My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 274: Be alone

The current situation is...

Not only are the two dumbfounded.

Even Sophie who broke in was stunned, her small face flushed. After she reacted, she immediately covered her eyes with her small hands and said, "Ah, you are all bad guys..."

"Little Susu, get out quickly!" Susan said in embarrassment.

"Good, good." Sophie peeked through her fingers, but she was frightened.

Sophie, who knew what was wrong, left the room immediately.

Su Jin and Susan in the room were very embarrassed with their big eyes staring small.

At this time, there must be no way to proceed, and Su Jin was also somewhat distracted, and couldn't help but say, "Forget it."

"I didn't know she would break in suddenly..." Susan said blushing.

"Nothing, just pay attention next time." Su Jin shook his head.

"I have to go and tell that little girl to prevent her from talking nonsense." Susan sighed. Originally, Su Jin had a hard time coming, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

Su Jin nodded, "I have something to do, so I have to leave."

"Then you want to see me when you have time." Susan said.

"no problem."

After a chat, the awkward atmosphere eased a lot, Susan also hurried to find Sophie, and Su Jin drove away.

Along the way, Su Jin was still thinking about this, but he felt nothing, just a ignorant little girl, but also reminded him to be cautious in handling things in the future, not too casual!

Su Jin yawned, mother... Recently, he was getting sleepy. He first drove the car to the garage and went back to the room to check the time.

"My wife and they are getting off work soon," Su Jin said to himself.

He felt that he was already in his early eleven o'clock, and he didn't know if it was because of drinking yesterday. He was a little sleepy now. He couldn't help holding the back of his head with his hands, lying on the bed and closing his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, when the sound of opening the door softly appeared, a sneaky figure walked in.

"Brother Su."

Hearing the sound, Su Jin opened his eyes and fell asleep unconsciously, but he still admired his control ability. No, when Xia Yunxi spoke, he woke up.

"Yunxi, are you off work?" Su Jin said with a smile.

He looked at Xia Yunxi with his eyes, thinking that this girl seemed to be getting more and more temperamental. I don't know if it was an illusion. Today's Xia Yunxi doesn't know if it is because of wearing that she is particularly dazzling.

She is not the kind of professional suit that she usually wears in the company. Obviously, she changed it after returning. The upper body is a simple black and white striped T-shirt, the lower body is a loose and generous green skirt, plus the dusty dress. Face, really made Su Jin watch for a while longer.

Xia Yunxi felt Su Jin's gaze, glanced away shyly, and said, "Yeah."

Su Jin thought of yesterday and coughed dryly and said, "Well, yesterday... it looks like I treated you...?"

"No." Xia Yunxi was taken aback, and quickly explained: "It was originally you who admitted to the wrong person, so don't make any mistakes in the future."

"You really hope I didn't make a mistake?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"I..." Xia Yunxi understood the meaning of Su Jin's words and was speechless for a while.

Su Jin grabbed her little hand and said with a smile: "If you have any embarrassment, you can open your heart to Big Brother Su--"

Xia Yunxi was embarrassed, thinking about it, it was the same. Sometimes she was still very tangled in her heart. Now that Su Jin was holding her little hand, her heart was pounding and throbbing without stopping. There was no feeling of disgust at all. On the contrary, her heart There is still such a bit of ecstasy.

"It's pretty tiring at work, do you want me to press your shoulders?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"No, no need." Xia Yunxi shook his head repeatedly.

"Then another day, Yuyan is indeed coming soon." Su Jin nodded.

"Well, all right." Xia Yunxi knew that Su Jin had a hand in massage.

You know that Su Jin gave Xia Yuyan a massage last time, and Xia Yuyan’s performance was very comfortable. For this, Master Su is very confident——

To be honest, Su Jin didn't know that Xia Yunxi really wanted to try it, but he didn't dare to say it.

Su Jin let go of Xia Yunxi's hand and said, "Weird, you have come back so far, why hasn't Yuyan come yet?"

"I don't know, how about I make a call?" Xia Yunxi asked.

"Go and fight." Su Jin did not object.

Xia Yunxi smiled and nodded, turned around and said before leaving: "Then wait, I'll get the phone."

Su Jin did not respond, lay down and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Soon, Xia Yunxi opened the door and dialed the phone. Then she saw that the phone was connected, and then asked why she didn't come back. Then, she nodded and hung up.

Su Jin glanced at her and said, "Coming soon?"

"No." Xia Yunxi shook his head. "She said she would like to have a few customers to eat together, so let's not wait."

"That's it." Su Jin frowned. "Isn't it okay. Every time I go out, do I need to be there?"

"I don't know about this. In business matters, it's normal to eat with customers. Do you have to follow it every time?" Xia Yunxi asked.

"Yes." Su Jin felt that Xia Yunxi's words also made sense, and said, "Forget it, don't wait for her."

"Yeah." Xia Yunxi was very happy.

"When to eat?" Su Jin asked.

"It will take a while." Xia Yunxi's tone was also a little uncertain.

"Well, lie down." Su Jin said.

"Uh... Lie down?" Xia Yunxi asked in a daze, with puzzled eyes.

Su Jin smiled and said, "It just happens that Yuyan is not there, and I don't worry about her misunderstanding. I will help you massage and eat later."

Xia Yunxi was embarrassed and couldn't do it, clutching her hot face, and said, "You really want to press it? Can't you press it?"

"No, hurry up." Su Jin got up and made room for Xia Yunxi.

In the end, Xia Yunxi lay on the bed with a half-push. This was the first time Su Jin massaged Xia Yunxi in broad daylight, and she was still so well-behaved.

Xia Yunxi's forehead was buried in his arm, and he didn't dare to look at the situation in front of him--

Su Jin is about to massage her, Xia Yunxi wants to go... Why is she so flustered?

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