My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2747: Trail girl

Su Jin remembered.

I remember the last time I came here with Jiang Xiaji, I ventured across the Emperor’s Blood River, crossed the Huaiyin Mountains, and arrived at the sea of ​​corpses. At that time, he regretted that he could not save his mother, but he was extremely sure that her mother was still alive! In the pagoda on top of the stone snake--

For some reason, Su Jin felt faintly anxious, perhaps because he had not succeeded twice before.

At the beginning, the stupa on top of the stone snake's head disappeared into the sea of ​​corpses, and went to a path of stars in the void. Su Jin still remembers it clearly, and wonders if the gray-robed old man who is greedy for old wine is still there?

"This sea is so magnificent--" Guiying Kuanglan unknowingly, a little woman's charm appeared, and he looked at Su Jin as he spoke.

"What are you doing here?" Shepherd Ai Feiya was shocked by the power of the ancient giant beast, and asked Su Jin.

Ghost Dance and Flying Fox Girl are also confused. Here is the endless sky. Although their location is close to the coast, they seem to have nowhere to stand.

"To save my mother, I need to recite a mantra before entering the Mogu God Prison, but for me now, I don't need it anymore. I don't even need to go to the Blood River and Huaiyin Mountain." Su Jin's eyebrows opened in Maha Prison. Opened, a fairy cloud appeared all over.

A touch of imaginary fairy feathers fell, and the other women looked at the two wings that appeared on their shoulders, and knew that Su Jin would take them directly to their destination.

In the low voice of Dagu, Su Jin used the great ascension technique to directly swept them all away, and disappeared into the sky and sea—


Mogu God Prison, the sea of ​​refining corpses.

The disgusting stench directly caused the women to cover their mouths and noses. The sky was dim, and the corpse oil was rolled into spray. It was shot on the shore, among the gravel not far away, and there were faint hands. I don’t know who I am praying for when I copied the Buddhist scriptures.

"Prison Eye of Maha Town! Trace back to the Void Star Road!" Su Jin first recounted the position where the stupa on top of the stone snake head and left, and then directly saw the track, but Su Jin soon trembled in his heart.

According to the current power of the prison eye of Maha Town, as long as Su Jin wants to, and with all his strength, he is afraid that he can see a million miles of Void Road at the farthest, but this million miles of Void Star Road is empty. .

"How is it?" Ephia showed a curious expression.

The brief silence didn't strike Su Jin, he just shook his head and said, "Da Gu, walk towards the path of the void and stars that I guided——"

Soon, on the sky of the Sea of ​​Refining Corpses, five people and one beast set foot on the Void Star Road...

One million miles.

Two million miles.

The sky was filled with black stars, emitting glowing starlight, Su Jin kept using the pupil technique to trace back, vaguely saw that the stone snake fell into a piece of silver river water, and the silver performance was closer to white, Su Jin hardly had much Thinking, after taking out the destiny gourd to take in the'Da Gu', a few people fell.

"This is not the real river water, this is the ancient **** forbidden." Gui Ying Kuanglan's face was slightly shaken, and when he was submerged in the river, he provoked the surrounding area with his fingers, feeling a slight wave of ripples.

When the night breeze was blowing, when a few people fell from the silver galaxy, they stepped on the blue stone road. It turned out to be a large continent, the temperature was quite pleasant, neither hot nor cold, although it was only at night, but when the wind blew, A burst of fresh breath rushed over.

The bamboo forest, the long blue lake, and a fifty-meter-high Taoist temple appeared by the lake. The lake was very clear, and the long silver fishes were like ribbons, constantly swimming——

"Hey! Who is the one here? Why did you break into my Jingzhai Taoist temple?!"

With a childish cry, a blue light burst out of the Taoist temple, and it was a little Taoist priest who was 1.34 meters tall in the eyes of several people——


Su Jin looked around, how could he feel that this little Taoist looks a little handsome, according to the strength of him and several women, why can't he feel that this little Taoist is a daughter? The pure Yuan Yin divine power cannot be concealed by his appearance.

"This Taoist temple is yours?" Su Jin asked jokingly.

"’s the case! It’s from my Taoist sister, hey! You guys haven’t answered me yet! Who are you and where are you from? What are you doing here?!" The little Taoist girl looked plainly with strong guard eyes. His Qingpao also looks exceptionally unusual.

"It's just passing by, I ask a question, can you tell the truth?" Su Jin arched his hands and asked.


"Once you were in this Taoist temple, did you see a flying stone snake? It's huge, with a stupa above your head, and the Buddha lamp is shining--" Su Jin explained, fearing that the little Taoist girl might not hear it, so she waved directly. A stone snake stupa was condensed on the Changhu Lake.

Xiao Dao Nu immediately widened her eyes, her lips moved slightly, as if she had something to blurt out, but soon she shook her head again and again: "I haven't seen it! Go and go!"

Su Jin narrowed his eyes--

Before falling from the silver galaxy, the ancient gods concealed everything, tracing the path of the stone snake stupa, where they could not be seen with the **** pupils, but this little Taoist girl's reaction should have been seen with her own eyes, but she just didn't say it.

"It's late, we are both spiritual practitioners, how about staying at Gui Taoist Temple for a night?" Su Jin hesitated for a while, looking at the little Taoist girl and asked.

"No! Our Taoist temple doesn't accept men...difficult, difficult, do you have any plans?" The little Taoist girl was almost choked to death by her turning tone, she almost missed her mouth, looked at several people and said.

Su Jin looked at the madness of Guiying and motioned for a moment——

Guiying Kuanglan didn’t understand Su Jin’s meaning, and said with a smile, “Father Daoist, I have a hundred-flower kit here. Anyway, I leave it useless by myself, so I will give it to the Daoist. Stay, leave at dawn."


Ghost Dance and Ephea looked at the ghosts of the storm--

Ai Feiya is okay, Gui Wu is about to show murderous eyes, who is a Taoist companion to Ye Di? Obviously he has a purpose for himself!

The big hunting **** smiled lightly, and returned the demo. In the end, he couldn't escape the palm of Ye Di's hand? Now that a rebellious heart is born like this, the future will only get deeper and deeper!

Xiao Dao Nu looked at the kit on the palm of Guiying Kuanglan. The kit was exquisite, capable of holding things, and at least it was a good divine treasure. How could Guiying Kuanglan bring this kind of treasure as a gift?

"That... well, but this is a place for clean repairs, you must not live together!" The little Taoist girl took the kit, with a sweet smile on her face, but she quickly became vigilant. Continued: "Sister Taoist has been away from the temple for a few days, and she should not be back. You must leave tomorrow—"

While speaking, the little Taoist girl flew down in front of the Taoist temple with joy, opened the gate, and welcomed a few people in.

And Su Jin didn’t know that, in the distant void, a circle of nebula brilliance gradually condensed. One of the drunken beautiful Taoist aunts, drunk-eyed, lying on a little white donkey, was rushing home——

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