My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2706: Which predecessor displayed the magical powers!

Could it be that Yedi also wanted to enter the mysterious heavens through the ice-colored ladder?

Many people have this idea. The hope of the ancient **** tortoise's departure is unstoppable, and it is completely submerged in a blink of an eye, while Su Jin has blood blue eyes and an angry face. Before the nebula vortex and the ice ladder dissipated, he was ruthless. Severely used the'Vulcan Arm' to directly condense the giant hand, and hit it directly inside.

Boom boom boom -

This palm seemed to have penetrated the barrier of the void, and Wang Gu's heart sank, and he did not dare to look back. When it entered the sky through the ice-colored ladder, it was also fled in embarrassment!

The sound of the wave appeared in a galaxy, the "Morning Bull Mountain Range" on the other side of the galaxy, the highest peak of Qingniu Peak, a beautiful figure perceives the strangeness, and gently turned her head, looking at the distant void, she could not see Wanggu Turtle, but very eye-catching, saw that terrifying Vulcan arm!

Not far from Qingniu Peak, a colorful boat is full of lanterns and blooms like a brocade. Next to the boat, the wound of the shadow burial’s folded wings has stopped bleeding, and he looks up at the terrible fire **** arm, surprised Muttered to himself: "Which predecessor displayed the great supernatural power?"

Wanggu Divine Turtle dodges desperately, and finally hides in a black mountain range, which is very high, like a barrier between heaven and earth——

But the beautiful giant palm condensed from the arm of the **** of fire crossed the galaxy, and in a flash hit the mountain range severely...


The earth pulsed, and dozens of meters of land directly swept away from all directions, and the highest point of the black mountain range was directly penetrated by a palm-shaped hole!

The terrible wailing turned into a **** afterglow in the sky, gradually condensing a circle of blood nebula, from which a pale-skinned youth came out.


There was an eighty-foot-tall giant with his strong legs bent fiercely. When he jumped into the void, circles of lightning engulfed the nebula, and bursts of lightning embellished his eyes in dazzling blue. He walked!

And beside the Blue Niu Peak, the boat is floating, and the goddess who seems proud in the hazy time has already stepped on the boat, and the shadow burialists dare not come out. It is chained again without permission. It is difficult to leave Qingniu Peak one step away.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen people, including the dim goddess, were present, directly on the black mountain, looking at the palm-shaped hole, inside the palm-shaped hole, the fiery red lava was still falling——

"Wang Gu's tortoise was beaten and fled, what kind of control is this, it is so powerful! Which senior is it?" The pale-skinned youth opened his eyes wide.

"Old demon Black Mountain, what happened to you, Black Mountain, you can't feel who he is?" The giant who controls the lightning nebula lowered his head and looked at the pale-skinned youth with a voice like thunder.

"Flint, the breath of flint--" the dim figure standing in front of the boat said lightly.

"Suiren? Isn't he already dead..."


Fall into the devil.

Su Jin's eyes were cold and fierce, and the anger in his whole body couldn't be calmed for a long time. With that palm, he seemed to hit a mountain range. He was sure that it was not in the world, it must be in the heavens!


The hole formed by that palm should be regarded as his determination to conquer the heavens! Su Jin's current creed is that deceiving me will perish!

You deceive me when you are weak, how can you live awkward when you are strong? As soon as Su Jin finished this matter, he set out to attack the lofty world. He wanted to see what God could do for him!

The ice-colored ladder and the nebula vortex gradually dissipated. Su Jin looked south, and the figure of the King Kong Master was no longer there. Maybe it was just when the ancient tortoise was injured, the other party had already determined that the general situation was gone, let's run away! There will eventually be another encounter!

With blood wafting, Su Jin put away the Donghuang Bell floating not far away, then walked directly to the King of Ghosts and the others, and went back home——

Half a day's time seemed like a flash.

Qin Tiangang took his daughter Qin Wanluo, and without Ye Di's greeting, he did not dare to go back to the Tiangang Sword Hall without permission. For half a day, he was sitting in the Ghost Palace, like sitting on pins and needles.

What would Yedi do to him?

I helped Ye Di and cut off the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, so he wouldn't embarrass Tiangang Sword Hall any more, right? Qin Tiangang was panicked, he knew there was uncertainty, after all, once the emperor had gained power, Su Jin's temper was very confusing.

At this moment, in the underground palace of the Ghost Palace.

The bright sacred stones glowed, dotted in the black environment one by one, Princess Jiuzhen blushed, carrying the blood coat replaced by Su Jin, and walked out of the waterside where the fairy mist was steaming.

At that time, Princess Jiuzhen saw Su Jin's chest above her chest, all bathed in the fairy mist, she was so strong, and this battle, Su Jin was very worn out, and she recovered when she came back in the bath——


Su Jin opened his eyes and looked at the Dongfang Goose standing by the pool, and said with some surprise: "How long have I been in the pool?"

"Given Yedi, but only half a day." Dongfang Yan didn't seem ashamed, after all, he could only see the situation on Yedi's chest. Besides, in order to ruin herself, she has long been the princess's slave and maidservant, so how can she care about this——

Su Jin suddenly looked at Dongfang Goose's icy and proud face, and then said, "Qin Tiangang is still there?"

"Yeah." Dongfang Yan nodded with certainty.

"I changed my clothes to meet him. By the way, you and Princess Jiuzhen, I will let Master find the method of teleportation and send you to Nanlitian, but you can think clearly. Once you go to Nanlitian, you will always It's a traitor--" Su Jin said lightly.

Dongfang Goose straightened her body, her faintly arrogant temperament was revealed. Her small feet were like four-inch snow lotus, her toes point to the water's edge, and her whole pair of calves did not enter the pool. Then she took up the clothes prepared by the pool and said : "Where the princess goes, I will go, whoever she marries, I will marry whoever—"

Su Jin's face remained calm, but he sighed in his heart. After being vaguely fooled, he soon finished the bath, changed into a fresh and elegant robe, and walked out of the underground palace.

"Ye Di is here, Ye Di is here!" The disciples of Ghost Tianfu whispered nervously. Seeing the Ye Di walking in elegant robe, every Ghost Tianfu disciple was a little at a loss.

"Qin Tiangang is still waiting, if there is no Ye Di, he dare not leave without authorization--"

"Speak down, Ye Di is here—"


"See Senior Brother Overnight Emperor!"

Finally, the uniform voice made Su Jin helpless. He nodded and walked into the Chess King Pavilion.

Although everyone is a disciple in generations, even if Ye Di started late, his strength is too terrible. Who dares to call him a junior? Not familiar after all.

The King of Chess, the King of Ghosts, was holding tea, while Qin Tiangang's expression was cloudy and sunny, and soon Qin Wanluo's body trembled, her delicate and intelligent eyes turned around, not knowing what she thought in her heart——

Qin Tiangang soon saw Su Jin walking straight into the house! Where would you dare to sit still? Get up and welcome!

Ye Di, here comes!

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