My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2796: Sweep all (5/5)

Are all dead already?

Surprised the world!

Ye Di was so confident, facing the condensed Shenmu Taoist Temple, several great gods said this, and such confidence does not know where it came from!

Wumulu, Huang Taoist, and even Bai Guanguan and others all trembled. The most terrifying thing in the world is nothing more than'death.' And Su Jin's state, if he speaks big words, it can't be all, after all, he It's Ye Di!

But many cultivators who watched the battle in Zihai had different opinions.

"The Iron Bull God Protector just didn't even use a weapon, he was crushed to death, and the whole family was punishable. Is Ye Di's words scaring people, or is there really a terrible method that has not been used?" It's on the battlefield, now looking at the scene reflected in the void from a distance, my heart is panicking.

"Trap! Don't you feel it? Ye Di is dead, his strength is exhausted, I feel that saying this is just to scare the great guardians, and delay him so that he can recover!"

"Is that so? Why do I feel that these great gods are going to die?"

"Don't panic, don't panic, it should be the great guardians who panic, why are we in a hurry--"

"If you marry a powerful person like Ye Di in this life, I am afraid you will be awakened by laughter. The dreams of countless female nuns, but most of them can only be seen from a distance, and there is no chance to connect."


Having said that, Umulu and the others peeped at each other, a bit of self-confidence, and even with the exception of Baiguanguan, the others had retreated to the sacred stakes that were submerged in the sky and clouds——


Shenmu Dojo shuddered fiercely.

"Boss! What's the situation!" Huang Taoist was shocked, looking around the entire Tongyou Ancient Road, there was an indescribable fear growing in his heart.

"Stay steady! You give me some of the people's incense, and all bless me, hurry up!" The gods are protected by the big stakes, the green flames in his eyes fluctuate, and I feel bad.

"Boss! You... You let us sacrifice some of the people?" Another great **** raised his eyebrows and gritted his teeth to ask!

Umulu clenched his fists, seemingly puzzled by the boss's decision--

"If you don't sacrifice a part of the tribe, everyone will die! My Shenmu Dojo is collapsing! You hurry up, and it will be too late!" Shenmuzhu's eyes, like lakes, seemed to see some mystery, and the tone became more anxious.

Just as the great guardians hesitated--

On the fingers of Su Jin's right hand, the bone ring was emitting a strong light.

From a distance, a circle of mysterious rules began to appear at the edge of the spherical Shenmu Dojo. Those rules resembled a city wall. The four circles formed a circle. Although it was in a virtual state, the vast aura still couldn't resist it, and it came to the face. !


The entire sin Zihai seemed to be a sensation——

"Pill furnace! The entire Shenmu dojo seems to be absorbed by a huge pill furnace phantom! What the **** is this! It is terrible! Terrible!" In other areas, among the monks in groups, some blushed Roared with a thick neck.

"The Shenmu Dojo is disintegrating! The mouth of the pill furnace seems to have collapsed the void, what kind of wind is that, it seems to be sucking the entire dojo!" Someone pointed to the scene that appeared in the mirror, and repeatedly made a tone of disbelief.

"Mother! Ye Di sat on the back of a giant beast——"

The scene seemed to be unsteady for a moment, everyone was in trepidation, because when they saw the appearance of the great ancient behemoth, everyone couldn't calm down.

Animal face tiger, pour the horns!

Put the natural pill furnace on your back!

The natural pill furnace! You must know that this beast is extremely rare! It is a special existence that is favored by God, it is hard to find, such as some famous turtles.

Behind Wanggu the Great Tortoise is born a'years lake', not to say how powerful this great turtle is, but Wanggu's great tortoise can condense magical arts with extremely powerful functions, such as that ice. The Ladder of Color, able to go back and forth to the heavens, has a strong life-saving ability!

Now that the big ancient beast came out, the pill furnace behind it exuded the natural laws of Dao rhyme, and the entire Shenmu Taoist hall was surrounded by the edge of the virtual pill furnace——

Su Jin secretly called it a pity.

The ancient giant beast was his last resort. Originally, he wanted to use it to deal with the divine lord who has not yet appeared, but with these nine divine guards, he has a tendency to exhaust himself if he cuts two of them. Not to mention the time-consuming death, he was even more powerless to contend with the **** master in the end.

He can't die!

If he died in the hands of the Lord of the Abyss, he would not know whether his mother was alive or dead. It would be his eternal regret, and he would not be able to look down upon death!

"Boss! What to do! What to do!" Umulu roared in fear!


Umulu was also the first person to burn his 10,000 tribe's vitality directly into power, blessed by the first god!

"That's the end of the matter, fight it!" At this moment, Huang Taoist aroused fierceness. The clan world above him, among the dense silhouettes, began to fall in pieces, and his vitality was cut off.

Boom boom boom...

Like a volcano-like sacred stake, the surrounding divine power soars! In the dojo, the branches on the old roots are full of vitality, and the young shoots are pulled out, and the wood dojo is full of vitality in a blink of an eye!

But to no avail! !

The pill furnace behind the big ancient giant beast continued to emit laws. Su Jin sat on the edge of the pill furnace, and he was recovering with all his strength. That was so, he was deeply shocked by the power of the big ancient giant beast——

The star’s Shenmu Taoist Temple is collapsing everywhere, and the human head-shaped tree tumors are roaring unwillingly, and then wisps of smoke are floating, and the roots of the trees are withering, turning into powder!

"Roar." The big ancient giant beast set foot fiercely, and the entire demon body carried Su Jin sitting on the pill furnace, and walked directly into the void.

Like a vast ocean, the four circles of Pill Furnace phantoms were rising, and suddenly their vision disappeared, and the entire virtual pill furnace shadows completely covered the Shenmu Dojo!

It was like a big mouth, instantly swallowing a party of void!


The big ancient giant beast took a few steps in the void, the pill furnace law rustled into a phantom, conforming to the pill furnace behind him, and Su Jin was sitting next to a piece of old tree vine, unwillingly picking it up The furnace edge was finally dragged in by an inexplicable force.

Immediately, the screams of Wumulu and Huang Taoist were faintly heard——

On the ancient road, the waves seem to be calming down, and the kneeling black giant figure is still there, as if nothing happened—

The big ancient giant beast was obviously weaker. After a few low whispers, it seemed to be aware of it, and it directly raised its head towards the front, opened its fangs big mouth, and roared!

In front, a cloud layer is forming, and the powerful brilliance shines on that cloud layer from above the sky. In an instant, the cloud is like snow! And in that cloud layer, a huge temple faintly manifested!

"Divine Lord?" When Su Jin closed his eyes and recovered, after a slight glance, he muttered to himself.

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