My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2768: Strong wealth!

"Yes—" The maid backed respectfully, and then went to the boss soon.

The progress was rapid. The middle-aged boss came in immediately, while Su Jin walked out calmly. This was very angry. Xu Jingzhai and Affiya didn’t know what business Su Jin wanted to do with the boss. !

"Before the Snake Emperor Palace set off, the husband disappeared for a while, so we should be prepared, let's wait--" Guiying Kuanglan said, although she also wanted to know.

Behind the auction house, the middle-aged boss’s study room——

From time to time there was a begging voice.

"Lord Yedi! Sell it! I beg you, this is a priceless treasure, and the shop can only spend so much money at most, so! Except for the Chaotian Treasure Pavilion, you can choose one of the other gods source stones..." The boss almost wanted the kind of pleading that Su Jin knelt down.

"It's too cheap, my treasure is not easy--" Su Jin's voice.

"I know! But in the entire Dragon City, even if it is Zihai of Sin, not many can afford this price."

"Well, I will take one of the six martial gods source stones..." Su Jin said.

"No problem!" The middle-aged boss agreed directly and happily.

After that, Su Jin returned to Box 1——


The gazes of Zhu Xueer's daughters all looked at Su Jin, and Su Jin's actions almost scared them to death!

A stack of 100 purple and black crystal cards were placed on the table by Su Jin.

"Buy whatever you want, you must spend it all for me today—" Su Jin leaned on the bench with his hands resting on the back of his head, his tone terribly calm.

"Which big family's home did you copy? This... so much?" Zhu Xueer barely caught her breath.

One hundred!

Every one million purple soul coins!

A hundred million purple soul coins! Oh my god, Zhu Xueer felt like she was dreaming. She saved up to 100,000 yuan for her previous pocket money for a long time. Compared with Su Jin, who is rich now, she instantly feels like a Cinderella, a mess.


It's so capricious! I have to spend it all! Zhu Xueer felt dreaming! Not only her, but also other girls—

"I haven't copied anyone..." Su Jin glanced at Zhu Xueer lightly.

"Then what did you do? You didn't give my father's treasury, did you? No, my father's treasury doesn't have so much money!" Zhu Xueer felt like she was going crazy, going crazy!

"Sell you--" Su Jin joked, jokingly.

"Bah, come on! How did the money come from?"

"I sold something, I thought it was a loss, but the boss let me pick a Martial Immortal Stone with a snot and tears. I thought about it for a while. One hundred million will be one hundred million." Su Jin sighed heavily. After a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect that I would be so poor that I would sell my family property..."


Zhu Xueer wanted to kill this bastard! One hundred million Purple Soul Coins can never be spent! When the stack of Purple Soul Coins was thrown on the table, it was no less than the Nine Heavens Thunder, and it was beyond description to shock them——

Guiying Kuanglan said: "Husband Ye Di, what did you sell?"

Su Jin glanced at her, and Transmitted Voice responded: "A tall tree of Enlightenment, the tree of Enlightenment is too lush, pruning seems good."

"You--" Guiying was speechless, but went on to say: "Enlighten the sacred tree, it's okay to take the leaves. Taking the branches will damage the power of God. Don't do this next time, okay?"

"Well, good, but I didn't expect it to be so valuable, the damage is not great, and it will be restored to the original shape soon—" Su Jin knew that there would be damage, but the tree of enlightenment was the origin of his immortality, and he naturally knew the situation better than anyone else.

Outside Room 1, De Lao has already begun auctioning the fifth piece of treasure!

It is a string of crystal clear bracelets, the price is much lower than the previous treasures.

"The sea soul bracelet, which can calm the mind and stabilize the soul, is the favorite of female cultivators! This heavy treasure has a reserve price of 8,000 purple soul coins, and each increase in price cannot be less than one hundred, start!" De Lao's voice spread throughout the entire auction.

"Ten thousand!" Zhu Xueer blushed, and directly shouted for the first time. Anyway, it was the Ye Emperor who let it be spent. This was only a fraction of the money.

"Room 1, Ye Di bid 10,000 yuan." De Lao was a little surprised. The previous rounds of Lord Ye Di didn't make a move. Who would have thought that he would choose to bid at this time.

"Ten thousand and one hundred--" In the thirty-six rooms, a female voice came from the fourth room. It was a woman in black and masked. She was the only one in the room, sitting quietly in front of the window.

"Twenty thousand!" Zhu Xueer's pink skirt sleeves rolled up, she didn't even want to shout.


Although the value of this bracelet is not small, 20,000 yuan is too expensive. The black-clothed masked woman quietly turned her head to look at the room 1 and the atmosphere became weird.

De Lao announced that the Sea Soul Bracelet belongs to VIP No. 1 Yedi——

The sixth piece, the thing that I carried up was beyond everyone’s expectations. It was a sword stand with a simple sheathed short sword, which was no more than a foot long. The scabbard was gray, and there was a faint grey air around the ancients. Around the sword.

"This divine sword was excavated from the'prime antiquity battlefield'. It was identified in the first epoch since ancient times, and it is intact so far. The sword has never been pulled out of the scabbard. The consignor hopes that the sword will meet a destined person. The reserve price is 900,000 Purple Soul Coins! Each time you increase the price by 100,000 Purple Soul Coins!" De Lao shouted.

"One hundred and one million!" The scene went crazy again, and many VIP rooms were also interested in this sword.

"One and three hundred thousand!"


"One and five hundred and fifty thousand!"


Zhu Xueer crossed the slender waist of the lotus powder dress and directly shouted: "Two million!"


Spike! It's a spike again! Zhu Xueer had never felt so happy to spend money. De Lao shouted twice in a quiet atmosphere, and finally dropped the hammer!

The seventh is a two-foot-diameter stone basin, but the base price is astonishingly 1.5 million, and the minimum price increase is 100,000.

What else do you think? Su Jin was drinking tea, and even looking at the exquisite lines on the teacup, Zhu Xueer didn't even think about it, and shouted in an extremely crisp voice: "Three million!"

The audience is silent--

Spike again! Who the **** is the VIP Yedi in this room 1! Many people posed a question mark in their hearts. Although anyone with a discerning eye knows that this stone basin is very valuable, the price of 3 million in the first round of bidding is uncomfortable!

feeling bad……

"Three and five million." In Room 23, where there has been no bid, the indifferent voice of a young man came out.

"Master Du in Room 23, Shao Du has bid 3.5 million--" De Lao said loudly.

Next, Zhu Xueer used her right hand to compare a scissor hand in front of her big eyes. With a special pride in her pure temperament, she simply shouted in a sweet voice: "Five million!"

Bang! In Room 23, Master Du shattered the table with a slap. Who is the VIP in Room 1? ! So angry, sister--


The eighth one, under one million seconds!

The ninth piece, 500,000 yuan is no dispute!

The tenth piece was just presented, and Zhu Xueer said: "I'm so tired, I didn't expect to spend money to be so tired, a few ladies, you can buy it——"

Guiying Kuanglan smiled and shook his head: "If we don't buy it, whoever buys it will owe Ye Di. After buying so much, what does Sister Zhu plan to pay back?"


Zhu Xueer bulged her cheeks, pure and charming, and then she smiled a little embarrassedly, and finally stomped her feet, sitting on the bench without saying a word, not using any method to pay back!

At this moment, Su Jin seemed to be aware of something, stood up with a serious face, walked to the window, and looked at the tenth treasure.

That is a mysterious corpse.

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