Despite Su Tianlong's words, the strong young man named Leo still stared at Su Jin, apparently having deep opinions on him.

Su Jin is very indifferent. He has long heard that foreigners are stingy, and it seems to be true.

"Xiaojin, I hope you don't get angry. These two people are usually very proud. The headquarters has smashed resources on them, and finally they have cultivated a few good masters. From your perspective, how are they?" Su Tianlong's eyes With curiosity, he looked at Su Jin and asked.

Su Jin could hear the self-confidence in Su Tianlong's tone. The two were indeed masters, but he hadn't seen them make a move yet, so he could only roughly judge their rank.

All forces are now cultivating talents, not only Su Tianlong's forces, but also the old guy's dragon teeth. It seems that whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak. It is difficult to change.

"Let them try it." Su Jin also wanted to see how strong the dark angel master was trained.

"Okay!" Su Tianlong was quite happy, and said to the two in the open space: "Leo, Modo, you two show it."

Leo raised his brows and said, "Boss, I want to fight him!"

"Asshole!" Su Tianlong scolded, "Xiaojin is the distinguished guest I invited. Did you fight as long as you want?"

Lei Ao was very unconvinced, bowed his head without saying a word, and did not follow Su Tianlong's words to show his ability.

Su Jin smiled and said lightly: "It's not that I dare not fight you, but I'm afraid of hitting you."

He didn't say this in a big tone. In his opinion, although these two people are stronger than the original white wind, he is now far stronger than before, so it is too difficult for these two people to defeat themselves. Up.


Not only Leo, but even Modo on the side blushed with anger, and raised his **** to Su Jin. He had seen someone crazy, he had never seen someone so crazy.

Su Tianlong frowned. His original intention was definitely not to want Su Jin to fight them, but now it seemed that there was no way. He could not help but look at Su Jin with a sorry look. He knew that Su Jin was very strong. If that is the case, it should probably work, not only that, but he also wants to know whether Leo and Su Jin are overwhelming or not as good as him.

There was Su Jin's woman present. If he persuaded him, he would definitely not be able to explain. After thinking about it, Su Jin stood up gently and said: "Since you want to compare, I will fulfill you."

When the two Leiou heard Su Jin's words, their eyes suddenly flashed, which is naturally the result they want to see most!

Su Tianlong could tell that Su Jin was not angry. This is the best way. He is now at a critical moment, afraid that this kid will be dissatisfied, and it won’t be so good to fall to Dai Meiyun’s side. Then he said: "You all Do it lightly, it won't hurt Xiaojin."

"No, just let them go all out." Su Jin shook his head.

Leo pointed to Su Jin and said, "I want to play singles with you."

Su Jin:...

"It's up to you." Su Jin knew that the other party's self-esteem was very strong, and he didn't bother to say anything. He walked to a few meters across from the two, and Modo on the side also withdrew at this time, making room for the two to fight.

The little wolf next to him whispered to Sister Qin, "Sister Qin, who do you think is the strongest?"

"Leo is dangerous." Sister Qin shook her head with a smile on her face. She felt that there was no suspense in this battle, but she still didn't know what Leo was capable of. At least Su Jin, she was quite good. understand.

"Yes, but I am more optimistic about Leo." said the little wolf.

"Didn't you get beaten by Su Jin?" Sister Qin asked.

"That's different, I definitely can't compare with them, and... you and I don't know the origins of Leo and Modo. Having been in the snow for so long, they must be very powerful characters." Little Wolf shook his head and said.

"Let's take a look." Sister Qin hummed and stopped talking. She looked at the chairman Su Tianlong and found that the chairman was also very interested at this time.

After sighing inwardly, the chairman was very mindful, she turned her face to where Su Jin was.

At this time, Su Tianlong and his daughter were also communicating, but their eyes didn't leave the venue.

"Dad, why did you let them fight?" Susan was puzzled, she thought it wouldn't be good to hurt it over there.

"What do you know? A man's fist is a symbol of power. Now I am looking for Su Jin to test their fist and determine the action to be taken in the future."

Su Tianlong obviously counted in the back, Susan was still too young after all, and naturally did not have as much scheming.

Susan suddenly, she did not expect this, but she still has a lot of confidence in Su Jin, feeling that he is an omnipotent man.

In the field.

Leo's eyes were sharp, he could clearly see that the guy in front of him was ignoring him. The more the other party was like this, the more he felt that he had to give the other party a bit of color.

"Show all your abilities, let me see." Su Jin said quietly while looking at Leo.

"You will die!" Leo said with a fierce appearance.

"That's also scared to death by you, right?" Su Jin felt that this foreigner was crazy. Our Huaxia people pay attention to calmly pretending to be x, but the other party's arrogance is not concealed at all. This may also be cultural. Some differences.

But anyway, Leo has some strength. Even though Su Jin looks like this, he still values ​​him more. He also wants to know how strong Su Tianlong is a master. The only thing he can be sure of is Leo. It is definitely stronger than the last white wind.

"Okay, I'll let you see it!" Leo gritted his teeth, finally couldn't stand Su Jin's indifferent gaze, and screamed fiercely.

Su Jin frowned, he finally found something wrong!

Leo is not a normal person!

After Leo roared, his upper body seemed to be able to see some changes with the naked eye, that is, after a few breaths, his hair grew a little longer. This is not the case, the original The loose clothes, under everyone's gaze, began to be slowly stretched out!


Not only was Su Jin surprised, but even the sister Qin on the side showed shocked gazes, but Su Tianlong took it indifferently, and seemed to be used to it.


In the end, Leo’s shirt was pushed away by an inexplicable force. When the strong dark pectoral muscles appeared, Su Jin finally shook his heart. He found that Leo could actually do it in just ten seconds. Kung Fu, his strength has more than doubled, and it seems that he really underestimated the opponent.


Lei Ao is not a simple change. His figure does not look like a human in the eyes of the left and right people, but like a heavy meteorite, indestructible and heavy as a mountain.

When Leo stepped on the ground with one foot, people in a radius of tens of meters felt some slight vibrations, which showed that his strength exceeded everyone's imagination.

"Not bad." Su Jin paid attention, his face was not as calm as it was at the beginning.

He felt that if he didn't show some ability, under this situation, and the ship overturned in the gutter, would Su Tianlong still value himself? Although he would care about the strength of the old guy behind him, his attitude was definitely not as good as before. So he felt that when it was time to show his ability, he still had to show it, and he couldn't let others look down upon it.

Lei Ao blew his eyes and stared at Su Jin. In this state, it is quite good that he has not lost his consciousness. It took at least five years for Dark Angel to solve this problem. It was only recently confirmed. After there were no problems, Leo was out of the mountain at this critical moment.

"Boy, die!" Leo roared, like a gorilla, rushing towards Su Jin.

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