My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2736: Unsolvable Dark Storm

The ghost screamed in a low voice--

Ai Feiya understood, she was shocked and explained directly: "Ye Di can be so strong, do you know what he is doing?"

"This sea of ​​blood, originally connected to the unknown world, should be connected to a galaxy at the end. Lord Ye Difu used his **** pupils to see that there is a wave of formations, which is preventing others from coming." The ghost worships Su Jin blindly. .

"Not bad—" Ephea had unexpected eyesight.

Just now, Su Jin planned to use his eight-armed power to defend these four nebulae. After all, he now has the blessing of the Buddha's light in the five regions. Every beam of Buddha's light on those giant cities represents a person. Naturally, he can't live up to the five. The hard work of Monk Yu!

But just when he was extremely powerful, the gods saw this mud and blood under the sea, which actually penetrated the unknown world, and the place where he was connected made him very familiar. He had traveled there a little while ago.

That piece of galaxy was completely unrecognizable, and there were churning mud colors everywhere, and at the edge, the big array was shining, and dozens of powerful auras emerged. Su Jin had eight arms, one of which penetrated the boundary wall, a very mysterious one. The arm manifested there--


A pale young man directly transformed into a demon body. Seeing that magnificent and dazzling Buddha palm was drawn, he felt unable to dodge, and was shot in the face in a flash!

Slap. The black mountain old demon's mind is full of gold stars--

"I just want to join in the fun--" The old demon Black Mountain was beaten and swollen, even sprayed with blood, and was drawn into a parabola. I don't know where it fell, but the dozens of strong people in the gods array I don't want to get through the divine formation anymore.

But the Buddha palm has not disappeared yet!

The weird situation made dozens of powerful people who plan to use the gods to come, look dumb!

Boom boom boom -

The palm of the Buddha protruding from the wall of the void, swept lightly, the palm of the Buddha seemed to be able to accommodate a huge lake, gently pointed at the starry sky, a nine-curved yellow river, turned into a yellow river divine dragon, the dragon head pointed sharply at that number Ten people roar and roar!

On the other side of the galaxy, there is a boat parked on the other side of the galaxy, on which the misty girl is wearing a veil, and a shadow burial with the broken wings, looking at the divine dragon that evolved from the Jiuqu Yellow River, whispered and lay down——

It was only after Su Jin threatened with the magical technique of the "Nine Curves of the Yellow River" that the Buddha's palm was gradually recovered!


The flying fox girl is full of powerful stars. She is shocked now. She is a strong nebula, but when the condensed Buddha's palm reaches her, she feels suppressed by a sky, no matter how hard it is to break free Escape from the palm of Yedi!

This feeling is unprecedented!

The Devil Sword Ghost Dance is better than the Flying Fox Girl. She has not fallen into the palm of the Buddha. With the extremely superb and mysterious concealment method, she is escaping from the grasp of the Buddha palm.

"I'm not reconciled! The five of us, why can't even his Changsheng Yedi be cut off! Even if he is the Nine Dao Changsheng, I can cut it!" Taoist Huangfu was miserable, outside a crystal red **** character wall, Su Jin directly penetrated the Buddha's arm, and slapped Huangfu Taoist people to the gourd stick with one palm, all of which fell into ashes!

In the dark abyss at the foot, Su Jin's Buddha palm seemed to be inaccessible forever, unable to see the existence of Monk Mu, or even feel the breath of the other party——

Ran away?

Impossible to run!

The entire dark abyss is spinning, turning into a whirlpool that can swallow the sky! Su Jin only felt that Wang Fo's golden body sank, and he fell suddenly, feeling like he was about to be pulled down by the black abyss!

"Dark storm, let the darkness descend on this wasteland, swallow all the light, Flint, the old is not at the right time, otherwise it will definitely compete with you!" Mu monk's excited voice, from the growing blackness Appeared in the Yuan.

Guiying Kuanglan and Ephia were directly afraid of them, and they were farther away without even thinking about turning around—

The sea of ​​mud and blood is being swallowed violently by the black abyss, and the black vortex is getting bigger and bigger!

"Ye Di is dying!" The Fei Tian Fox Girl suddenly felt relieved. Although she was held in the palm of the Buddha by Su Jin, her nebula power could last for some time, and Ye Di is now fully fighting against the Wood Monk. It's hard to have enough energy to kill her.

This situation was also noticed by Devil Sword Ghost Dance, that Buddha's palm no longer chased her, and her heart palpitations also made her feel relieved in secret——

Yedi can't escape that dark storm! If he is involved, no matter what level of the divine body, even the golden body of the Daquan, will be torn to pieces instantly!

"It's okay, you can force Master Mu to use this trick." Devil Sword Ghost Dance's voice sounded like a little girl.


The Flying Fox Girl escaped the death from being crushed by the Buddha's palm, watched Su Jin take away the Buddha's palm, and repeatedly shouted: "Master Mu! Leave his head!"

How to pretend to be torn? It's hard to go back for business, and I'm afraid there will be punishment!

"I will try my best!" Monk Mu's voice appeared from the black abyss.

"It's not as much as possible! It is necessary to stay, the living can be taken back, the dead can also be taken back, but can not go back empty-handed, especially his head, the palace lord also has to look at his face-"Flying Fox Girl as" Ni Pang Xing Gong's maid closest to the palace owner, naturally knows the palace owner's intentions.

Devil Sword Ghost Dance was puzzled, where could there be so many demands? It’s fine to keep your head in gold, if you give this Ye Di a chance--

Fortunately, Ghost Dance and Flying Fox Girl are very fortunate. Fortunately, Master Mu, Bai Hailong and Taoist Huangfu were pinched to death. The loss in this battle was a bit heavy, but if they can complete the task, they will live a great service. One piece!

I'm excited to think about it--

At this moment, the Buddha's light in the Five Regions is equally strong. Su Jin has never been so strong. If he had changed before, without the help of the Five Regions monks, he would not be able to stretch out his arm to warn those who are about to come!

And now the same! This wooden monk was really terrifying, and the dark storm turned into an abyss, Su Jin felt all powerless in his heart. His eight arms stretched to the Buddha, and the Buddha's mansions rushed into the sky, but the golden body was still falling!

Although the speed is slow, Su Jin feels that he can last half an hour at most, and falling into it will be a crushing end!


The cultivators of the Five Territories, and the Guiying Kuanglan and others all watched with trepidation. If this method is not the powerhouse among the heavens, who can use it?

"This bald donkey! We, Emperor Su, fought hard against the five of them. We cut off two of them. Now it is a little unsustainable. If it weren't for this, how could we be caught in such a dangerous situation!" A monk from the Eastern Region raised his head to look at the reflected scene, and shouted anger .

"Everyone's chanting is useless, the golden body of Su Tianzi is about to fall into the dark abyss."

"Quickly, Su Tianzi, hold on—"


Exclamation, one after another everywhere in the five domains, Su Jin is now less than five meters away from the dark storm. He gently turned his head and looked at the familiar scenes of scenery. Although his expression was calm, it was in the eyes of many people. , But it contains incomparable complexity.

At that glance, Guiying Kuanglan looked a little worried!

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