My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2758: Yellow longan, ancient magic medicine

Xu Jingzhai's eyes are full of shame and anger--

Yedi's tricks are also bullying honest people. What kind of wine comes from outside the world? Mengren couldn't be so deceived, and now that Ye Di took out the wine, he was humiliating her!

Su Jin ashamed--

I always feel that Xu Jingzhai's eyes next to him are a bit sharp, as if he wants to kill someone. He has a different idea from other people. After all, he is willing to fight what he wants, and he doesn't want to change it.

"Can you touch it?" Su Jin swapped out the old wine, and a jar of old wine fell into the hands of the brawny boss. Seeing his ear-to-mouth smile, Xu Jingzhai actually gave birth to a trace of disgust in her heart. This is a big loss for alcoholism. what……

"Yes! Yes--" The brawny boss opened the line of sealing mud on the stall a little bit, and the mellow smell suddenly came to his nose, and he hurriedly responded.

Su Jin looked at the God's Origin Stones placed. There were no fewer than 5,000. Some were as small as eggs, while the larger ones were several feet high. Those God's Origin Stones that were as small as eggs, no matter the color or the fluctuation, were considered fine products. On the contrary Some are several feet high, the stone skin is very tender, and the experienced ones will never choose the kind...

Although he agreed to change to ten, these ten are quite difficult to choose. Su Jin thought for a while, rubbed his finger on a **** source stone about knee high, and rubbed his finger lightly...

Shook his head.

Su Jin looked through Maha Prison Eyes, but he still couldn't see through. He even looked at the stone or the stone. He thought for a while, and his heart was extremely calm. The three pupils were superimposed, and he put his fingers on one of them gently On the half-height columnar source stone of God.

Gently raised his hand, this columnar source stone was directly grabbed aside by him, and the first one was selected.

Not far away, an oval-shaped source stone that was thinner than five fingers was directly selected by Su Jin again, the second one!




The tenth was taken by Su Jin.

"My lord has good eyesight." The brawny boss held the jar of wine, fearing that Su Jin would change his mind, and praised him again and again.

Su Jin arched his hands. This boss has good temperament. It seems that the people in this sinful purple sea are not all evil people. He put away ten gods of origin stones and continued into the city with the old man Meishan.

"The vision is really bad. It would be good if ten source stones can produce a semi-scrap. It depends on your technique and choice. You are a novice." Xu Jingzhai bulged her cheeks slightly, her snow-like dress became more beautiful and unparalleled.

Su Jin dumbly--

Xu Jingzhai shouldn't be greedy after seeing the wine, right? Why did you mean something towards him? What's more, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with his approach and choice.

"Emperor Ye, there is a way for the old to die. In many places, whether it is the sinful Zihai or the outside world, they just splash stones with immortal water. If it is an old stone, some of them will react--" the old man Meishan laughed.

"When the boss doesn't buy the goods, he throws them all over?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

Elder Meishan:...

"Experienced people look at the stone, first look at the appearance, and then at the subtle cracks. If there is a little gold finger, they can also detect whether there is blood in the stone. Generally, the possibility of wrapping the gods in the stone is very high. There are many, and you just touch it, choose whatever you want." Xu Jingzhai sniffed, feeling that Ye Di couldn't pick a good product.

Su Jin walked, stopped directly after Xu Jingzhai's words fell, and turned to look at Xu Jingzhai. This aunt almost ran into him, perhaps because of her power, she was a little at a loss.

Turning his hand, Su Jin took out the small disc-shaped **** source stone and said to Xu Jingzhai: "Send you, do you want to?"

Xu Jingzhai fell silent, calmed down the panic, then turned her face to the side and said, "Don't..."

"Don't forget it, Aifeia will give it to you." Su Jin threw the disc-shaped **** source stone to the shepherd.

The shepherd Efeya was happy, she had to pick it up anyway, even if it was a waste rock, it was picked up by the roadside and sent to her, which was considered a kind of attention to her.

"It's a treasure." Xu Jingzhai was a little unhappy deep in her heart.

"If I didn't choose the wrong one, there should be immaculate orbs in the source stone of the stone pan, and even if there is no orb, there is a very precious ancient magic medicine." Su Jin said lightly.



Even the old man Meishan couldn't keep calm. If this was not what Ye Di said, who would care? Of course, this can't be completely concluded, the gods can't cut the origin, and before the cut, it may be nothing.

Xu Jingzhai looked at the source stone in the shape of a stone plate, and instinctively took a few more glances——

"Really?" Shepherd Ai Feiya was startled, a little flustered, the magical medicine has a year, and the magical medicine in the source stone is amazing!

Su Jin walked to the shepherd Efeya and pointed out the subtle part of the source stone in the shape of the oval stone plate, "Have you noticed that there are two purple whiskers in a depression under this corner——"

Sure enough, many people saw the difference, the purple beard was very small, and the bottom was purple and white.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

After Su Jin pointed it out, the purple-white beard slowly disappeared, like an illusion.


Xu Jingzhai's small mouth opened, and several people stared, and from time to time there was a sound of air-conditioning--

The magic medicine sealed in it is very likely to be alive! Can actually understand human language——

Xu Jingzhai’s cheeks on Xiafei’s face were hot, and a hot feeling appeared. Although Ye Di’s face was a different kind of face fight, she didn't feel good in her heart and felt embarrassing.

"I'll forget what Ye Di gave you, and pay you back—" Ephia delivered the pan-shaped **** source stone to Xu Jingzhai.

Xu Jingzhai shook his head, not daring to look at anyone, and refused to ask for it.

"According to my guess, this stone plate itself should be a divine shell, containing divine pearls. After a terrible disaster, the divine source stone was formed. This divine medicine should be a coral that grows on the divine source stone. Tian, ​​fused together." Su Jin said slowly.

"That is to say, it is possible that there are divine pearls in it?" The Feitian Fox Girl was envious.

Xu Jingzhai blushed, and the more she said it, the more difficult it was to refuse. She lightly took the stone-shaped source stone, stomped and turned her head and said, "I am not ashamed of my eyesight than your Ye Di."

"There are all--" Su Jin selected ten God Origin Stones and gave them away. Even the old man Meishan received one.

"How can the old man bear such a big gift!" The old man Meishan was startled.

"Senior can naturally bear it. If I feel true to this fire-textured source stone, there should be a yellow dragon pupil. I have a big dragon swallowing technique, and the feeling should be good. Take it out and sacrifice. Refined to the eyes, there should be unpredictable power." Su Jin said.



The old man Meishan trembled a little. With his ability, he could naturally refine the dragon pupil into a normal human size. This gift was too big, and Ye Di was so sure.

"A jar of wine deceived everyone's treasure source?" Ghost Wu was speechless after speaking, and she also obtained one, not knowing what treasure was contained in the stone.


How hurt is the word cheat?

And at this moment, black mists gradually swirled together on the streets not far away, condensing a young man in black shirt—

"Yellow Dragon Eye? Ancient magical medicine? This young master has heard it. Put down all the source stones in your hands, and this young master can spare your life! Now, you immediately get out of Dragon City!" The black shirt youth squinted lightly. Shouted.

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