My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2744: King of People!

The fire basin lit up many areas-

Although it was still a little dim, Su Jin saw that there was a very flat stone dojo under Xingma Mountain. The whole dojo was huge, and there was a statue of immortal jade standing right in front of it!

Through the prison eyes of Maha Town, Su Jin faintly saw a circle of gossip and nine palace secret patterns, floating in a circle in the dojo. When he looked back, the person who had been sitting cross-legged in the gossip secret pattern seemed to feel something. Glancing at him.

Look at each other?

this is--

Su Jin couldn't hide his excitement. This is definitely Taihao Fuxi who was once hailed as the "Emperor of the East" by the world!

Although people have long since disappeared in those gossip secret patterns, the secret light does not dissipate, and the sight of each other just now is definitely a powerful manifestation of spanning years! This is not how great Su Jin is, but that Taihao Fuxi once saw this look of the future when he once sat down here.

Too strong, the three emperors and five emperors are indeed the pride of Chinese civilization!

It's just Taihao Fuxi, why did he appear in Xingma Mountain? This is not his dojo, and that statue is nothing like Fuxi, Su Jin has a guess in his heart, but it is just a guess!

Su Jin felt that this place... should be the dojo of the Emperor! And that statue, there should be more than one, but nine! There can be only one human king nine brothers!

In order to verify his conjecture, Su Jinqiang endured his excitement and walked onto the flat stone dojo. As expected, in the other eight directions, he found traces——

For the other eight statues, only the soles of the statues were printed. The statues themselves did not know who had removed them. Su Jin cried out in his heart, why is one intact?

"It's such a strong fluctuation--" Shepherd Efeya murmured, seeing the rising circle of gossip secret light in the dojo, "Could it be that Taihao Fuxi had been here."

"It's indeed a trace of Taihao." Gui Ying said with dignity.

"Do you know Fuxi?" Su Jin walked up to the two women again, looking at their faces and asked.

"Who doesn't know?" Ai Feiya looked at Su Jin with a strange expression and expression.

"Then where is your Fuxi birthplace?"

"I don't know, you know?" Ephia asked back.

"Our Huaxia is where Fuxi was born!"

"Puff, come on, Fuxi walks all over the world, and has been everywhere, not necessarily from your house——" Efeya retorted.

At this point, Guiying Kuanglan occupied Ai Feiya's side, and then said: "Our place is also said to be the birthplace of Fuxi~~~"

Su Jin sighed inwardly, and said lightly: "Believe it or not, Yandi Shennong, Suiren and Fuxi, all of us went out here, this must be our Chinese ancestor, the dojo of the emperor."


The two women in the Human Emperor Daochang have never heard of them, and don’t know who the Human Emperor is, but Yan Emperor Shennong, Suiren, Fuxi, these three are all famous existences——

The two women were a little reluctant to believe this fact, because there were legends about these gods and men in every world. This issue is also a historical issue. There are disputes everywhere, but the only thing that makes the two women believe in Su Jin a little is him. The Sui people I have inherited——

If Su Jin was telling lies, why did Suiren choose him?


The black space shuddered severely, as if a giant was walking with too much feet, shaking the earth.

Su Jin's expression changed, he quickly came to the back of the secret light left by Fuxi Zeng when he sat cross-legged, and slowly sat down, folded his hands together, and a circle of Buddha's golden light rose from him.

Facing the statue of Emperor Human, his gaze is firm--


The earth trembled again. This came twice in a row, and the faces of the two women instantly became bloodless. It was an extremely powerful coercion, and as the surrounding trembled more, it showed that the other party was approaching!

Only Su Jin didn't shake Dao's heart. He looked at the statue of the Emperor without blinking his Buddha's eyes, but he didn't get anything...


Even Taihao Fuxi has sat here cross-legged, so he shouldn't be oblivious to nothing. Su Jin's three pupil technique continued to bless, looked at the statue of the emperor, and began to feel constantly--

"Who is coming?" Guiying Kuanglan felt that her mind was suppressed, and she had an urge to escape. She stared at the dark place far away and was communicating with Ephia.

"I don't even have the heart to resist!" Efeya used the power of the Nebula Power to pressure her, but it was useless, and the fluctuations increased.

Boom boom boom -

It seems that there are terrible beings coming!

Ai Feiya and Gui Ying couldn't resist the violent storm directly, and quickly retreated to the very edge of the dojo.

The two women were very worried, looking at Su Jin who was sitting quietly in a cross-legged state, it would be too late if he didn't stop his hands.

In Su Jin's eyebrows, he found something wrong. He knew that his method was wrong. Since ancient times, the emperor went to execute the horse fairy mountain, and the immortal way is orthodox. He naturally needs to use the immortal way to sense.

Soon, a trace of pure fairy power trickled, spreading over—

On the human emperor statue, Su Jin actually saw an incredible scene with his pupils. A trace of immortality on the surface of the human emperor statue was rapidly condensing ancient immortal characters.

One after another handwriting came up and down, Su Jin used his unforgettable ability and quickly imprinted it in his mind. It didn't take a long time to read it. It didn't take long for the statue of the emperor to appear in his eyes as if he was wearing a fairy robe with ups and downs!

"This...this is not the complete Human Emperor's Book!" Su Jin branded the entire story, and found the problem after a glance.


Who destroyed the other scriptures!

Su Jin understands that there are nine human emperor scriptures, and the nine human emperor brothers, each of them in Kyushu is in charge of a continent. There should be nine human emperor scriptures. The other eight statues have disappeared, only the footprints are in— —

It's a pity! Su Jin's face changed constantly, and he felt the profound truth of this human emperor scripture. He didn't waste any time immediately, got up quickly, bowed and bowed to the human emperor statue——


The two women who were anxious on the periphery of the dojo were directly dumbfounded. The statue of the emperor, when visible to the naked eye, quickly appeared cracks!

Is this because the earth is trembling, causing the human emperor statue to crack, or is it because Su Jin has realized something?

And there is another possibility that the two women dare not speak out, for fear that Su Jin will not be pleased——

Is it possible that the statue of the emperor cannot withstand the worship of the emperor?


The entire statue of the Emperor of Humanity collapsed and shattered to the ground. When the wind blew away a lot of stone powder, Su Jin felt distressed, but it was too late for him to think, so he retreated directly to the two women and stared straight at the two women before. The direction to look at...

In the deep blackness, the sound of running footsteps became louder and louder. The sound was about to pierce the eardrum, but soon the running sound stopped abruptly.

A pair of giant green pupils appeared in the darkness, and that huge figure had already appeared!

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