolate this holy place from the world!

"Old lady! I didn't want to kill the precepts, but you forced me!" Su Jin's bloodliness was directly aroused, and the clay figurines were still three-pointed!

Qin Hua breathed slightly, thanks to the Maya Heavenly Stone, otherwise, she had no chance of being able to fight Su Jin just now, and she was almost unsustainable because of this.

Now, Su Jin is so fierce in the eyes of Qin Painting——


How to kill?

"Don't be ashamed of talking! If you have the ability, do it! My bright holy land is favored by God, how can you be afraid of you such a monster! I will not kill you today! I will not give up!" The old lady also did not persuade.

The voice just fell--

The old lady's intestines are all regretful!

Su Jin's eyebrows, Mohezhen Prison Eyes, instantly turned into a darker color than ink. This moment of fierce might, when people felt it, they immediately trembled!

Leaning back slightly, Mahe Town Prison looked at the thief God, violently shooting a black light like a sky! No, it's not the color of light, those are all ‘dead’.

"Grandma! I forgot to tell you that he has the'Dead Man's Sutra'!" Qin Hua also regretted that when she used the'light tomorrow pupil' to peek at Su Jin, she knew he had this terrible magical skill, but grandma asked After her, she only said that Su Jin was the Nine Dao Xiu, and did not mention it!

Big trouble!

In this case, I am afraid that even the old lady herself did not expect that, if she expected that she would not anger Su Jin so much, if the gods of the Holy Land of Light were destroyed as a result, she would be a sinner!

"Oh my God! The repair of the heavens has reproduced the frightened dead man's scripture!" The face of the **** of light was pale, and his heart was filled with fear when he spoke.


There was once a magical skill, in the hands of a monstrous demon, which almost brought disaster to all the creatures of the heavens. The demon walked through the heavens and pushed the fierce power of this magical skill to an unparalleled height!

That is the Nine Deadly Gods, which is the "Dead Man Sutra"!

"What are we going to do, the divine power of light can't stop this demon, our sacred place of light is covered by the'Dead Word Cloud"..." There were also people who looked terrified, drummed in their hearts, and their legs trembled like chaff.

"Tianzi Su can resist even the magical weapons of the gods, and the gods no longer appear, can't the hand of God also obliterate him? Why do we provoke him in the Holy Land of Light—"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to hurt my relatives, I don't want to hurt my bloodline people..."

"Tianzi Su, spare your life, spare your life!"

"Spare! We won't dare anymore!"


The voice rumbling, almost overturning this holy place, Qin Hua's face finally got two more blushes, but she was also at a loss. She knew very well that Su Jin had this ability, and it was inevitable!

In the eyes of the goddess of light, Qin Hua, his always arbitrary grandmother has no idea now, with regrets on her face, but Su Jin has decided to kill, who can stop him——

Densely densely packed, on a few sacred mountains to the northwest, all the gods of light knelt down and even the old lady couldn't stop it!

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there are waves of pleadings. The strength of these people is added together, and they are far stronger than Su Jin, but after all, they are a group, not a single person.

Su Jin's heart trembled quietly...

Especially after hearing the words ‘relatives’, ‘parents’, ‘sisters’, and ‘friends’, he felt a strange feeling deep in his heart.

Regarding the sutra of the dead, the reason that Su Jin hasn't been deeply cultivating, he is afraid that he will be affected by the kind thoughts in his heart. In the final analysis, he still has resistance to this divine art——

"I, the emperor of the night, never kill innocent people indiscriminately! I have no interest in your relatives, friends, or even yourself. Remember, you choose to be my enemy!"

Su Jin’s voice spread to everyone’s ears, "Originally, I could easily kill your people of one hundred and one thousand generations, but today, I will spare his life for the fucker! I will only be kind this time, you know , Your eight great forces are still targeting my hometown, and there are still eight big cities still burning there, and countless dead!"

The implication is already obvious-

Killing is not what Su Jin wants! These people have been deceived, and, when they become a superior person, if they are not cruel demons, they still have to learn to forgive and forgive...

Su Jin only targets the initiator!

Sure enough, no one is willing to pay such a painful price!

In an instant, the monk is like a fish! One after another

The old lady didn’t count it even more, all the bright crowds are gone~~~

Just between the old lady's stunned...

Su Jin suddenly took a step, appeared directly on the top of the light, and rushed towards Qin Painting!

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