My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2669: Blood oath palm print

On the black earth--

Looking at it from a close distance, dozens of lava rivers are rolling north, but in that dim environment, there is a graystone giant standing in the ground.

The grey stone colossus is as high as ten thousand feet. It looks like a male or female, but its head protrudes sharply around it, as if spears are stuck on it.

"The second level, it must be there--" Su Jin was vigilant in his heart and started to run towards the greystone colossus, but he walked slowly.

As the distance gets closer.

The greystone colossus gave people an unimaginable sense of depression. Su Jin also saw that there were ancient characters on the colossus that were not carved, and the characters were different, as if they were naturally formed.

Those ancient texts looked extremely difficult, like divine texts——

And it wasn't until Su Jin stopped ten miles away from the Greystone Colossus that he felt a little troublesome!

On the flat ground outside the graystone colossus, circle after circle, circle after circle, painted with ancient ancient formations, the formations are circular, one of the plants has not grown, and ancient texts are densely packed on the formations The presence.

Yin Yang Tong Pass, what are the conditions for passing the second pass?

At this time, the wind was stronger. In the ten-mile array, centered on the colossal gray stone, on the ground of the entire array, there were some fragments of gray-white masses, and those were all **** bones—

In the endless years, the bones of the gods will also wither, and they will gradually be wiped out in the formation. They died in the formation. If they did not succeed in entering the formation, they were afraid that they would die in it.

Su Jin's heart is stunned. With his current strength, he is still afraid of a divine formation?

Without thinking about it, Su Jin didn’t observe anymore, and walked directly into the formation.

"We're in the battle!" Princess Jiuzhen's tone trembled obviously. She didn't realize that she had already squeezed Dongfang Goose's small hand, and couldn't conceal her inner tension.

"Would you like to ask the Lord Palace Master, in case he is in danger, with the power of the Lord Palace Lord, perhaps you can beg for something to prevent him from dying in it -" Dongfang Yan Chuanyin asked.

"No, it will take half a month for my father to leave the customs." Princess Jiuzhen shook her head slowly.


In all directions, there are people who are constantly coming to hear the news. Today, I am afraid that it will be the busiest day in Tongguan. Many people are curious. There is even a man who disdains Tongguan's first beauty, and that person is still breaking through!

The wave of discussions has gradually increased.

Su Jin didn't know this. He stepped into the battle, and even if he stepped on the gods, he didn't feel any strangeness. The breeze swept the gods of different sizes, and a desolate mood was lost. He really felt it.

These rotten pieces of bone cannot be blown out by the wind. It is conceivable that if they fall here, they will be wiped out forever.

Ten miles around, at Su Jin’s speed, it’s nothing at all. He hasn’t noticed anything wrong until now, but he didn’t vaguely understand the situation until he reached the gray stone statue—

A standing gray stone statue with two feet standing on the surface of the earth with some bulges around it. The position where this colossus stood was obviously higher than other places.

Su Jin stood quietly not far in front of the gray stone statue, looking at the high stone steps of a few people, there were a series of palm prints on it, and 30% of the palm prints were bloody!

Mahe Town Prison opened his eyes--

But at the moment he opened it, Su Jin felt his eyebrows tingling, and he felt like he wanted to shed tears. Fortunately, his current strength is no longer what he used to be. He endured the discomfort and saw vague scenes of "reversal". 'scene.

There used to be at most thousands of people gathered in front of the stone statue, pressing their palms on the stone platform, and faintly there are a series of ancient words floating out, like a butterfly...

test? Or test?

Su Jin frowned and closed the eyes of Maha Town. He just confirmed the fact that he wanted to pass this level. He had to swear by blood and press blood palm prints on the stone platform on which the gray stone statue stood. ——

Asking Su Jin to do this without knowing it, is afraid it is wrong.

The key is that terrible failure rate, which makes people have to hesitate. After all, the entire Yin Yang Tong Pass has only succeeded three in ten thousand years. Su Jin doesn't know how much this second pass has succeeded, but it will not be easy anyway.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Lord Vulcan, you need to swear an oath with your blood and your palm. If you can make the ancient words float to the position of the idol's knees, this second level is open. If this level is connected The test couldn't pass, and it's impossible to pass later--" The voice of the lava sea **** came from that lava river.

Su Jin suddenly.

Isn't it a quiz?

"How about the knees without the idol?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked indifferently.

"If you don’t cross your knees, you just barely meet the requirements. If the ancient characters don’t cross your knees, you have extraordinary talents. When you reach the waist, you will be an enchanting evildoer. All the ancient characters on the ground floated past the waist of the **** statue. Once—" Lava Poseidon came out.


Su Jin thoroughly understood.

Since it was a test, Su Jin guessed that the problem was not big. It was just that there were so many ancient texts on the ground within a radius of ten miles, at least a million, and it seemed that it was not easy to stimulate divine power to the point where it floated.

"What happens if I don't pass?" Su Jin asked more.

"The soul will collapse in front of the idol, this is the price."

"The entire Yin and Yang Tongguan, if I pass through all of them, what will I get?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"A rare treasure house, no master star field, one step from the heavens, make a wish, choose one of them." Lava Poseidon said.

Su Jin's heart trembled--

Of these four rewards, Su Jin was tempted by the last one!

Rare treasure house, Su Jin doesn't care!

No master star field, Su Jin doesn't care!

One step from the heavens is to pass all the Yin and Yang Tong passes, and you can directly take that step from this Extreme Underworld Realm, and it seems that you can enter without further trials, but he doesn't care about this like Su Jin!

Only the last ‘achieve a wish’, can it really work? Even with his current strength, Su Jin was not sure to rescue his mother from the Mogu God Prison, the star road was too evil, and if it could be so, he would have no regrets.

Su Jin no longer responds, and is always thinking about the scene in the Mogu God Prison. His mother was in the stupa above the stone snake's head, but she was powerless and was taken away by that star path.

Gritted his teeth.

Su Jin's eyes burst out with a strong color, and with a flick of his fingertips, sixteen drops of blood floated out. He captured his blood with his right palm, and pressed it **** the stone platform at the foot of the idol——


The immensely tall graystone idol shook under this palm!

This palm seems to have made an indelible determination. No matter what, his mother must be rescued, no matter how difficult it is!

Immediately, Su Jinpan sat in front of his **** palm print, and the ancient characters within ten miles slowly glowed on the ground and began to float~~

In the giant city, near the nine-story demon tower, there are countless monks! But at this moment, everyone held their breath and stared at the scene closely—

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