My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2626: Hundreds of Ancient Buddhas

Bright world!

There is a **** phantom who directly manifests in front of the resurrection field of the Great Lord. She behaves beautifully, even faintly showing the facial features, but she still can't tell how she looks—

The phantom of the gods is huge, and his arms are lightly folded together, and he stretches forward, a circular barrier of white-gray curse is opened!


With Su Jin's roar, Kunpeng's Nine Transformations' might, and the power of the Nine Transformations slammed on it!


The old woman was shaken back ten steps directly! Nearly stepping into the blood of Huanyang God, the footprints on the ground were as deep as ten centimeters, and a frost crack appeared at the position where the Kunpeng Nine Transformation hit!


Su Jin only felt qi and blood surging all over, and he was a little angry. What the **** is this Mayan Heavenly Stone, it can resist his blow! Moreover, the oval egg-shaped ring noodles are not cracked!

Su Jin was surprised, the old lady in the Holy Land of Light was even more surprised!

You know, she is the strongest master here, at least before the resurrection of the Great Lord! If she doesn't use Yamada Sky Stone, she would be hard to pick up this Kunpeng Nine Change, but after using it...

Almost all the light world was broken!

"I understand that before Qin Painting used this divine treasure, it was just that his own strength was insufficient. The strongest thing about this divine treasure is amplification and blessing. Therefore, the power of the bright world is mostly the power of the old lady's own god." Su Jin suddenly. .

This also explained that the damage to the Mayan Heavenly Stone was just an accident. The barrier of the Dharma Realm is far stronger than that of the hand of God, otherwise how could he not break it!

The most shocking thing is that the realm of law is recovering rapidly. If it is fully recovered, Su Jin, Kunpeng’s power of nine changes, is almost wasted--

Not only that, the time is approaching, the people of this bright holy place can wait, but Su Jin can't wait, there is not much time left for him!

Qin Painting slowly lowered his head.

After seeing Su Jin's unparalleled power, she actually had some thoughts in her heart, thinking that the Holy Land has nothing to do with her anyway, since grandma is ruthless, why should she look forward to the future prosperity of the Holy Land?

Su Jin can't break this bright world of law, but this world of law can always exist with the "Mayan Sky Stone", as long as the old lady thinks, it can last for a day or two!

"Smash, just crush me to succeed!" Su Jin stepped back a hundred meters, his mind turned fully.

Use ape strike?

Can't succeed! Su Jin slowly shook his head, Kunpeng Nine Changes was already so domineering, not weaker than Ape Strike Technique.

Sensual? Can you blow it away? With the strength that he has not replenished after being depleted now...

Use Jiuqu Yellow River?


Su Jin even thought about using the power of the Dead Man Sutra to bless it, and then use the Douzi Tian Mi to increase the amplitude, but the Mayan Heavenly Stone did not even appear cracks just now. Obviously, if you detect something wrong, this God’s treasure can inspire Own power.

With the power of the old lady **** and the power of the Mayan sky stone gods, Su Jin felt that this was an unparalleled problem!

"Stupid! The Bright Realm can't be broken at all! It was originally an opportunity just now, but unfortunately this kid has already missed it--" Someone among the Ninety Six Divine Kings laughed.

"The Great Lord is about to be resurrected. As soon as the Great Lord of Sanhua comes out, he will directly have the power to move towards the heavens. How can this Su Tianzi compare?"

"Get out of here, run away now, bet that the Great Master of Sanhua won't find you at that time, lingering in exile..."

"Dare to kill us on the top of the light, it is a personal thing, but unfortunately it is far from enough. I don't know the background of my light sacred place. Since it is here, die here!"

"Yes! Can't let him escape!"



Su Jin never thought about it!

If you leave today, who can limit the Great Lord King Sword Eleven! So, no matter how you can't let him live--

The bronze **** bone slowly raised his head, and the sword eleven skeletal bones opened up, seeming to be mocking Su Jin, yes, it can arouse Su Jin's attention, he is very proud!

In the past, Sword Eleven only wanted to restrict Su Jin, sincerely afraid of the other party, so at all costs, I wanted to get rid of this scourge as soon as possible. Now it is different. Su Jin wants to prevent him from becoming Venerable Sanhua, indicating that the other party is also afraid. He is resurrected!

"The dignified Su Tianzi is so famous, he would rather die than to leave. Don't kill him first. When I am successfully resurrected, I will kill him personally!" Great Lord Wang Jianxi laughed grimly.

Su Jin scanned the audience----

He doesn't care about anyone, including the protected Great King Sword Eleven. It is impossible to escape anyway, and it will never be possible to escape in front of these ugly faces!

"Since you should shrink your head and dare not come out to fight with me, then I will force you out." Su Jin calculated the time, there are still two moments away from the time.

"Forcing us to go out? It's up to you?" The old lady is prudent. Where can she be fooled, great things can happen with the light of the Dharma Realm. This is the most stable and the easiest.

"Do you know what I fear most?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Nine Dao Xiu? Once Venerable Sanhua is accomplished, blowing your breath can wipe you out!" The old lady snorted heavily.

"Big mistake."

Su Jin pointed to his head, "The thing that scares me the most is not to add the body, but the brain is better than you combined together——"


The six great gods and the ninety-six **** kings laughed in unison, their voices far beyond the holy land!

Qin Painting, who was quietly waiting for Su Jin's death, naturally heard Su Jin's words. She didn't smile, but was a little puzzled. Now she was a little figured out. Why did she swear to wait for Su Jin's death and kill herself again?

According to Qin Painting, Su Jin is indeed very clever, but they are all ‘little clever’!

The listener laughed, but Su Jin was very serious. He sat down a hundred meters away from the ‘Bright Dharma Realm’ and looked at the whole resurrection field——

The atmosphere gradually calmed down--

No one would have thought he could break this deadlock. Although there is still time, it is still not much.

Qin Hua looked at it, no longer tangled in his heart, Su Jin's life was not long anyway, she just waited.


Su Jin sat cross-legged on the ground, a Buddha light rose up, and the big wisdom Buddha pupil opened up between his eyebrows.

That is a very pure sacred Buddha power!

"Wisdom Buddha Eye!" The old lady and the sacred land powerhouses of Qingxu Sanren looked at each other, who didn't know this Buddha eye?

In the quiet scene, Su Jin, under the brilliance of the Buddha's power, the great wisdom Buddha looked at the nine sitting incarnations of the "Hundred Ancient Buddhas"——

It shouldn't be right to take a bath and return the blood of the yang god. In Su Jin's eyes, this is a great disrespect to Buddhism!



The remains of nine hundred ancient Buddhas are still shining, but the Buddha wheels rising around Su Jin, combined with the pupils of the Great Wisdom Buddha, are particularly special.

"What is good?"

No one at the scene spoke, except for Su Jin, as if no one heard these short words.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, shook his head, and did not answer—

When he closed his eyes, he seemed to feel nine auras, faintly watching him.

"What is evil?"

"What is a Buddha?"

"What is a demon?"

"What is empty--"

"What is heaven and earth, what are you and me..."

Rolling Buddha language, the questions asked are getting smarter, Su Jin shook his head all these questions!

The uneasy atmosphere seemed to be unable to appease even the sacred Buddha light. In ten ‘Buddha wheels’ including Su Jin, the Buddha light could not conceal the fresh **** smell...

In a blink of an eye, a moment has passed, Su Jin slightly opened his eyes, as if a ray of wisdom was revealed.

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