My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2791: Nine Great Races (5/5)


Under the divine lord, the nine great guardians have ever received such anger? Now they are threatened by someone pointing their faces, and they are still immortal monks! Many of the major forces that have been instigated by the "Great God Protector" at this moment have an inexplicable sense of relief.

The round-faced Great God Guardian Taoist, his face sank, and the nine Great God Guardians are making eye contact with each other, and they all feel that the Ye Emperor is very evil!

"Boss! I'll wait for eight people to bless you together! You use the power of moving flowers to transform the Shenmu Dojo and destroy this evildoer!" Huang Taoist shouted directly.

"He still has the inheritance of the Flintstones. I agree with Brother Huang. Everyone will bless the boss together, and he will definitely be able to crush him!" Umulu was injured by Su Jin before, and has not fully recovered yet. I know Su Jin's It's terrible, so naturally I do not oppose this method.

"Is it just inherited by the Sui people?" The first guardian in the form of a sacred stake, Lu Yan jumped in his eyes, and gave the others a cold look.

Zipi Wuzu and the others looked at Su Jin carefully, and as they watched, a cloud of cold air emerged in everyone's heart——

The young girl with spiral horns behind her ears said hesitatingly: "He has the faint aura of Gu Zun. Could it be that he has also obtained the road of Gu Zun?"

Gu Zun!

Everyone who heard it was shocked and looked at Master Su!

In the seemingly vast Secret Wheel, there is a vaguely scarlet magic path trajectory running in the Secret Wheel that day!

That is Su Jin's avenue of crazy demons!

"The God Lord has ordered that if the nine people I wait for can't completely eliminate this evildoer, there is no need to see him again. Listen to me, open up your clan realm, use all your divine power, and bless my flower-moving magic. Once I take the shot, naturally I can't let this evildoer have any chance to turn over!" The gods are protected by the big wooden stakes, swaying the weird body, the roots of the tree are like pythons, rooted in the void.

"Open the clan world? This..." Huang Taoist hesitated.

Each of the nine great gods has opened up its own clan realm, which is beyond any place in the purple sea of ​​sin. Some of the genius bloodlines can be directly taken from the clan realm to the heavens. The matter is about The lifeblood of the whole family is not uncommon.

"Since the boss said it, let's do it! Could this person be able to defeat our nine great clans?" Umulu shouted, causing the bodies of several other people to suddenly shake.

"Umulu! What you said is nice! Before the wheel of years was confiscated, do you think that the wheel of years can completely crush him?" The beautiful **** guard with two horns behind his ears pointed at Umulu She scolded.

"I--" Wu Mulu clenched his fists, turning his head to regain an unstable long breath.

The Zipi Wuzu immediately shouted, "Don't quarrel, if that's the case, then it's all up to the boss! You and I will only be arguing!"

Su Jin quietly watched the performance of the nine great gods——

Not moving like a clock!

The great **** guard in the form of a sacred wooden stake suddenly rose sharply. From a distance, the old tree bark wrapped the wooden stake and began to be as big as a mountain, like a volcanic crater, manifesting in the void!

Those tree roots are like a blue dragon, densely packed, countless, and at the same time!

Bang bang bang--

Above the back of Umulu, circles of black light radiated out, and in the faint black light there seemed to be a circular cave mansion space, which seemed to have majestic vitality!

With one sound after another, a circular clan world emerged above the back of the Zipi Wuzu ancestor, and the purple brilliance around it could not stop flowing out, among which tens of thousands of creatures raised their heads!

And the girl who cares behind her ears, holding the crystal ball the size of a bowl in both hands, her lips and teeth moved slightly, the whole crystal ball began to exude divine light, and she seemed to be integrated into the clan world. The round clan world, like thick mercury, has a strong momentum.

The round-faced Huang Taoist walked on the void, and step after step began to appear in the void. It seemed that a week was formed around him, and there was faintly rolling yellow sand rolling up in the wind. When he looked again, he stood still. The place seems to have formed a desert!

Nine clan realms have been opened--

Eight unstable powers were swept around the clan world onto the divine wooden stake whose head was invisible!

The volcano-like sacred wooden stake, with several colors of sacred sky spouting from the top, is more mysterious and mysterious!

Zihai of sin seems to have been changed color by that gorgeous scene!

There is depression everywhere, who dares to underestimate the power of the nine great gods!

Dragon City, the Snake Emperor Hall of the City Lord's Mansion!

"It seems that the **** master has made up his mind to leave Su Jin's life on the ancient road of Tongyou, and the nine guardians of the gods will open up the clan realm together. This kind of power is far from being able to match me!" Dragon City Lord sneered. .

"My Lord City Lord, if the power of the clan world is used, I am afraid that it will affect their bloodline at all--" The Confused Demon Fairy became curious. Of course, this is just a rumor. The nine great gods that no one can provoke used this trick.

"Shake is absolutely certain, but in order to kill Ye Di, what means they can't do?" Long City Lord looked at the women and responded.

"What to do then!" Guiying Kuanglan just glanced at the nine clan realms, Daoxing seemed to be suppressed by Shen Shen, this was still a very long distance, if she was on the scene, she was afraid that she would not even be able to move. To!

The Dragon City Lord shook his head, he really didn't know, and he couldn't think of a way that Yedi could contend——

In other places, needless to say, most people look at the night emperor reflected in the scene with sympathetic eyes...


Su Jin was still quite surprised.

The pressure that these nine people put on him just now is there, but as soon as these nine clan realms are opened, and the power of the other eight clan realms is blessed by the first great **** protector, his pressure is more than tenfold!

How could it be so powerful! Su Jin's face was solemn, he looked at his left and right shoulders, feeling an invisible power, and wanted to suppress him, his king and Buddha's golden body, who were suppressed in the same place were a little difficult!

None of the gods with nine lives appeared! These nine gods posed a great threat to Su Jin! Although he had felt this threat before, it was far from the horror that came this time——

There are millions of dense tree roots, each of them is like a tossing blue dragon, which will cover the Tongyou ancient road. There are nine great clans in the sky, the incense is prosperous, and the mighty power, as if this area has turned into an ancient battle between gods and demons. Battlefield!

Su Jin's breathing was even suppressed by the invisible coercion, so that he could not breathe smoothly! This time, he really felt the difficulty!

"I use the wheel of the sky secret, unbelief can't resist the power of the nine great tribal worlds you wait for!"

Su Jin's golden body of King Buddha raised his head impressively, and his whole body strength was vividly manifested on the Wheel of the Secret of Heaven. He almost roared in a roaring tone: "Come on! Let go of all horses!!!"

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