My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2753: Gate of Purgatory


In a word, this news is probably the thing that shocked Xu Jingzhai the most after hearing it in her life. The old man Meishan is not evil by nature, and what he said is absolutely true!

The mystery of Su Jin could not help but raise a deep question mark in Xu Jingzhai's heart——

The two powerful forces seem to be striving for glory, affecting this sky, and the atmosphere on the scene is especially tense. The ghosts and the women are not too worried about Su Jin, after all, they all know that he still has the trump card!

"Why are the great divine envoys of the sin Zihai so strong?! If it looks like this, there is a divine lord on top of the eighteen divine envoys. I feel that the cultivation base of that divine lord can compete with our palace lord. "Gui Wu's face is quite solemn.

Flying fox girl's pale pink beautiful eyes lightly rolled her eyes, the charm that does not belong to the beautiful girl, but it was reflected on her fox face, the charming beauty makes it difficult to look away, and then she smiled: "What are you afraid of? Ye Di can clean them all alone!"

Although Ghost Dance said, Feitian Fox Girl also agrees very much. Although they are Nebula powerhouses, they have a big gap. The realm does not mean everything. Isn't the Ye Emperor Nine Dao Xiu capable of fighting Nebula?

Hearing the words of the Flying Fox Girl, Guiying Kuanglan and Efeya, their slightly nervous expressions relaxed a little——

The two forces are on the momentum, trying to overwhelm each other.

This gap.

When the Zixiao Zhanwang and others heard the words of the Flying Fox Girl, they couldn't help but look coldly.

"A mere mere Changsheng, even if he has a secret secret, the Great Divine Envoy Qin Lian can easily kill him. These women really don't know what is good or bad, and they will be captured together later, and they will be served to the Lord of the Lord." Zixiao Warlord said coldly.

"Yo-yo-yo, come and catch me, Master Ye Di will punch out all your dog teeth in a moment--" Feitian Fox Girl said with a look of disdain with her Qiong nose.

Elder Meishan:...

Xu Jingzhai:...

All speechless.

The old man Meishan is better, he knows Su Jin's terrible, but Xu Jingzhai feels this confidence?

Moreover, Su Jin was not as strong as imagined. Whether he could compete with the great envoy Qin Lian, Xu Jingzhai seemed to have two opinions.

Without waiting for other people to call for war again, Su Jin looked at Qin Lian, who was holding the purple blood sickle in both hands, and said lightly: "You three great envoys go together, I will save some time."


Very arrogant!

Qin Lian's eyes widened. He always felt that Su Jin looked down upon him. Where did he come from? If he doesn't suppress his arrogance today, he won't be so crazy in the future?

"Take me a crazy sickle!" Qin Lian danced the purple blood sickle, and a purple blood glow gleamed around him. He shook his whole body, and turned into more than fifty real fakes in a flash, and his standing position seemed very particular. .

The brilliance of the nebula hovered over each Qin Lian's true and false body-

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Overwhelming, the sickle traces with no dead ends cut the void, while Su Jin's body formed a circular sword field, each sword is lifelike, and the sword is not weaker than this Qin sickle. Half a minute!

To the southwest of the Zihai of Sin, a lot of tyrannical auras are looming, and the secret is born. This is the most exciting news. Many monks in big cities have begun to take action. Among them, some of the masters of sects and super powers are watching.

"Zhetian Mi is on a longevity monk. It is too wasteful. Our head has given up. Although the head is in the nebula, it is a pity that it can't be compared with those great divine envoys." A monk sighed.

"Tian Mi was hit by those great divine envoys, and it was a good luck. This longevity cultivator is going to provoke Zihai to sin. That's the abyss of all evil--"

"Although it's hard to fight, it's okay to look at it. It's estimated that Tian Mi was a little eye-catching when it was stripped away. This longevity cultivator will be severely split in half by the great **** Qin Lian with a sickle.

"What is the origin of this longevity cultivation? The momentum is so strong, so far, it should be the master of swordsmanship."

"Have you heard? You laughed to death. There are four great divine envoys, including Elder Meishan. Even if Elder Meishan doesn't get on, he will be one against three. It's not like bragging--"


The appearance of Tian Mi attracted too many people's attention, but Su Jin, a longevity monk, was very disappointing, thinking that the great gods such as Qin Lian were very lucky...

At this moment, Qin Lian shouted.

The sickle-shaped scars in the sky cut the void into mottled, and it is the result of the overflow of supernatural power. The real power lies around Su Jin!

Qiang Qiang--

Sparks flashed randomly, Qin Lian immediately felt the difference, staring: "You are definitely not the cultivation of longevity! The longevity state is not so strong! Who are you!"

How can he calm down?

A magnificent divine envoy, the strength can resist the ability of a few preliminary nebulae, his mad sickle cut is not to mention longevity cultivation, even the weaker nebula can be cut!

Do not believe!

Even if he unscrewed Qin Lian's head, he wouldn't believe that Su Jin was just an immortal monk!

"Listen well, I'm your ancestor!" Su Jin's figure shook, and the condensed sword field around it shook, and a handle of fictitious and true sword marks rushed directly to Qin Lian——

Sorrowful voices kept appearing, and there was too much movement at the scene. It was extremely difficult to see both the momentum and the scene!

Qin Lian was suspicious and began to get serious. He drew his purple blood sickle horizontally and scattered some sword marks, but soon those dense sword marks directly surrounded him!

Qiang Qiang!

Qin Lian danced a purple blood sickle in an airtight manner, but the bigger he got, the more frightened he was. Is this Ye Di... no less powerful than his? !

"Be careful! I'm fighting a good fight with you, I'm going to see how many attacks you can hold me!" Qin Lian was full of light, and those supernatural powers were superb expressions, directly shaking all the sword marks around him. Into nothingness.


When Qin Lian stepped on the void, the void trembled! A thick **** light leaped in his eyes, and circles of purple-black power began to surround him, like a snake strip.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly. This Qin Lian was not weak as a great divine envoy, at least the power he showed so far could make him pay more attention to it.

"I am killing you like a dog!" Su Jin counterattacked without showing any weakness. Qin Lian looked down on him as a long-lived cultivator, so ignorant!

"I have to admit that you have angered me. No one has dared to talk to me like this for so many years! You will die for me! I want to open the door of purgatory, punish you, refine your life in it, and strip it away All your profound arts and magical techniques will imprison your soul in the world of lost souls, and use capital punishment to bake you forever!"

Qin Lian was so angry that he had lost his reason. After speaking these words, it was enough to see how angry he was. What kind of purgatory door was he going to open to imprison Su Jin Dao Soul in the Lost Soul Realm?


The sky was shaking, a faint purple gleam of quality, and something that penetrated the soul, it seemed to be a portal in the misty void, like a punishment field for all living beings, no one saw it but was afraid of it!

"Punish me? You are not qualified!"

Su Jin was furious. He knew his current strength. One night of spring breeze last night, the Most Holy Heaven’s magic skills had made great breakthroughs. Now he only used a sword body to know the strength of Qin Lian. Then he thought I didn't want to, lifted both hands, opened one, and a noble emperor's might appeared above him, and the loud shout made people shocked:

"The sword is coming!"

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