My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2624: Stupid girl

Anyway, it's dead--

Qin Painting could not think of any way out.

Instead of falling into the river of blood with the other three hundred Yunying female cultivators, turning into a cloud of vital yin energy needed by the Great Lord, and being humiliated again, it is better to disband your body and let your body fall into the bottomless bright abyss below... …

Closing a pair of charming eyes, the power of light on Qin Painting's body is getting brighter. She is feeling the beauty of the last few seconds of being in the world, but after all, she still cruelly moved her hands to her heart.

There is no pain.

Don't you feel relieved, suicide, and feel the pain?


Qin Hua suddenly opened his **** eyes, and what he saw in his eyes was indeed half an inch from the mouth of his heart. There were **** there, which directly pinched Jian Feng——

Looking up, Qin Hua froze, seeing Su Jin's face, it was almost touching the bridge of her nose!

Just now, Su Jin was also helpless, thinking about how to give the Great King a "surprise", but Qin Hua actually wanted to kill himself with a sword?

No, anyway, Su Jin just doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen, and the hurdle in his heart can't get through. After all, didn't he drive her on this road?

Looking at each other, Su Jin looked handsome deliberately, blinking five or six times in two seconds.

"Sister, do you want to harm me?" Su Jin was one step ahead and asked directly in a questioning tone.

"Hurt you? You have to be silly, don't stop me!" Qin Hua has almost been sentenced to death now, and she is impatient. When will she solve herself by herself, it will be an obstacle to the Su Tianzi!

"Yeah, you want to hear the truth, this king will tell you the truth."

Su Jin's complexion became indifferent, with a stern face, approaching Qin Hua's right cheek, and slowly said, "Look, is this situation like yours caused by this king? It was this king who'sullied' your reputation——"


It was just a strong kiss, and even the word ‘defiled’ was used. In general, Qin paintings are not good at getting angry, this time they are really angry.

"And then--" Qin Hua puffed his cheeks and looked at Su Jin obliquely, breathing a little bit pantfully, of course, Su Jin was angry about this situation.

"Then you raise your sword to commit suicide now. It's not clear. You are watching. If others say it sounds nice, they will say that I am extremely wise. One kiss will kill the goddess of light."

Su Jin didn't rest, didn't even breathe, and continued: "It's not good to say, and even the dignified Su Tianzi, has forced a female generation to death, you see me like that kind of shameless Human? Huh?"


Qin Hua was really dumbfounded. What kind of eloquence is this Su Tianzi, he can speak a flower, but he prefers to look like she is really reasonable. When she dies, it will become Su Jin's death. ?

Death is so difficult!

There are people stopping to die!

Qin Hua's nose is slightly sour, a little at a loss, a layer of water splashes on his charming big eyes——

"What should I do..." Qin Hua felt that Su Jin's thinking was very clear and reasonable, but he couldn't think of something wrong.

"Look, brother and me, I don't have much time. I will give you some plans for the time being. The content of the plan is how you can die without affecting me. What do you think?"


"It means the method."

"You speak."

"First, you declare as the goddess of the Holy Land of Light, you are going to heaven, you are going to enjoy the blessings, death has nothing to do with me——" Su Jin smiled lightly.

Qin Hua slowly lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I'm not the goddess of light anymore..."

"Oh~~" Su Jin paused, "Second one, you go to the authority with authority and clear the relationship with me——"

"Shut up, why is it so troublesome." Qin Hua felt that Su Jin was simply plain, and said he was not good at him.

"Trouble? Don't die if I find it troublesome, or I will walk in front of you, don't you look down on me? I will be on the top of your light first, and the great king will die first, if I have an accident, you will not die. Yes, it won't affect this king's reputation." Su Jin looked at Qin Hua and said.

Qin Hua's eyes widened, this guy said this method is good——

There is a grandma, there are five great gods and ninety-six gods, Su Jin will definitely die when he goes there, not to mention the great king is there...

"Okay." Qin Hua nodded and agreed.

"You swear first, let's say it, I am not dead, you are not allowed to die -" Su Jin said.

"Okay, I swear!" Qin Painting responded.

This stupid girl--

What a lie!

Su Jin actually had a way, but she didn't dare to mention it. Isn't it simple to ask her to find someone to get a knife for herself? Besides, they all chose that way. The dust returns to the dust, who cares about whose reputation?

In the final analysis, it still stems from Qin Hua’s belief that there is almost no hatred between the two, she just obeyed her grandmother’s orders, and now she has been revoked from the identity of the goddess of light, so there is no so-called enemy relationship.

Thanks to the brainwashing method of this sacred place of light, this stupid girl was not completely washed away, otherwise, a martyr who died for the sacred place of light, can he be innocent? Also, find a place with no one, who knows whether she is dead or alive?

"Look at it, maybe I can live, destroy this sacred place of light, so who can threaten you?" Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Hua swear.

This IQ must be fulfilled, so he won’t be dead or alive while he is not paying attention.


Don't say Su Jin can't do it, even if she can do it, after destroying the Holy Land of Light, she doesn't know what else she can live for——

Qin painting's mood was still unstable. Su Jin fluttered his bangs, walked into the void, and yelled at the place where the blood was shining to the north, "Sword Eleven! You are now protected by the dogs in the Holy Land of Light. What do you feel? Do people rely on dogs? Come, come, this king is going to take your face out of flowers today—"

The voice rumbling north...

The bronze **** bone sitting in the resurrection field shocked!

Except for the skin and flesh below the neck, his important things such as the brain and the heart of the corpse are still preserved. The heart is only protected, and it will not be in full bloom until it is completely resurrected.

The spitting corpse spewed out a terrifying light, Su Jin directly awakened him, making him angry!

"Go and capture this Su Tianzi! He has two magic mountains, which contain the ancient and ancient Xuantian Demon Scriptures. By then, I can become the four-Human Venerable!" Great Zun Wang Jianxi roared.

The old lady was stunned outside the resurrection arena with the light dragon rod, and she understood immediately after turning her heart that the great king was so enemy of Su Jin, she was afraid that it was because of the ancient Xuantian Devil Sutra.

Of course, this is just her guess.

"Great Lord, this son is strong. I will wait for the six gods to protect your resurrection dojo. When you become the Sanhua Lord, this son can be destroyed. Then it will not be too late to take the magic sutra from him. !" The old lady solemnly said.

"Huh—" Great Zun Wang Jian snorted heavily when he heard the words, and chose temporary tolerance.

Su Jin touched his chin and said loudly: "What? The majestic king didn't dare to come out to fight with me? Yes, you have long been a human being and a ghost, and even a toad wants to eat swan meat. Can you do it? ?"

The entire sacred place of light began to tremble, and the Great Lord Wang Jianxi was as crazy now, wishing to step out of the resurrection field and tear Su Jin's mouth apart!

Qin Painting had just seen Su Jin’s eloquence, and he was so terrible. He didn’t expect that he still wanted to use the radical method to block the resurrection of the Great King——

However, the great king should not be fooled, right?

Sure enough, Jian eleven calmed down and said coldly: "I dare not go out? Then you... dare to come in?"

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