My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2734: Give it a go! !


When Su Jin was solving Bai Hailong, he was also secretly concerned about Monk Mu's behavior. The Monk Mu sat in front of the mud temple and said that when he was sent to the west, a simple case table was condensed in front of him, and it was placed on it. Several miraculous treasures.

Ink cartridges, pen and paper, and a dark red gavel!

I saw Monk Mu picked up the pen, dipped the ink, and waved it heavily on the paper, as if a unique artistic conception appeared in all directions, and the whole river of mud and blood began to surging.

One after another, crystal-red writings floated out of the surrounding space, as if they were stringed together, with a trace of black air like a nightmare, like a dragon, and like a bird, constantly changing——

As soon as Su Jin gritted his teeth, his face was firm, he had to solve one first, otherwise he was afraid it would be even more dangerous!

"Ye Di! Dare to kill me! Master Mu will refine you into pieces!" Bai Hailong's panicked voice, with a strong threatening tone, kept calling Su Jin.

His little Bai Jiao divine body was caught by Su Jin's flame-shielding hand at this moment, and the entire dragon body twisted and turned, and he couldn't escape from the sky-shielding hand. How could Bai Hailong not panic!

"Tear you first!"

Su Jin gathered the power of the Nine Dao, suddenly explosive power, blessed in the hands of the sky, Bai Hailong screamed, turned into a rain of blood in the sky, and sank into the sea of ​​blood-colored mud——

The light of the fallen goddess shone into the sky, and the Bai Hailong was cut off in an instant. I am afraid that even Monk Mu had not expected it!

"This evildoer!" Taoist Huangfu lightly flicked the wooden staff rooted in the void, the gourd on it glowed green, and the vines spread at the same time, directly rushing towards Su Jin.

Flying Fox Girl and Demon Sword Ghost Dance only felt a little chill in their hearts, and Bai Hailong was beheaded to death by Ye Di! Erased by the hand that covers the sky! How come so fast!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The exciting scene of Ghost Dance and Flying Fox Girl appeared!

When the strange writings of crystal red appeared, the heaven and earth seemed to be sealed by a circular wall of crystal red gods, the emperor was trapped inside, and the traces of thick ink power turned into dragons and phoenixes for a long time. The form, surrounded by Su Jin!

Su Jin paled for a while, and his eyes showed shocked eyes——

These black auras are irregular in shape, but they can ignore his physical body and penetrate his Dao soul. At that moment, Su Jin felt that his Dao soul was split. This was the first time he saw this power. !

"Master Mu's dark avenue has reached such a point. He can turn a star field into a long-lasting darkness and destroy all living beings. This kind of power, unless the light power of the same level or the sacred avenue can be solved, there is nothing else. Other ways!" Special excitement broke out in the beautiful pale pink eyes of the Flying Fox Girl.

"Dark Avenue, kill the soul!" Monk Mu picked up the ‘Gavel’ on the table in front of him, and slapped him heavily on the table.



Ghost Wu, Feitian Fox Girl and others thought the result was doomed, but at the moment when Monk Mu photographed the "Jumping Sword", Su Jin actually started to become virtual and real!

Oh my God!

There were a few exclamations at the scene, and even the cultivation of the five domains was all boiling after seeing this scene. Who would have thought that Su Jin could have escaped this death declaration by virtue of a magical technique at a critical time!

"What level of divine treasure is the gavel? How do I feel that if Ye Di Fujun had escaped this nirvana with the'No Word Tian Mi', his life would be wiped out by life--" Ghost Ying Kuanglan deeply felt Su Jin's wit.

"The dark avenue turns into eternal darkness! The dark power of this wooden monk can smash the enemy's Dao soul!" Ephia took a deep breath.

Monk Mu's stiff face did not show joy, but his eyes seemed almost to eat people!

Another secret!

The state of the wordless Tian's secret, imaginary and real! He looked at Su Jin as if sitting there with his naked eyes. In fact, he is now incapable of touching his body. It is the wordless heavenly secret that was used at that moment, and he escaped the monk's killing technique!

Now, even if it is the most powerful magic, unless the strength exceeds Su Jin's supernatural power by ten times and can break Su Jin's state, he is temporarily immune to all powers!

"So strong--" Fei Tian Fox Girl looked at Su Jin cross-legged, sitting cross-legged not far away, imaginary and real, her face pale, judging from the deep color of the pupils, it is definitely a wordless secret!

Double pupils are gray and blue!

Devil Sword Ghost Dance is far from the edge of the battlefield. She has not given up until now. She is looking for opportunities. In fact, she is no less shocked than Flying Fox Girl. Since Ye Di has chosen to be an enemy, she must be killed. Otherwise it will be a scourge for them, with endless troubles!

"What about Tian Mi! This state of yours will not last long, and I will still be cut off by me after the state disappears!" Mu Monk was extremely confident.

Su Jin screamed out of danger--

His Dao Soul was rapidly repairing itself during this period of time, and he did not respond to Monk Mu's words...

Monk Mu coldly snorted, sitting cross-legged at the desk, circles of black light radiating from the surface of his wooden body.


From a distance, around Monk Mu, a black shadow appeared like a mountain. Behind him, a full 320 million dark figures appeared neatly. They were all his faces. The entire square of dark figures spread to Position in deep space!

Su Jin was still in the Wordless Heaven Secret, and the black energy around him was still lingering. In his eyes, the upper and lower left, right, left and right were all crystal red gods. It seemed that the wooden monk did not intend to give him a chance!

"Is this old bald donkey so strong?!" Among the five domain cultivators, looking at the scene reflected in the void, they talked more about this problem.

"He is a fake monk, walking a terrible dark road, far from the sacred and compassionate Buddha, the two are two opposite paths!"

"How do I feel... Tianzi Su is dangerous in this battle?"

"The state of the Wordless Heaven's Secret cannot last. Once the state disappears, this wood monk's attack will definitely be several times stronger than before. Even if he uses his own Dharma, Su Tianzi cannot contend—"

"The gap in realm!"

Also feeling bad, there are Guiying Kuanglan and the shepherd Effia, the two women staring at Su Jin, watching him still thinking, obviously have not thought of a solution.

How to do! Guiying is frantic and anxious, with the passage of time, the advantage of the twelve stars palace in the mud is gradually increasing, facing such a strong, there is no solution!

Su Jin looked at the more than 300 million dark shadows, although he knew that Monk Mu was very strong, but from now on, the strength is beyond everyone's expectations!

"I, the emperor of the night, are fighting with you and other four people today! If I succeed, I will kill you like a dog! If I don't succeed, you don't want to live if I die!" Su Jin's heart was stunned, with a trace of ferocity on his face. .

This sentence instantly shocked the four people including Monk Mu! Especially the Devil Sword Ghost Dance and the Flying Fox Girl, the two women trembled fiercely in their hearts--

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