My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2673: Burning the sky, breaking the gods


With Su Jin’s call, the world seemed to change color. In the first level, in the tumbling lava sea, suddenly there was a ghost dragon with black light, rising up, the scarlet dragon eye, the five claws were broken. A piece of void, bowed the dragon's body, the dragon head is facing Su Jin's direction, bowing its head to rule!

On the western edge of the lava sea, a divine sword floated, with a terrifying mighty palm grasping the void, holding the hilt, and brazenly splitting a third of the lava sea, dark eyes, ghostly Diffuse!


A pair of black mist-covered wings, cross-shaped from the sky, covering half of the sky, double-winged black feathers, this is another extremely terrifying yin bird called to emerge from the underworld——

The figure, the four-unlike Yin beast, reached a million in a blink of an eye!

These are not comparable to ordinary evil spirits. Each is a genius who broke through the barriers and has a good cultivation base!

Ding Ding Ding-

Where Su Jin sits, the black lotus petals are shining black light, and his current power of the ghost king is blessed, and there is even a feeling that the arm can break everything!

"After the eternal age, it is the era, my ghost king's new achievement! A mere decree, I dare to claim the sky, watch me crush it and burn it completely!" Su Jin put away the sword box, stood up, and walked there in one step. Before the edict swaying in the wind.

What's ridiculous is that this ‘Heaven’s Decree’ actually wants to rush over, sucking away his spirit and destroying everything--

Su Jin's complexion was indifferent, and he directly pointed out a dark hand of the ghost king's arm, his subjects were everywhere, and this place made him feel as kind as the ghost world!


The King of Ghosts swept his palm, grasped the precariously bright heavenly decree, and buzzed and trembled in Su Jin's hands.

"Dare you!" The greystone idol yelled loudly. The entire standing idol raised both arms and swept towards Su Jin, trying to crush him--

The power of the nine ways, the ghost king of the era! Su Jin never felt powerful at this time! On the front of the bright heavenly decree, the Vulcan Avenue suddenly turned, and the strange fire was steaming. In the terrifying flames, the whole face of the decree began to burst into flames!


The heavenly decree was directly crushed by the palm of the ghost king Su Jin, and every ancient text on it was surrounded by flames, bursting like fireworks, and the rain of fire all over the sky fell, beautiful and beautiful!

"Next is you--" Su Jin slowly turned his head, with incomparable murder in his black eyes, his hair was flying wildly, facing the attacking stone arm, he took a step left!

Bang bang bang, I don’t know how many evil spirits and spirits, ghosts, dragons and yin birds knelt down, and their power was transmitted as if they don’t need money. Su Jin was not swept by the god’s arms, instead he stood in the void, with his fists suddenly clenched——

This heaven and earth shook fiercely in an instant!


Nine true princesses and Dongfang Goose, and even the nearly 50 million monks, all felt a kind of suffocation!

I had thought that Su Jin would be very strong before, even if he was seen through the identity of the great evil evildoer, no one at the scene thought about it. No one thought that Su Jin could escape the killing of the decree, but now, the decree is pinched. Broken and burned!

Dongfang Yan's eyes gradually widened. She was not breathing well, and raised her right hand blankly.

On the back of Snow White's hands, there is a faintly small phantom, who is sharply practicing terrible boxing. Although the phantom is small, the movements are capable and not at all muddled, but the complicated movements, including the start, the end, and the hole. Shenxiao's momentum!

The Nine True Princesses also took a breath of air, and on the backs of both hands, there were ghosts on the backs of the hands and practiced punches, retracting, releasing, hitting, rounding, punching to the sky, raising the feet, and all kinds of movements are so beautiful!

What punch is this?

The scene was like an ant on a hot pot, panicking, panic, and exclaiming! Everyone noticed something strange, but didn't know what to do!

"Ye Di's whole body seems to have changed, and it has become mysterious and profound like a mystery. The shadow on our arms is definitely a vision created by one of his magic arts!" Someone's face was pale and sat on the ground. At a loss!

"This is definitely an amazing martial arts! The decree was crushed and burned by the night emperor. It seems that he is very angry. After all, he was pasted on the god's eye by the decree before, causing serious damage!"

"What to do, what to do, even the appearance of the idol in the second level can't destroy him, he is afraid that he really has the strength to break through the nine-fold Yin Yang Tong Pass——"

"Rejecting the first beautiful nine true princesses of Tongguan, he has the strength to look down upon the princess! This kind of enchanting evildoer cannot be left by our Extreme Realm."


The sound of the discussion, the sound waves are higher than the waves, all are in an uproar, and even many great abilities of the extreme real world are paying attention to this battle in different ways!

Jiyuan Tianquan has been condensed, and Su Jin's aura has reached its peak. At that moment, Su Jin is like a fish trying to escape from heaven and earth, and he rushes straight to the top of the sky——

Princess Jiuzhen lightly covered her small mouth, unable to hide her shock at the moment.

"So strong, so strong!" Dongfang Yan was even a little excited. His domineering posture, combined with stunning boxing skills, could simply capture the hearts of many young girls at the scene. Unfortunately, Su Jinxin was not here.

"He is going to destroy the idol--" Princess Jiuzhen was really terrified at this moment. Seeing Su Jin really did what she said, she really didn't know how to describe her inner complexity.

"Can it be destroyed?" Dongfang Yan said excitedly and worried.

"I don't know, since he wants to leave the Extreme Nether Realm, why he has to go through the Yin Yang Tong Pass? Just tell me earlier, why bother to make things so big?" Princess Jiuzhen knew that the situation was out of control, like Su Jin. It has already alarmed many people, and it’s hard to leave--

"He is not the kind of person who wants to owe others favors. I guess I didn't know beforehand that the princess had a way to let him leave. Moreover, the father-in-law insisted on marrying him, so he was also very embarrassed--" Dongfang Yan took a deep breath. Say.

At this moment, above the night, there was a fiery red cloud!




Su Jin's head and feet are like a flaming comet, falling down from a high altitude, his right fist has already been stretched out, and the terrifying shadow of the huge fist seems to be blessed on his arm——

The speed is extremely fast!

"You must not die, you will suffer retribution! I curse you, curse you that you will never live beyond life, ah, ah, curse you not to pass Yinyang Tongguan!" The graystone idol roared wildly, his dazzling figure like a comet, Bringing the might of Era Tianquan, it found that it couldn't face this kind of power at all!

"In the Yin and Yang Tongguan, there is no grey stone idol of you anymore--" The huge arm shadow, at the front end of Su Jin's right arm, the fist shadow is very mysterious, almost at the same time as his words fell, it hit the gray stone idol!


The head of the greystone idol is directly turned into powder! The body of the divine statue was also collapsed instantly, falling heavily to the ground, turning into pieces of rubble!

Destroy the ancients!

Su Jin stood quietly on that piece of gravel, his expressionless face, black hair flying, sword eyes cold and stern, watching left and right, slowly turning around in place, full of enchanting!

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