My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2794: Shadow of the Fist (3/5)

"you guys--"

Su Jin slowly narrowed his eyes, and said in a slightly hoarse and low voice: "Who is the next leader? Stand up!"

Umulu didn’t dare to get out of the air, but he suffered a big loss in Su Jin’s hands. The Purple Skin Witch Ancestor had been corpse underneath just now. Now Su Jin, despite his magic spell, cut off the Purple Skin Witch Ancestor. But there are other ways to keep the balance.

The big round-faced God Protecting the Wilderness Taoist responded with staring eyes: "Are you still arrogant? Just a record of Kunpeng divine art has made you lose your divine power. Everyone is sensible, so stop scaring people!"

"Go forward two steps--" Su Jin glanced over lightly.

Dao Ren's face suddenly turned into a big sauce, Ye Di told him to come and take two steps, he...he really didn't dare!

Su Jin immediately showed disdain. The most threatening thing to him now is this weird ‘Shenmu Dojo’, and his provocation is not to deter, but to cut it off.

Otherwise, those seven great gods are really hard to deal with. After all, every time one is cut, the power of the Shenmu Taoist Temple will be greatly reduced, otherwise he will definitely have a chance of winning.

"What kind of madness? My iron bull guardian, let you see what is called domineering!"

The one on the side is dark, and the black luster on his skin looks like a meteorite crafted from the sky, and his forehead is full of raised black envelopes. The upper part of the divine body is slightly bowed forward. Ten cows are even bigger.

Iron Bull Great God Protector’s weapon is a chain hammer. After unable to endure Su Jin’s provocation, his whole body was shocked. There were a circle of thick bucket-like iron chains, densely surrounding him, and the black light from the chain hammer shattered. A void, an unstoppable momentum emerged.

Stride forward, really provocatively took two big steps!

Su Jin is not afraid to fight alone!

Just now he lost more than 50% of his strength. In this short period of time, his whole body strength was restored to 60% under the blessing of the Wheel of Secret of the Sky. This iron bull guardian, he is sure to cut it off! Only after cutting it off, he had no bottom!

do not care!

Su Jin shook violently, clenching his fists, as if there were a few huge sonic booms out of thin air as his hands were clenched into fists-

Tie Niu Great God Protector was shocked. He did not expect that after Su Jin used the Kunpeng God just now, he was not exhausted and could have such a strong aura!


Around the iron bull **** guard, the sacred clouds bloomed, and a black insect with a one-horned faintly enveloped him. The giant black insect, the one-horned forward bend, and black wings, the mouth is actually like a claw!

To be honest, there is only a great guardian, Su Jin really did not put him in his eyes!

At this moment, Su Jin’s posture has a kind of extraordinary handsomeness. He lightly crosses his arm, and the arc of his fist seems to conform to the law of Dao. The starting style of this punch, combined with his changing footwork, quickly The dense surroundings are all his boxing phantoms!

"Too fast! Too fast!" In Longcheng, many people exclaimed, Su Jin's boxing skills were a bit shocking!

Those phantoms stayed in place, they didn't mean to dissipate at all. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was enough to be fake, and Su Jin's boxing skills in that sacred wood dojo seemed to have ever-changing abilities!

"Look at our hands!" Someone noticed the difference.

On the back of everyone's hand, there seemed to be a weird phantom that was hitting mysterious punches, and they were all different! Some phantoms seem to be combined with footwork, while others are fists moving the void, with the force of fists moving the sky!

"What kind of boxing is this!"

"We just watched Ye Di practice boxing, and there will be such a shocking resonance. Ye Di’s punch is no small thing! I think this iron bull guardian is going to be heavier!" Some people couldn't help but open their mouths and force them. Said the fear in my heart.

"It's Epoch again! The power of Epoch! My god, how many immortal fate Ye Di has obtained today, his punch contains the power of Epoch, and it is stronger than the era of his ghost king!"

"The night emperor is immortal today, and he can stir the heavens in the future!"


Who is not surprised? !

The Dragon City Lord is the one who knows the most. The strength of this punch is far more powerful than when Su Jin was in Dragon City. He quickly understood that Su Jin is now the powerhouse of the Nine Realms. And he faintly guessed that Su Jin had great roads in his body and even reached the strength of the longevity demigod——

This is terrible!

The Tie Niu Great God Protector is a bit regretful now, and no one else is out there. Even the Great God Protector Bai Guanguan is reluctant to choose to confront Su Jin with the fate of the whole clan, but now he is in the middle...

"Iron Bull Great God Protector! Don't go back soon! Let's see the boss's Shenmu Taoist Temple! Go back!" Huang Daoist shouted in panic.

"I don't! I don't believe that he can break through my defenses. The "Bull Shield Technique" that my Iron Bull Protector became famous is the "Bull Shield Technique". Even the Lord cannot kill me with a single blow!" The Iron Bull Protector was aroused by blood , Especially the reminder from his companions, made him feel a little lost.

Su Jin seemed to be trapped in the mood of Jiyuan Tianquan——

Hunting and hunting in clothes, boxing force emerges one after another, and even the entire Shenmu Dojo is flooded with sharp shadows of boxing!

Nine Ways of Longevity, the blessed Era Tianquan!

Fist shadow, like the sea!

Su Jin finally maintained the movement of raising his fist, the surrounding phantom seemed to instantly merge with his real body, countless fist shadow marks, as if attracted by a magnet, suddenly condensed in the direction of his right hand——

The majestic power of the era seems to have blown a wind of destruction, his arm seems to be turned into the hand of the era, and the era of the sky is extremely powerful!

This punch, let alone the Iron Bull Great God Protector, could not be received by any Great God Protector present!

"Ah—" The Iron Bull Great God Protecting Danger broke out with extraordinary power. The huge black insect shadow around him seemed to lift his head. The brilliance in his eyes was condensed to the extreme, and the divine light was more condensed by about 30%!

Su Jin’s Era Tianquan, like catkins, lightly floats towards the Iron Bull Great God Guardian. It can’t be described as ‘smash’ or ‘boom’ at all. It seems to be a deeper meaning of boxing--

Punch out! The wind is gone!

The world moves!

Tie Niu Great God Guard’s eyes seemed to be full of the glow from Jiyuan Tianquan. He stared his eyes round and felt that when the ultimate defense he exhibited was smashed and shattered, his brain went blank, and finally the whole person seemed to be trapped. In the eternal darkness...

The soul was shattered and shattered into a grain of light, and the physical body seemed to be made of powder. When it came in contact with the Jiyuan Tianquan, it was hit into meat powder and dissipated——

After the Purple Skin Witch Ancestor, the second Iron Bull Guardian was erased forever by Ye Di! The clan world he opened up was also covered by densely packed dead words...

Excuse me!

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