My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2641: Ghost King

The nine ways of fellow practitioners——

Senior Sister Lu froze, now she only has one feeling~~~


That's too much!

Qin Hua had a sly expression on her face, as if her words had hurt people invisibly. In her heart, she knew that Senior Sister Deer was at least also the cultivation base of the deity, but Ye Di had always beaten the deity, herself. How can I be worried--

Senior Sister Lu stiffened her neck and watched Xing Tianyang in the bamboo forest set up the tea table. Su Jin took out the fine wines and brewed, and they were casually confronting each other, completely different from the state of tit-for-tat.


Su Jin was in the bamboo forest and waited for an incense stick with Xing Tianyang. He drank two jars of wine, and the mysterious Master had not yet appeared. During this period, Senior Brother Xing told him about Master’s hobbies and love to play chess. , Known as the King of Ghosts——

"You don't need to wait." Not long after, Senior Sister Lu came over.

"What?" Su Jin looked at Senior Sister Lu with a questioning expression.

"Master sent a message, let me take you directly to the deserted sacrificial ground. He has no time to see you, saying that he is studying a chess formation." Senior Sister Lu also got up helplessly.

"There's a lot of stinky chess and fart, which is delaying the emperor's time--" Su Jin snorted softly.


Xing Tianyang and Senior Sister Lu changed their faces directly, and the master who was given the title of "Ghost Chess King" was actually called "Smelly Chess Basket" by Su Jin. How could this not sound very elegant!


In the distant void, a purple cloud rolled up, and a dojo appeared in it, with faint temples and sacred formations appearing from the clouds, and among them there appeared an old man with slanted eyebrows, white eyebrow goatee, not counting Tall, wearing a gray-cyan robe.

Senior Sister Lu and Xing Tianyang were directly suppressed, and knelt down again and again, and shouted at the old man who was walking in the void: "I have seen Master——"

Qin Painting was at a loss, so he had to kneel down and worship.

Su Jin was shocked, this old man is so powerful, he can't see the realm of cultivation? It just felt like looking at him, it seemed that even the Qi machine was a little unreal.

On the wine table in front of him, a Go chessboard was condensed from line to line--

"You kid who knows a fart of chess, dare to say that I am a stinky chess player? Come, come and accompany me to the next game, do you know how to go?" As a chess idiot, no matter who he meets, even if it is Su Jin, he wants to play a game.

Moreover, Su Jin's words seem to be quite powerful to him, otherwise how dare to call him a stinky chess basket!

"Senior." Su Jin was a little embarrassed, pretending to glance at King Guitianqi.

"It's called Master, although there is no great gift for master and apprentice, but if you can beat me, these are all free!" King Guitianqi sat in the original position of Xing Tianyang and hummed.

"Master, I don't know how to play--" Su Jin coughed and covered up.

"No! Not very good at playing? It seems that it will be a little bit..." King Guitianqi stared.

This way of meeting, Su Jin could only smile twice. Fortunately, this is'Go'. You must know the earliest Chinese Great World, but it is the center of the heavens. Go is widely spread. He understands the rules. Be smart, and you can still challenge!

The sweat on Xing Tianyang's forehead was shed.

Senior Sister Lu is also pale, Master Guitianqi King is just a name, playing chess is as weird as his temper, and his chess skills are superb! If Su Jin loses this time, it is estimated that he will never end well!

"Okay." Su Jin recalled in his mind. He had seen several Go endgames in his mind. With his current strength, it was easy to recall.

"Let you go first--" The King of Guitianqi's small watery eyes and his white eyebrows raised slightly.

Go first, naturally holding the black pawn~~~

Su Jin smiled, raised his hand, and made a gesture of squeezing the chess, a touch of ghost power condensed into a black chess piece, and gently dropped to the corner of the chessboard——

Food! Guitianqi King suddenly felt Su Jin's chess skills. It was an entry level. Where can I take the corner first? How happy it is to kill directly!

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen rounds passed——

"Master is really amazing. It seems that the younger brother is not at all equal to Master..." Xing Tianyang's forehead is like a waterfall, sweat is flowing, he is often pulled by the ghost king to practice chess, although he is not good, but he is very familiar. Up.

"Don't be noisy~~~" King Guitianqi raised his hand, frowning deeply, and looking at the black and white formation, he could feel a strange chess game being born.

Su Jin’s chess pieces seem to be out of order, but in fact every move is more than enough. If you play a few more black pieces, the formation will be difficult to handle——

There are four-way chess being formed on it-

The King of Guitian chess continued to place his pieces, and soon he felt a little hot in his forehead, and the hand of the white chess piece trembles, directly feeling the extraordinary formation on the Su Jin chess piece.

"If Master bet me on the back road, I will be in trouble." Su Jin whispered to himself.

King Guitianqi's eyes lit up, and Baizi dropped down——

Step by step.

On the whole chessboard, there were more and more black and white chess pieces, but in the end it became more and more difficult. The King of Ghosts hesitated for half an hour to make a move.

Su Jin only yawned...

"Little Luer, you take him to the deserted sacrificial ground first, I still have to think about it~~~" The King of Ghosts stared at the chess game and fell into it, raising his hand to let Miss Lu take Su Jin first.

Although there is no player in the game, as long as he can solve it, the odds of winning will be—

Su Jin shrugged, left his seat, looked at Senior Sister Lu and Xing Tianyang who were already dumbfounded, and motioned.

Qin Hua really convinced the King of Ghosts to be obsessed with Go. When the four left quietly, the master was still in a long-term thinking——

"Little brother, where did you learn Go?" Senior Sister Lu called the huge **** deer and asked smoothly.

"Master is miserable. That chess game cannot be cracked at all. I didn't expect the little junior to have such a powerful chess skill." Xing Tianyang couldn't bear to look straight. In his opinion, if it weren't for Su Jin's constant reminder, Master had lost early.

"It's just a coincidence. I have watched several Go endgames. There are two games. One game is called "Linglong Chess Game" and the other is called "Danghu Ten Game". It's almost time to catch the medicine according to the prescription." Su Jin laughed. .

Xing Tianyang gave a thumbs up.

He also knows the game of Go, knowing that it is not simple, and it cannot be played by imitating——

For the first time, Senior Sister Lu felt that Su Jin's whole person was amazing, especially as he got more and more familiar, the more he impressed him——

"Senior Sister, where is the deserted sacrificial ground?" Qin Hua asked curiously.

"There are thousands of super-powerful exercises and Dao marks left in the deserted sacrificial ground, but there are not many people who can understand and learn in it. It is more dangerous to go at night, and it is more mysterious to watch the sky." Shenlu said on his back. Senior Sister Lu took the three of them towards the deserted valley far west.

It didn't take long for Xing Tianyang and Senior Sister Lu's faces to be a little unpleasant.

"Damn it, we are not here at the right time. Someone has occupied the deserted sacrificial ground first--" Xing Tianyang clenched his fist.

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