My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2693: Wanggu Turtle

When it hit, there was no sound--

But the divine light turned into by the two powers is enough! The whole bridge seemed to be transformed into an immortal dragon, only the body of the immortal dragon could be seen, plunged deeply into the King Kong map, the scary scars of killing the Dao and destroying everything!

When visible to the naked eye, the 30 million phantoms of King Kong who were beating the drums began to turn into black air, and they were all wiped out, and King Kong's face became stiff!


A big mouthful of stone man blood spurted out. King Kong Master didn't want to be so embarrassed, but he couldn't help but the blood. What kind of immortal bridge it was, it directly shattered his King Kong map and wiped out everything!

Hit hard!

The scene was in an uproar! Many people have an unbelieving look. When Ye Di came earlier, they thought that Ye Di relied on the Ghost Heaven Palace and used the Ghost Heaven Chess King to succeed. Who knew this guy was so terrible!

"Fight with the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect first, and then severely inflict the King Kong Master. Who can limit this night? The King Kong map is the original condensed image of the King Kong Master, so the **** map has been broken. ——" Someone made a horrified voice.

"The origin of King Kong Master has been severely injured. He has lost his combat power. This type of severe injury can be replaced by ordinary power, and I am afraid that it will be wiped out long ago. Only its special diamond body can survive."

"It's over, I feel that at least I need Qin Tiangang to make another move and use his supreme and mysterious killing and cutting swordsmanship to kill the Ye Emperor, but the trouble is that there is also the Ghost Tianqi King."

"The King of Guitianqi and the ancestor of Shenlong both protect the calf!"

"What to do, what to do! In terms of numbers, we still have the upper hand. We must not lose in this battle, otherwise we are afraid that we will be destroyed by the night emperor--"




More is fear. Many people have not thought of this terrible consequence before, but now King Kong has been defeated. Can the Lord of the Fallen Sect alone deal with it?

If the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect is defeated, what will the Fallen Demon Sect do!

No one counts on Qin Tiangang, because this man is an old fox, and he obviously does not want to work hard. Rumor has it that Ye Di was exiled to the extreme realm of the real world, and the cruel words that Qin Tiangang didn’t name were not named. Unspeakable secret--

Qin Tiangang feels very bitter now, it's not that he doesn't want to put in any effort, he also wants to kill the Ye Emperor, but he can't!

In Qin Tiangang's eyes, Ye Di was absolutely thief! If he is doing his best now, even if he replaces the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, let the Lord of the Fallen Sect hold the Guitianqi King and let himself face the Ye Emperor...

When the night emperor arrives, he will definitely shake out the things he helped him--

To be honest, Qin Tiangang is afraid of meeting a smart person like Su Jin, because it is smarter not to name him than to name him!

"How could I be defeated, how could I not be able to defeat a Shinto Realm!" King Kong became a little crazy, but soon all his irritation turned into panic.

Su Jin quietly took a step and disappeared into the void. In the blink of an eye, he lifted his arms, and the front of the punches condensed a bright glow!

A punch, slammed in front of King Kong Master!


The old stone man King Kong, throwing blood up to the sky, and when the stone chips were flying around, there was a big hole in his undefeated King Kong body, and a fine crack was spreading on the edge of the big hole!

This punch blasted away the King Kong Master three hundred miles away!

King Kong Tussard fell heavily on the ground, seeing the shortness of breath, but the air intake was obviously not venting fast.

The huge old stone man was blasted down. This result was beyond everyone's expectations, but when Su Jin rushed over, who could have thought of this scene? !

Hum rumbling~~~

To the north of the Fallen Demon Gate, the earth cracked one by one, and the sacred soil was squeezed out like a mountain range. In the cracked cracks, a dazzling brilliance and blurring revealed, and soon a stone-grey long-necked turtle, neighing high Head off-

Thousands of miles!

From a distance, when the tortoise shell was completely unearthed, only one side of the tortoise shell reached a radius of a thousand miles! The gray marks on it are intricately messy, and the hexagonal armor pieces come into view on the turtle's back——

This turtle is too big!

Su Jin's face was dignified, his eyes opened, he did not pay attention to the severely injured King Kong Master, but saw the amazing scene very clearly.

There is a very deep scar on the neck of the tortoise. Although it has been healed long ago, it is definitely not a natural formation, it must be a trace of artificial cutting out——

"Ancestor..." The fallen demon sect master trembled, and worshipped the divine turtle with excitement on his face.

"Wang Gu ancient tortoise——" King Guitianqi took a deep breath, his old face was innocent. The birth of this tortoise was much older than the ancestors of Shenlong. It hasn't moved for tens of thousands of years. At first it was deep. Sleeping underground, people standing on the ground can still hear the heartbeat, but in the end they were thought to be dead.

today! Reproduce!

"Ancestor!" The monk of the Fallen Demon Sect began to kneel down in a piece, and the shouts were connected together.

"The ancestor is born! This Yedi, the King of Guitianqi, and the immortal dragon will all be destroyed by the ancestor!" The disciple of the Fallen Demon Sect was crying bitterly, and the excitement in his heart was visible!

"What Yedi and his ilk will never be seen by our old tortoise gods. It is the world's first tortoise, the ancient tortoise!" Some people lost their sense of excitement and laughed.

"The ancient **** tortoise has gone back and forth between the heavens more than a hundred times. Gods block and kill the gods, and the devil blocks the slaughter of demons. It has an endless life span. There are many prominent friends in the heavens. Today, I have fallen into the devil’s door. It finally appeared!"

"Punishing Ye Di is like slaughtering a dog!"


Dongfang Goose and Princess Jiuzhen were already stunned. When they heard the words "Wang Gu Divine Turtle", even if they were from the extreme real world, they only felt like thunder. This Wang Gu Di turtle is no less than a legend. !

King Guitianqi stepped forward, came to the void, and joined Su Jin. After standing still, he said lightly: "Apprentice, let the next matter be handled by your teacher, you and Xing Tianyang are standing together."

"No." Su Jin shook his head, "At this time, it's up to me, and it must end up to me. Master is just watching the battle, and I can handle it by myself--"

"How do you deal with it? Look carefully, look at the center of the back of the ancient **** tortoise, is there a sacred pool there? That water, some wonders that are rumored to be reflected in the heavens, that is the extremely famous'Suiyuetan' '." The King of Ghosts said solemnly.

"How did it come from?" Su Jin asked quietly.

"No one knows its origin, but the traces of the tortoise shell on its body are said to have been left by God, and this old tortoise, we can't deal with it by adding it together -" Guitianqi Wang said.

"Huh? So strong?" Su Jin was shocked by Master's statement.

"It's true that the talent used to be a teacher is the best in the world, but with nearly 80% of his life, he is only stuck at the half-step Nebula. The gods can be achieved, but the Nebula is difficult to overcome--" Ghost Sky Chess said with emotion. .

Su Jin's face changed abruptly.

No wonder, the strengths of the strong above the gods are mostly uneven, but who knows that the realm above the gods requires the strength and talents, which can be described as vast. Master doesn’t know how long it will last, but he has been stuck at that level with 80% of his life.

"Could it be..." Su Jin took a deep breath.

"The real nebula realm, looking at the ancient gods and turtles in the world, the stars and rivers of the sky are cruising casually, and no one knows their fierce names when they meet the gods."

Su Jin sighed and said, "In this case, it is even more impossible to let Master and Shenlong ancestors take risks. One person will do everything, and I will fight alone!"

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