My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2646: Blood Sun and Blood Moon

"Now Lord Wan Ruo is here, and he will definitely want this guy to look good--"

"Wan Canghai, Lord Wan Ruo is one of the ten masters of our Tiangang Sword Hall. Is that a name? A blood river ghost and magic way, and the use of firefighting is proficient, even if this evildoer brings Xing Tianyang and that deer girl together It's hard to beat."

"I heard that Lord Wan Ruo hasn't made any shots for 300 years..."


No one on the scene was not excited. A storm was rolling in from the southwest. Under the storm, there seemed to be a river of blood flooded with waves. The storm was rolled up by layers of blood, and among them was a middle-aged man wearing a red cloak, on his arm. He also wore arm armors with wolf heads and scarlet gloves.

Xing Tianyang and Miss Lu suddenly became nervous.

Qin Hua looked at the middle-aged man with curious eyes, but there was no wave in his heart.

"Wan Canghai is here at this critical juncture. I and I will take action together. I don't know how much time I can buy for Brother Ye." Xing Tianyang frowned. Although he thinks he can't match it, he and Deer Girl can still drag. .

"As long as we don't disturb the master of Tiangang Sword Hall, we can still do it if we hold him for an hour or two--" Miss Lu took a deep breath.

"What are you afraid of, Ye Di is invincible, you are free, don't risk your life to fight." Qin painting didn't care much.


Girl Lu secretly shook her head. Judging from the strength of Su Jin who nearly killed Song Yunfei just now, she was indeed strong enough, but this Wan Canghai's fierce fame was not so easy to deal with? Unless they are ghosts and invite an elder, they will not have the slightest chance of defeating them just by themselves.

In Miss Lu’s view, even Su Jin now has no advantage against Wan Canghai——

"Brother Ye is now not knowing what powerful divine method he is feeling. Once he succeeds, he may be able to match this Wan Canghai. We just don't let this Wan Canghai enter the deserted sacrificial ground and disturb him." Xing Tianyang has already taken a step forward. To the void.

Girl Lu looked towards Su Jin and was startled.

In the end, he had to face indifferently, and walked to the point where he was equal to Xing Tianyang, stopping the Wan Canghai in the southwest!

"You people in Ghost Tianfu deceive people too much! How did my brother Song offend you? Let you chop him seriously, almost to the point of abandoning the divine body!" Wan Canghai clenched his fists and asked with anger on his face. .

"Too much deception? Look at how many people are in your Tiangang sword hall? How many are we? Sure enough, it is your usual style of spitting people!" Xing Tianyang hummed heavily.

"It's not you Xing Tianyang who killed my brother Song, and you are not his opponent at all. Call out that guy—" Wan Canghai scanned the audience.

When the Guitian Mansion was discovered, Xing Tianyang and the three were present, and there was no Guitianqi king who protected the calf, so it was easy to handle it. As for the other disciples and the people of the Fallen Demon Sect, they are all rubbish. Brother Song was bullied into such a way that he couldn't help but some weak cultivators in the Ghost Tianfu!

"Emperor Ye has already begun to condense the magic in the deserted sacrificial ground. If you want to fight, you can kill you when he comes out!" Xing Tianyang shouted coldly.

In the desolate festival?

Wan Canghai looked at him, and he found Su Jin sitting cross-legged. He was secretly surprised. What is the origin of the emperor this night? On the surface, it looks like the strength of God's way, but the aura of enlightenment--

Quite terrible!

At this moment, Wan Canghai's face was gloomy, and there were other doormen who looked at Su Jin like him.


Su Jin raised his fist, as if there were a hundred thousand fist shadows flickering, this posture of just raising his fist actually made the sound of sea waves! The tide is rising and falling, the voice is very clear!

"When did the Desolate Sacrificial Site have such a strong magic?" Wan Canghai's expression became sharp.

Xing Tianyang and two others were unexpected.

"Brother Ye's way of enlightenment doesn't look like he is acquiring a complete divine technique. Could it be that he is--" Xing Tianyang secretly gasped.

"He is comprehending the Tao, and through the Daohenhai in the deserted sacrificial ground, he has realized that he has created a unique magic." Girl Lu also found something wrong, and her tone was shocked.

At this time, even if Wan Canghai didn't hesitate anymore, he had always been the kind of cruel and strong, no matter how weak the opponent was, he would go all out! Don't give the other party any chance to breathe!

Wan Canghai stretched his arms, and beams of blood rose from the tumbling river of blood behind him. There was a **** ghost **** condensed in the sky behind him. The blood spirit **** was holding his battle axe and constantly smashed it. Cleave to the place where Su Jin sits crossly!

"Wan Canghai! Your opponent is now us!"

Xing Tianyang was full of flames, and the alien phases of ten thousand lions continued to condense in the flames, and directly rushed to the sea of ​​ten thousand under the flames!

Girl Lu's eyes slowly changed color, as if they were deeper, and the pupils in her eyes flashed like a star.

The jade arms raised, and the **** touched lightly, and there was a starlight vortex quickly converging under Miss Lu's whole body--

The sacred deer not far away neighed towards the sky, and the whole body of the deer began to fade, but the spots on the body of the deer became unusually clear!

Lines began to form, connecting together on those spots--

The entire surrounding sky, under the deer girl's means, turned into a night starry sky, and the **** deer turned into a kind of constellation pattern!

"Those who stand against me die!" Wan Canghai's fiery temper, stepping directly on the sea of ​​blood, swept towards Xing Tianyang with a fist——

Xing Tianyang, who has ten thousand heads of lion aliens, roared at the sea of ​​ten thousand lions, without any intention of retreating! Go ahead!


With the sound of violent pounding, Xing Tianyang's ten thousand headed lion aliens were dissipated in the monstrous flames, and with a muffled grunt, he was shocked and flew away!


Qin Painting saw it very real, and stared at the Wan Canghai with wide eyes. This person was too strong. Xing Tianyang's such violent blow was scattered by a punch, and he was not affected at all.

Deer girl gently raised her head, the **** deer pattern on the starry sky became kind, and the stars around her gradually condensed into a regular circular array, with pink and purple strange **** patterns floating on it——

"It's almost the same for your elders to come! It's just a delusion for you to stop me!" Wan Canghai slammed his sleeves fiercely, and rushed out hundreds of thousands of **** ghosts in the vision of the blood river.

The blood-colored ghosts rushed to the stars, opened their mouths and swallowed, each one was swallowing the power of the deer girl!


A faint cracking sound appeared in the array!

At this moment, an amazing artistic conception began to emerge in everyone's heart——

Deer girl covered the day and the surroundings turned into stars in the night sky, Su Jin seemed to be unaware, and gently raised his hand, a scarlet moon in the east appeared and gradually rose to the sky.

To the west, a round of blood-colored scorching sun, unusually shining on the stars!

Sun, moon and stars appear at the same time!

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