My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2749: Absolute rolling

With the sound of terrible anger falling, there was a very fierce fight in the room, palms to palms, fists to fists, and a few hard hits!

Bang bang bang!

Su Jin was able to deal with it easily, and then his figure flashed and he appeared in front of the window, his back was seen by the ghosts and others outside——

what? Is there someone in the room?

Guiying Kuanglan's face was strange. The Xiaodao woman said that the beauty viewer did not know when she had come back. She thought she had gone back to sleep in the house, but who knew she appeared in the night emperor's room?

Something happened-

The shepherd Efeya's eyes widened. What is it that makes the beauty so furious? Even fists and fists, there is something in it!

The cyan curtain was quickly put down by Xu Jingzhai, while Su Jin was helpless in front of the window, and he deeply understood the truth and famous saying left by the ancestors: Drunkenness hurts people——

The beautiful scene of Xu Jingzhai just now is vivid. Although Su Jin is helpless, he doesn't want to do it on purpose. Who would have thought that a drunk beauty would walk to his residence and climb the window. Really convinced!

Because it was definitely not a door, he should wake up when the door closed so loudly.

"Who are you! Why did you appear in my Jingzhai Guan!" Xu Jingzhai was in the curtain, with a face full of shame and anger, and she smoothed the messy shirt, but the edge of the curtain was still dyed with half a red plum, which made her love Worry!

Su Jin took a pack of cigarettes from the bone ring and pulled it out. Now he rarely smokes, but this is really troublesome. Can't you blame others?

"Sister..." Su Jin calmed down, looked up at the cyan curtain, and said seriously: "Am I a buddy?"


Su Jin felt that he shouldn't say such a thing, it would be better to say that the travelers came, and people would definitely not understand.

Sure enough, Xu Jingzhai didn't understand the meaning of the word ‘Assy’ at all. She was so embarrassed that she was panting, and said directly: "You get out, get out!"

"Don't worry, I'll be responsible for it~~~" Su Jin groaned, and saw a blue light coming, and he turned the window directly downstairs.

When standing on the ground, Su Jin directly saw all the people standing outside. Except for Xiaodao Girl’s nervous face and fear in her eyes, the expressions of the other women were very surprised. Now even individuals can see them. Something happened

Su Jin gave a light cough and greeted several people. At this moment, he saw a little white donkey staying beside Xiaodao Girl. The white **** donkey gave him a glance, and even shook his head, grinning with teeth, as if very human. The same smile.

"I said it earlier, I shouldn't take you in—" Xiao Dao Nu had a sad face, her small mouth had not changed.

Guiying swallowed wildly, looked at Su Jin with a hesitant expression, and asked, "No... Didn't you do anything to others?"

"What do you mean?" Su Jin shrugged and flicked the soot.

Few women:...

The silent and embarrassing atmosphere did not last long. Taoist temple trembled again, and to the naked eye, many walls were even beginning to crack. Xu Jingzhai's whole body seemed to melt into a avenue, directly shattering the windows, and facing Su Jin with murderous expression. Raised his hand, "Today I have you but me, and I do not have you!"

The white shirt like Suxue gave Guiying Kuangluo a few people quite shocked at first glance. The first thought was that this woman was so beautiful, and her strength, turned out to be a Nebula powerhouse? !

"Sister, Miao Miao's fault is Miao Miao's fault, shouldn't we let them stay?" Xiao Dao Nu was anxious, she confessed her mistake first, she had never felt that Sister Guanzhu was so angry, although she didn't know it happened. What happened, I didn't see it with my own eyes.

Xu Jingzhai glared at her fiercely, without harshness, and then she was wrapped in cyan power, with her small snow-white hands in an attacking posture, and she shook her body like catkins and rushed directly towards Su Jin——

The Flying Fox Girl squinted her eyes, and Nebula was nothing but Xiu, this beautiful girl, didn't know how powerful Ye Di was.

Su Jin flicked away the cigarette butt, moved his steps, not retreating but advancing!

A trace of demon light gathered around Su Jin, and the two directly slapped the palms together...

Xu Jingzhai was shocked.

This guy is weird!

On the surface, it is obviously a longevity cultivation base, how come such an astonishing power burst out now?

Before in the house, Xu Jingzhai didn't kill him directly, so he kept his hands. He wanted to figure out the situation and then brutally abused him. Who knows that the power from this person can actually compete with her?

Increase strength! Xu Jingzhai was extremely unconvinced-


Su Jin was full of innocence, and the two of them continued to bless their supernatural powers, one and the other, one and the other. Xu Jingzhai became more frightened as he contended, and shouted, "You are not a longevity monk!"

"Get out, I'll have a good talk with you, to be honest, I really care about your strength--" Su Jin said calmly, feeling that Xu Jingzhai is in the Nebula Realm, but it is estimated to be able to compete. Gui Wu and the others fought, and they were much worse than him.

"Nothing to talk about! I said killing you, it's impossible for you to get out of here!" Xu Jingzhai raised her left hand and kept pinching Shenjue. A circle of terrifying Profound Sutras appeared around her, and celestial phenomena began to rise. Variety.

"This elder sister, didn't you see Lord Ye Di letting you out? Struggling hard, afraid that it would be a wise move--" Fei Tian Fox Girl said with a smile.

Xu Jingzhai had only Su Jin in her eyes just now. Hearing what the Flying Fox Girl said, her heart became solemn. Except for Xiao Miaomiao and Gui Ying, it was not a Nebula accident. Affia, Flying Fox Girl, and Ghost Wu turned out to be three Nebula powerhouses like her. !

How could three nebula powers come to her Taoist temple!

The Xiaodao Girl was even more frightened, feeling as if she had caused a terrible disaster.

"Let me? The three of you Nebulas want to shoot like me? Don't think he depends on you, I'm afraid!" Xu Jingzhai drums up in her heart. She has a 60% chance of winning against one of the Nebulas, but the three of them make a shot together. May be defeated.

"All of us here are not the opponents of Lord Ye Di. My sister has said the opposite, and we have to rely on Lord Ye Di --" Fei Tian Fox Girl laughed.

"With him...Longshengxiu?" Xu Jingzhai was surprised, feeling that the whole worldview was about to be subverted. But soon, she felt that Ye Di should have a big identity, these women are to protect him, otherwise how to explain?

"It seems that my sister doesn't believe it--" Feitian Fox Girl sighed with rich expression and posture.

Su Jin was lazy to fight her, and immediately the nine powers in his body blended together, and the Heavenly Demon Dao received terrible blessings. At that moment, even Xu Jingzhai was shocked...


Xu Jingzhai was directly shocked into the sky like a broken kite, and the next second, Su Jin's warm waist was held by Su Jin's hands. She wanted to struggle and didn't want to lie in his arms...

This is an absolute crush!

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