My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2715: Heavenly Demon Python

Masterpiece magic!

A terrifying magical method-

When Affia was just close, she never expected Su Jin to possess such a powerful technique, but she was also helpless, even if the distance was farther away, according to the power of Su Jin’s magical arts, she couldn’t. Hiding, this is the power of the'concentration technique'.

So suddenly, an embarrassing scene appeared. Su Jin's handsome kick kicked from behind Ephia and kicked her directly~~~

When Affiya's ‘Concentration Technique’ power failed, she instinctively stretched out her hand to cover the painful part, her posture was rather awkward—

Guiying Kuangmao lightly covered her small mouth, looking at the beautiful girl who possessed the strength of Nebula Strong, she was kicked by Su Jin!

The sound of exclamation all over the sky followed, and in that huge fairy city, all of them were talking about Su Jin's foot!

"The King of People has beaten even the Strong Nebula..." Someone turned pale, with a rather unstable tone of fear, watching the scene dumbfounded.

"The invincible Nebula powerhouse was kicked to a very embarrassing position, and the King of Chu was already so strong! He just appointed a magical technique, I am afraid that even Ephia has not counted it."

"Also! Don't you think there is something wrong with the golden body of Human King? None of the powerful Nebula can break its golden fingers. This is terrible!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, this Nebula powerhouse hasn't used his true skills yet, we still have two others, and the King of Chu will definitely not be able to leave today!"


Shame in the face of the people of the world, even if it is an ordinary monk, but Ephia is a strong nebula. This kick made her face flushed, as if it touched the great dignity. In order to breathe fire, Yinya also bitten tightly.

Su Jin has some regrets--

Although the concentration technique was strong, Su Jin knew very well that his realm could not keep up. If he had the ability to cut the universe, this ‘sound concentration technique’ could be cut off as long as he held the opponent.

Su Jin didn't know, he shocked Ephia far more than the others.

This calming magic technique, even in the mysterious heavens, is also a rare secret technique in the world. Su Jin’s technique even shocked Ephia in a cold sweat just now. If it is of the same level, how could this emperor Can't you kill her directly?

Jie Jie Jie -

A dark laughter seemed to appear from everyone's ears, Su Jin's expression moved slightly, and he did not turn his head to look.

"A fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths, Buddhism and Taoism for longevity, as well as such a magical calming technique, my Yan Qing did not come in vain, Miss Shepherd, you should return to the heavens and continue to feed your cows, everything on this person The treasure will be unique to me, and I will strip away this mastery of the world from him!"

The second nebula vortex floated slowly, and when the voice just fell, those nebulae seemed to have been swallowed, shrinking crazily, and when the ghost heard the words, he looked intently, and his face suddenly paled——

"Yan Qing! Go back, I can deal with it myself!" The shepherd Effia's silver teeth squeaked, or she would cut Su Jin personally and return to the heavens, and then spread it out, how she should be a human being !

"How big of a face you have lost, don't you have a score in your heart? Looking at the old friend, who is visiting Dongjiang, the lord has specified that you want to take the head of the emperor and go back. You...not his opponent." Yan Qing walked lightly.

Yan Qing is wearing a gray-black cloak. On her sturdy muscles, divine power is constantly flowing through the meridians, and the trajectory can be clearly seen! Especially the pair of reddish demon eyes, it seems to have a terrible feeling of imprisoning Dao Xin directly under the eyes.

Nebula Strong Yan Qing!

Guiying Kuanglan is very excited now, Yedi established an alliance of traitors when he was in the Five Elements Heaven, and threatened to defeat the heavens again!

At that time, she had something to hide in her heart, thinking that it was impossible, but now Su Jin is eternally fighting Nebula!

And just now, Yan Qing, a strong nebula, has personally confirmed one thing, that shepherd Efeya is not Ye Di’s opponent! Regardless of whether it is a retreat, but this is undoubtedly an indirect recognition of Su Jin's strength!

As the great hunting **** who has followed Su Jin to this point, Guiying Kuanglan suddenly feels quite good-

"You!" Shepherd Efeya was in the void, about to explode in anger, stomping her feet again and again.

This night emperor is really not her own opponent, Ephia can't bear Yan Qing's evaluation of her——

"Little girl, this king doesn't want to smash the flowers. You are indeed too weak. I can't even force my true strength. I take your bull to withdraw. I'm so lazy to beat you." Su Jin faintly Take a look at Ephia.


Ephia is going crazy, tortured crazy!

Is it really powerful, or is the night emperor too mad! Ai Feiya felt her slightly stiff nose sore for an instant, and she almost cried with anger by Yan Qing and Ye Di. She stomped her feet and rode on the sacred cow that had suffered severe damage in the sky.

Just watch the battle! Ai Feiya didn't believe it, but it was a pity that Ye Di failed to die in her hands, and instead made a joke. With this Yan Qing's arrogance, she could not tell what she would say when she returned.


Su Jin is under pressure now.

When Yan Qing appeared, the pressure increased by one point. Although this person was the same Nebula powerhouse as Ai Feiya, his strength was far better than that of the girl.

"My name is Yan Qing, and my body is a transcendent demon python from the depths of the sinful Dongjiang River. Wanggu Divine Tortoise gives you a high evaluation of Ye Di. The strength that has just shown is indeed impressive." Yan Qing's arrogance, It could be seen from the aura and posture, even though he spoke like this, he only gave Su Jin a light look.

"I haven't heard of—" Su Jin shrugged and spread his hands.


As a wild beauty, Guiying Kuanglan has a very high vision. There are few men who can see her in her eyes, but Ye Di is in her heart at this moment, it can be described by worship.

Yan Qing is crazy with Ye Di?

That is Yedi's specialty!

Sure enough, Yan Qing's face was slightly dark, he was a face-loving person, even if the monks here were like ants, but being so despised by Su Jin, he was a little embarrassed and angry.

Heavenly Demon Python, Ye Di never heard of it! Yan Qing twisted his neck, and his supernatural power could be seen running through his skin. At this moment, when he twisted his neck, an overwhelming demonic air seemed to spread.

Where Yan Qing was standing, outside it, there was a faintly entwined demon python phantom whistling, the demon python spit out a snake letter, the snake pupil demon yellow, and the billowing demon spirit was crisscrossing!

"Very good! I was ordered to kill you Ye Di, but you despise me so much, but I want to see if you can hold my punch--" Yan Qing shook her arms, her momentum increased tenfold!

The whole **** light flashed, and at the forty-five-degree angle of Su Jin's void position, he leaned forward fiercely. The bright demon light condensed from the fist front seemed to directly lock Su Jin!

This punch is too strong!

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