My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2787: Burning map (1/5)

With the words of Zipi Wuzu falling--

The surrounding artistic conception seemed to be quietly changing. Zhu Xueer looked from a distance, and after hearing the words of Zipi Wuzu, there was a little tension on her pure and extremely pure face.

The wheel of years!

Unless everything with spirit dies into rocks and assimilates into oceans and rivers, who can resist the erosion of time? There used to be a strong person who faced the wheel of years, with gray hair overnight, and the longevity dried up, and soon turned into a piece of bones, and was obliterated under the wheel of years——

In Zhu Xueer's view, Su Jin naturally couldn't compare with the once strong.

Now that the black ice land was melted by the power of Su Jin Vulcan, the entire area was full of raging seas, but the kneeling black giant still could not stand. Zhu Xueer didn’t think Su Jin was as powerful as the previous black giant. All died on the ancient road of Tongyou...

Su Jin's eyes are red, and the corners of his eyes are filled with a touch of the brilliance of the **** of fire, which makes him feel like he is invincible!

Faintly, the surrounding fire patterns seemed to spiral into a fiery red dragon, surrounding Su Jin, flexible and seemingly real, and fast! He raised the Vulcan arm again, and the entire head of the Flame Dragon, directly around the Vulcan arm, fiercely moved towards the sky!

Under the fierce dragon's head, the dragon raised his arms, and the dragon claw above gradually covered it!

Dragon Claw Six Fingers——

Each dragon finger is like a pillar supporting the gods under the sky! When he covered it with six fingers and took the photo boldly, Zipi Wuzu's face suddenly changed!

Her hands kept forming seals, and the breath of time gushing out not far behind became more and more intense! Although she used 72 refined witches to resist Su Jin, and each witch was using his hands to raise a picture of heaven and man, she was still under great pressure!

Zhu Xueer hugged the purple gold gourd, couldn't help feeling the chill of her back, and took a breath!

At this moment, seventy-two witches with different celestial and human pictures were raised, and their bodies were full of extremely condensed divine light. The scenes in every celestial and human picture seemed to be alive!

But it's useless!


Six claws covered the sky, breaking all the forbiddens, and the circles of heaven and human beings all swayed. Seventy-two witch corpses appeared like tofu blocks, with dense cracks!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

In the last few pictures of heaven and man, from bottom to top, clusters of flames are lingering, and these stunning catalogs have all begun to burn!

Burn the map!

To the monks in the purple sea of ​​sin, this scene is as sensational as the sky burst! Who could have imagined that such a calamity would appear on Tongyou Ancient Road, the heaven and human figure would be burned, and the formation would be broken! Unprecedented!

"The Son of Heaven, who is only in the eternal state, has shown such a domineering might! The map of heaven and man is destroyed, and the calamity of the abyss is counted!" The cultivators all over the Zihai have this kind of worried thoughts.

"This person is called Ye Di! He is very famous in Dragon City, and the entire Dragon City monks have seen his fierce power! But it doesn't matter, there are only two of the nine gods, and the **** master with nine lives has not yet appeared! Although the gods are now The pattern is broken, but the wheel of years will immediately manifest itself and kill the evil spirits!" Someone suddenly drank, reminding other monks watching the battle.

"Yeah! The invincible God Lord of the sinful Zihai will definitely not sit back and watch this scene. The ancient road to the secluded road is related to the immortal lamp withered, and the power of the fierce land cannot be compromised!"

"Kill! Look at the wheel of years crushing his soul, making him annihilated forever in the emptiness of the wheel of years—"

Big trouble!

The strength that Ye Di showed, really made most people feel threatened, no one wanted to let this kind of evil spirit live well, after all, the strength of the other party was no longer able to contend with leisurely cultivation!

Umulu began to smoke green smoke all over his body, and could no longer resist the terrifying heat, he directly closed his hands and fled in the direction of Zipi Wuzu——

"The picture of heaven and human being burned out, it seems that we can only rely on the wheel of time at the moment! Either it is to summon the other seven great guardians to come, otherwise it will be difficult to limit this evildoer!" The hole in Umulu's hands stretched out a trace of blood. Light, this is actually impossible to recover in a short time.

Su Jin was standing still in the void...

He felt the breath of the years more clearly than anyone else, that kind of artistic conception, as if it could last ten thousand years at a glance, and the great changes in the mulberry field at a glance, everything around it seemed to evolve in the years.


There was a very special gray mist around. The entire raging sea turned into black ice seemed to have stopped when the gray mist transpired. In the handprints displayed by the Zipi Wuzu, the gray mist kept changing. More full-bodied.

Ding Ding, a very special star, seems to be lit up in the sky, followed by the second, fifth, tenth...

The stars in the sky finally appeared in films!

The vast fire cloud vortex can't block the dazzling starlight!

Gradually, a huge roulette wheel, glowing with star-blue brilliance, is like an incomparable'wheel', manifested in the sky full of stars, and the roaring sound is no less than that of thousands of horses that are racing. God horse, sound even mighty in the purple sea of ​​sin!

Dragon City, the Snake Emperor Hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Guiying Kuanglan's nerves are tense, and even the Dragon City Lord is watching closely above the Snake Emperor Hall. The bewitching demon girl covered in black, covered in black cloth, is the same at this moment, with a strong shock in her eyes, she is witnessing all of these--

"The wheel of the years, although Yedi seems to have the power to break the ban of the gods, but the wheel of the years is not the ban of the gods, only the lamp withered will be filled with the ban of the years, this great wheel is too strong, far beyond the world. A divine treasure that can only be born." The Confused Demon Fairy couldn't hide the horror in her tone.

"Ye Di Fujun can break through everything, this time wheel can't stop his pace!" Guiying Kuanglan always has a blind confidence in Su Jin.

"Then tell me, what method can he use to contend with this innate fetish of years?" Douxin Demon Ji asked back.


Xu Jingzhai, Ghost Dance, and even the Flying Fox Girl became quiet.

I am afraid that only Dragon City Lord has seen this method. The rest of them have too low qualifications. Even if the Demon Girl, including the old Meishan, the impression of the Wheel of Time is only in the legendary ancient books.

No one has dared to break through Tongyou Ancient Road for many years-

Then, when the wheel of years manifested itself, the hundreds of thousands of monks in the purple sea of ​​sins truly felt what is called the good fortune of the world and what is called terror! The huge wheel was glowing with star blue glow, slowly rolling towards Su Jin in the void...

Zipi Wuzu breathed a sigh of relief, and Wu Mulu's nervous face also loosened.

There is no wave in Su Jin's heart! He felt that when the Wheel of Time appeared, his Dao Soul and his unknown destiny seemed to be affected.

but. How about this!

Su Jin’s mighty power hovered around his body, and then he looked up to the sky and roared: "Not only will you burn your celestial figure, this king will destroy your wheel of time! Break through your lamp withered! Who among you has contaminated the stone snake Buddha? The destiny of the tower, I will use my **** pupils to pull you out one by one, and use the Dead Man's Sutra to destroy your endless blood!"

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