My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2717: Shocking punch


The void was covered by the sky full of demon light, and the faint smell of snakes permeated, and there were circles of weird hexagram signs around the battlefield where the demon light shone.

Yan Qing's body was like a divine python coming out of a cave. When he bowed, the snake's head was covered with clouds and the snake pupil looked down at Su Jin, giving it a sense of superiority.

"It's just a beast, what's the point of just shouting, this king cares who you are! You only need to know that being an enemy of me is your biggest mistake in this life!"

Su Jin's imposing aura is extraordinary. Just now he has already tried out the strength of this Yan Qing. It is not that he can not shake the other party. Now he is naturally brave and continues to cruelly said: "Look at this king's punch and crush your demon python body!"


Exaggerated, right?

Everyone was shocked--

The shepherd Efeya's pretty face changed again. Su Jin just said that he didn't use all his strength, and now the warm-up is over? But this tone is so arrogant to the extreme, it's almost unscrupulous, to punch the demon body of the heavenly demon python?

Dream it! Ephia didn't believe it at all in her heart--

"My father is the first snake ancestor in Tianhuanhai, the god-swallowing python! I inherited the blood of my father's Xuanxuan bloodline. The demon body is far more powerful than your golden body! You want to punch..." Yan Qing was talking, but finally couldn't continue.

The atmosphere seemed to be extraordinarily weird, Yan Qing smelled an extremely unusual and terrifying aura——

Effia stared beautifully, Su Jin's right arm was glowing with a blazing fire, and the fire broke the void, and even afterwards, there was an old man who could not see the front. The back, looming behind him!

Sui silhouette!

Outside the battlefield, whether it was the cultivator watching the battle in the fairy city on the mountain range, or the monk who reflected the scene from afar, under the eyes of everyone, there was a terrified cry!

"Sui--" In the distance of Xiancheng, in the countless fairy lights, someone trembled in fright, and his breathing was not easy. The back of that old man put a lot of pressure on the mortals.

"Is it Sui! How can the King of Humans and the King of Humans have the inheritance of Suiren——"

"Fake! Not true! Sui once became a legend, and never came back, and eternal years have passed, Sui has already passed on, how could it be passed on to the current people? This man Wang Fenming is just playing mystery!"


Gui Ying was full of blood from the hunting gods, surging, and even had the urge to go and fight with Ye Di. The raging flame seemed to ignite the most real wild in her heart, too strong——

The shepherd Efeya was anxious and shouted directly: "Yan Qing! Don't forget the adult's explanation. If you can't complete the task, who can bear the punishment after you go back? Hope the ancient tortoise said yes, he has a flint. Human inheritance, the arm he just shook you hard is the real Vulcan arm!"

"His Vulcan arm didn't do anything with me just now! You don't want to talk about it, I'll see how he smashed me with a punch—" When Yan Qing roared, the entire terrifying snake body seemed to stir the void. The evil spirit became more intense.

Su Jin stood silently in the void...

Wenluo on the arm of Vulcan, Huohua seemed to have ignited his battle blood, Su Jin himself extremely enjoyed this feeling, it was the feeling of a super strong!

Raising her head slightly, shepherd Effia's heart shook, Su Jin's blood-blue eyes gradually brightened——

Blood blue!

"Dou, Dou Zi Tian Mi!" Yan Qing's expression was overjoyed, and even her voice became excited, "You really are a treasure house, you can even have Dou Zi Tian Mi, good! The more the better! It's all to me. Green all!"

Yan Qing was so excited that she chose to take over the task. Coming to this area was originally meant to relax, but she actually encountered such a big advantage!

"If I were you, I would never laugh now--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Vulcan arm, coupled with the cultivation strength of the longevity stage, even with the blessing of Douzi Tian Mi, you will not be able to break the defense of my sky-passing demon python, let alone crush me!" Yan Qing calmed down a bit, snake Hitomi looked at Su Jin in a condescending state.

"Vulcan Arm and Douzi Tian Mi are indeed difficult to defeat you, but I realized a boxing technique today. Can you resist it through the Vulcan Arm to show it?" Su Jin's voice actually began to become a little misty.


Those who heard it were all surprised--

"Huh?" At the moment when Su Jin's voice fell, she felt his aura soaring again. She felt that something was wrong, and then looked at the back of her hand, and then let out an exclamation.

Void, there is a Void on the back of her hand, she is constantly jumping and practicing boxing, and she has an amazing momentum to break through the sky. She has never heard of this strange martial arts!

There was a cry of exclamation!

Guiying watched blankly, Su Jin was grabbed by that horrible palm from the Holy Land of Light. It seemed that she had a great opportunity. She stiffened her neck and looked down at the back of her hand.

The shadow of the boxing is sharp, the shadow is very small, but the momentum continues to increase with the derivation of boxing, the ghost is unbelievable, but when she looks at other people, everyone is afraid, why there is a shadow on her arm Practice boxing, and every kind of boxing skill is ever-changing, hard to figure out!

Others do not say.

Even Su Jin has deep expectations for this blow. His strength is increasing, and he seems to feel his own difference every day. With this punch, he wants to gain something!


Yan Qing's demon python's body is like a divine python cruising in the universe, but as Su Jin's momentum continues to rise, he sees it, and his heart begins to become extremely vigilant.

The Vulcan arm plus the word Tian Mi, plus this punch, Yan Qing felt threatened!

Great threat!

"What's the name of this punch!" Yan Qing was cautious, full of demon spirits, constantly making defensive moves.

"Era Tianquan!"

Su Jin roared up to the sky fiercely, and the void was in an instant, along with those demon qi, a drop of fire rain lava appeared, and when he roared melodiously, strands of Wenluo, like fire-shaped willow leaves, were on his Vulcan arm. Rush out--

Yan Qing was shocked, the void seemed to be hazy under the high temperature, the rain of fire was pouring down, and then there were fire-colored giant arms appearing around Su Jin!

One after another fist marks, cruising around Su Jin, those profound phantoms turned into Dao marks, evolving in a sea of ​​arms condensed by the power of Vulcan——

Su Jin slowly raised the arm of the deity Vulcan, and held it gently in the surrounding flames!

Ang Ang Ang~~~~

The vast Era Tianquan, with the increase of Douzi Mi, evolved from the arm of the longevity Vulcan. That arm is full of flames, and the arm is like a mountain. When the punch is out, the entire battlefield void is turned into darkness and directly strengthened. The power broke through!

"Not good!" Shepherd Efeya trembled in her heart.

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