My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2731: A face with fox ears, surpassed the heavenly fairy!

Mud temple.

Su Jin and the two girls are standing at a distance of 50 meters from this temple. The whole mud temple has a very simple shape, more like a farm mud house, except that the eaves have corners and the mud wall has a ‘positive’.

Among them, the wooden monk seemed to be turning over the scriptures, touching the tea scriptures, an old pot of age, still smoky white smoke, and the lights were dim and dim——

"Who is Senior, and why did it manifest in this Nine Nether Land?" The big hunting **** and ghost raged wildly, and asked in a loud voice.

Monk Mu had a weird figure from his back, and he couldn't say anything when he faced questions. He obviously stiffened his arm, raised his hand to pick up the hot old pot, and poured the tea.

"I remember--" Ephea glanced around, and finally stared at the mud temple, her face was very bad, and she continued: "This mud temple should be the'Twelve Star Palace of Mud' The main palace, but this temple should still be in that piece of evil ground in the heavens, why does it appear here?"

"Papa Papa."

Inside the window, Monk Mu clapped his hands, turned around stiffly after hearing the sound, and said, "Unexpectedly, you Nizi still knows the Nipang Star Palace, is it a person from the heavens?"


The state of Monk Mu’s front can be terrifying. The carved marks on his body are very obvious, with sharp edges and corners. These are not a big deal, but in those dark eyes, there is a blue pupil bigger than sesame. It feels extremely strange!

Ai Feiya didn't even think about it, she didn't even have the thought to respond, and she quickly transmitted a voice to Su Jin and said, "Go! Go away--"

Su Jin shook his head and looked at the wood monk calmly, "No matter what palace you are, this is not the place where you made your mistakes. Listen to this king's advice, how far and how far can you go, understand?"

Second Olympics~~~

Ai Feiya feels that Su Jin is really a lunatic, and the mud giant star palace has continued this blood sea, and even the masters have been dispatched, this guy actually let others go? Really arrogant to the point of nothing!

"You wasteland, there is a saying that friends come from afar. Is this how your Ye Di treats guests?" Monk Mu got up, his stiff body, turned the window and walked out, facing Su Jin.

"We also usually describe uninvited guests, like some dogs, beasts, etc., a group of mad dogs pounced, don't get out of the way, keep biting people?" Su Jin coped with ease, measuring the strength of the wooden monk in his heart.

Monk Mu didn't have any power flowing out of his whole body, and it was even less likely to be the Buddha's cultivation. If it were a Buddha, Su Jin could not have felt it, it should be a fierce kind.

Guiying Kuanglan blinked at Su Jin with icy eyes, she liked Su Jin's frantic energy——

"Uninvited guest? Today, I will give you two ways to go..." Monk Mu stared at Su Jin, "Our palace lord specified that we want to take you back, at all costs and means."

"Oh? Those two roads?" Su Jin didn't know him at all, and it was the first time he had heard of this muddy 12-star palace, and there was no intersection at all.


The mud and blood sea not far from the right hand raised a small cage, which was covered with mud, but the texture should be of the kind that is difficult to break.

Dog cage

Ai Feiya was stunned. She didn't expect Ye Di to be mad. The other party was even more mad than Ye Di. Is this going to catch Ye Di into the dog cage and directly drag him back to the muddy star palace in the days?

What a hatred!

Su Jin glanced at him. According to his previous temper, he must have put his finger on the opponent's face, but now, he immediately volleyed and kicked, and when he was finally arrogant, he raised his **** to the monk. !

What the hell! Do you know that Su Jin is more popular now than before?

After he finished pulling, Su Jin put his hands on the surface of his hair and straightened his hair, before faintly said: "You give me two ways, I give you one way, and die here—"

"The palace lord said, regardless of life or death, if the negative corner is stubbornly resisting, just cut it off and drag the corpse away!" The wood monk straightened his right foot and gently stepped on the mud and blood.

Boom boom boom -

One after another tossing mud pillars spurted out, and the blood flowed around the mud pillars, and the whole surroundings seemed to be unstable!

"Retreat." Su Jin didn't even look at the two women, and directly let them leave the range of this mud and blood sea.

Guiying Kuanglan has really served Yedi now. Whether in terms of face value or combat power, all abilities are like sky-reaching. She and Aphia retreat together and reach the blood coast in the blink of an eye, but the mud bodhisattva on the nine-eyed yellow spring , But staring at them relentlessly, making the two women feel uncomfortable.

"The royal guardian of the palace, the master of the palace attending the flying fox girl, the guardian of the floating palace, the white sea dragon, the devil sword and ghost dance, you four have not appeared!" Monk Mu suddenly drank, and the terrible light appeared all around!

Dozens of mud pillars with a width of more than a dozen feet rushed out of the blood!

The rain had stopped long ago, but there were no stars in the sky. Under the bright red moon shining on, the sky was ding and ding, and stars began to manifest.

A trace of star power, like a silk thread, began to connect together, and soon a complicated star map appeared high in the sky, full of blood--

This scene, I do not know how many outsiders shocked!

The movement in the middle of the night is so great, even if there is no need to reflect the Taoism in the five regions, look up at the northeast sky, you can see that gorgeous star map appears!

"Where is the Nipang Star Palace? Why did you come to the Five Regions and take away our Su Tianzi?" Many people have this question.

"The person who came is not good! In order to protect the outside world, Tianzi Su must have provoke many foreign enemies. Those people can actually condense the star map and come from unknown places."

"Everyone must believe in Su Tianzi. He helped us through many difficulties. This time is no exception! In addition, the Xitian Buddha has a Buddhist cultivation and carved a set of Dharma on the city wall. Everyone should hurry up and observe. The emperor can provide some insignificant strength when fighting foreign enemies!"

"Walk around—"

Tens of thousands of lights, under the misty night sky, are especially eye-catching. In every city, the monks are reckless and start to rush out of the city frantically, densely packed!

At this time, Su Jin's heart was calm--

On the prosperous star map above, four streamers descended in an arc-shaped trajectory.

Bai Hailong, Huangfu Taoist, Flying Fox Girl and Demon Sword Ghost Dance descend! If you add this wooden monk, you will be five superpowers!

Su Jin looked at him. He just couldn't see through the strength of this wooden monk, but the other four who came, only the White Sea Dragon seemed to be in the Nebula Realm——


A fox face, surpassing the heavenly fairy, the flying fox girl has pale pink eyes, raised her hands, ten sharp nails, glowing with amazing ferocity, looks at Su Jin!

As for the Devil Sword Ghost Dance, if Su Jin did not use the divine pupils, he would not be able to capture the body of the opponent. He only noticed a trace of the shocking sword power and the afterimages wrapped in the sword marks. He can only judge from experience. The opponent is a strong female sword repairer!

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