My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2648: Flatten your family land!

Qin painting's face was pale with a brush--

At such a distance, Wan Canghai's demon body grabbed a palm at Girl Deer, giving Qin painting a feeling, feeling like a piece of duckweed in the sea of ​​stars!

Wan Canghai's demon body is too terrifying--

Xing Tianyang was about to split, facing Wan Canghai, just as weak as he was to Su Jin earlier, especially now that Wan Canghai was about to kill Deer Girl, but he could only watch, and there was no way at all. !

Girl Lu's face was calm.

Once, building a god-based foundation with "The Sovereign Extinction Technique", he was ruthless to people, and perhaps to himself, even if he looked up and waited for the moment of death, there was still no waves in his heart.


At the moment, in the desolate sacrifice field, the whole audience seemed to be turning into a vortex, quickly twisting, and in the misty vortex, a huge Buddha palm protruded from the vortex, and the golden index finger was light. One tap-

Wan Canghai's eyes widened, watching the Buddha's finger point toward his eyebrows!

If this claw was shot at the girl deer, Wan Canghai would be sure to behead the girl deer to death, but if his eyebrows were hit by this point, he might end up in a far more miserable way than his brother Song!

Immediately, the palm of the Wan Canghai Demon Divine Body quickly retracted, and the two demon arms were raised fiercely, and endless **** demon energy rushed out between the hands. Bloody ghosts screamed in the palms, and the whole area was lit up in a flash. Night sky!

"If you kill her with the palm of your hand, my night emperor swears, you will directly unscrew your head, imprison your body, carry your body to your family, and level your family land!"

Su Jin's voice continued: "At the moment you unscrewed your head, I will light your blood with the dead man's sutra, so that you will be wiped out of the world forever! If you don't believe it, you can give it a try!"

My heart trembled suddenly--

Wan Canghai realized that he had this feeling, it was absolutely absurd, he was scared of a Shinto monk at that moment!


Wan Canghai backed away two steps, the devil body was drawing the magic light of the blood river, just staring at the Buddha finger.

I have to say that Shinto Buddha can reach this point, and he has to be jealous. This kind of Buddha light has some restraint on his devil body, but where the realm is, how did this kid do it?

"Why do you Ye Di want to level my ten thousand family land?" Wan Canghai said Shenren, and it meant that you couldn't even hope for success.

"Don't doubt the strength of this king, you can't doubt it—"

Su Jin hummed heavily, "If you want to fight, at this time tomorrow, I will walk out of the desolate sacrifice ground. You and I will fight forever, and you will never die! You dare to take it!"



Wan Canghai hesitated, Su Jin was embracing Buddhism. Although he was not injured just now, he always felt something was wrong, and the other party had to make an appointment with him.

"Okay! Ghost Tianfu and Tiangang Sword Hall are between the forces. I will open up a battlefield of life and death. Tomorrow will be your night emperor's memorial day!" Wan Canghai couldn't figure it out, Su Jin's strength was really good. It's too weird, he has to check it first, of course, he still has to win, and a shinto junior, he is of course easy to cut!

"No!" Su Jin's voice came from the deserted sacrifice ground.

Wan Canghai sternly brushed his sleeves, intending to find Brother Song first. He lost his mind after learning the information, thinking that Song Yunfei had met an unworldly strong man, who knew he was a strange god.

Brother Song, who has the Sanctuary of Blood Disaster, had his head beheaded by Shinto repair? Run away with your head? Thinking about it, Wan Canghai felt like he was dreaming, incredible.

Wan Canghai turned around and disappeared into the void--

Miss Deer looked at Su Jin who was sitting quietly, he was the same from beginning to end, his eyes were not opened, but because of her, she made ruthless words about pacifying the land.

"Tai Shang Dee Qing Shu" has long been ingrained and deep-rooted, but at that moment, the deepest part of the heart seemed to have a little more strange feeling.

Xing Tianyang severely wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and the blood on the surface of his body had been absorbed by his body. Seeing that Miss Lu was fine, he became more worried.

As the Heavenly Gang sword hall and the Fallen Demon Sect were being discussed enthusiastically by more than three hundred people, the emperor of the night... only had one day to live, and he would be beheaded by Wan Cang Hai Wan Ruo Master tomorrow.

"This night emperor is just dragging time. He really thinks he can surpass Master Wan Ruo in just one day? Idiot dreams!" The disciple of Youtian Gang Jiantang said with cold eyes.

"The sacred method that he felt in the deserted sacrifice field can only be used reluctantly in at least two months. Tomorrow he will walk out of the deserted sacrifice field, which is a waste of this opportunity--"

"Wrong, he seemed to be creating a magical technique just now. Obviously, the magical technique in the Desolate Sacrifice is not suitable for him. He is just creating a magical technique with the help of those Dao Mark Seas."

"so smart?"

"Who are you most optimistic about tomorrow?"

"Lord Wanduo! Lord Wanduo can even sweep Xing Tianyang, fighting Tianyang with one hand, and the deer girl with the other hand. If it weren't for the emperor's words of engagement, the two would have been shot to death by Lord Wanduo. Oh~~"

"Walk around, Brother Song is seriously injured. We can't restrain the evildoer here. It's better to go to Shimen first and spread the news. Tomorrow, everyone will join in the grand event of the Lord Wanruo Slaying the Ghost Tianfu Night Emperor!"


Desolate Sacrifice, at the entrance of the cave deep in the Dark Demon Hall, the Fallen Devil Girl has a long skirt and fluttering, looking at Su Jin, but it took a long time to look back. With Su Jin’s help before, she only needs to meditate in the Dark Demon Hall for half a day. , You can leave the customs, and she will be able to catch up with the battle between the Emperor and Wan Canghai tomorrow—

Soon after, Su Jin opened his eyes, wiped away the tears on his face with his sleeves, and began to punch on the ground uncommonly. With that punch and punch, step by step, no one could see anything unusual.

Forgetful fist practice——

Girl Lu's complexion returned to a state of twelve minutes of coldness, and she took away the magic lamp, the **** pattern on the void shrank, and a **** deer staggered down, shockingly afraid of being on the stone ground above the valley outside the deserted sacrifice field.

Xing Tianyang and Lu Girl are equivalent to returning to the distance.

Qin Painting showed a staggering expression.

"Tomorrow's battle, Wan Canghai has an absolute advantage. Let's go back and ask Master for instructions--" Miss Lu glanced at Qin Hua and said.

"Uh, are you so dissatisfied with Brother Ye Di?" Qin Hua asked in confusion.

"It's not that I'm not optimistic, what he did is already against the sky, but Wan Canghai only used the devil body, and he has not even exhibited a monstrous divine technique. If tomorrow, if the odds are 100%, the younger brother will only have half the chance. "Success." said Deer girl.

"So low?" Qin Hua said in surprise.

"It hasn't been shot for three hundred years. This Wan Canghai is one level stronger than before. Half of Chengdu is considered high. This means that it is not without a chance." Xing Tianyang just deeply understood the horror of Wan Canghai and sighed. .

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