My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2807: Burning Avenue

Guizhou donkey skill is poor.

Run out of ammunition!

Su Jin was sweating coldly all over. He wanted to move a little bit. The whole body was like a knife twist. He knew that this was because of the damage to the origin of Vulcan Avenue. Originally, his current longevity Vulcan Avenue was not enough. In order to promote the evolution of the East Emperor Bell to the point of ten suns!

Enduring the severe pain, Su Jin turned around, and the skull that had condensed a full half of the void seemed to become more ferocious--

The corpse-carrying man came slowly, his entire body was covered in a white robe, and it was rumored that he was born without a face, and the powerful corpses he had carried were countless!

The blood of the once powerful corpse was spotted on the white robe, and it is still bright...

"Su Jin~~~" As if to convey a touch of soul-like communication, the voice of the corpse-backer was particularly indifferent, "Follow me, I will send you on the road——"

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

It seemed to be a deep soul-like voice, cold enough to make people fall into an ice cellar, and after the corpse-back had communicated, the huge skull at its feet was rapidly shrinking!

That turned out to be the weapon of the Corpse Bearer! An ancient corpse scepter!

A gray-black scepter, but eight meters in length, with a skinny corpse on it, with straight feet, holding the staff in both hands, and the skull on the top of the scepter. This ancient corpse has been trained into a scepter. It was all swallowed by that hideous mouthpart!

Su Jin's eyes are a little more confused.

Countless illusions seemed to appear in his eyes. Su Jin knew that they were all illusions, and he even saw a pagoda in front of him.

"Mother—" Su Jin knew it was a fake, reaching out his hand as if touching a ripple, even so, he seemed to feel the warmth he had never felt before.

A mother, how many people called, sad!

The son wants to support, but the mother is not there! Even Su Jin hadn't even seen his mother's face, even if he hadn't even looked at it!

be quiet.

Not only was the scene quiet, but even the entire sin Zihai seemed to have fallen into the most sad moment.

Longcheng, most of those who saw this scene began to bow their heads——

Many people in the Snake Emperor Hall, including Dragon City Lord, Tianshan Da Neng, etc., sighed and wandered around...

Guiying Kuanglan waited for the girl to see her eyes, anxious to her heart!

"The corpse-back is already invincible. It is rumored that after seeing the dead, it will communicate with the dead in the dark. It is a mortal curse with no solution. The body will also be controlled by it, and it will walk away——" Tianshan Da Neng slowly Said.

"Indeed, Ye Di is indeed dying. The ancient vision of the ten suns just now is beyond his current ability to display. After using it, it has hurt the origin of the Dao." Long City Lord's heart is extremely heavy. .

"Could it be that there is no way to solve it?" Guiying Kuanglan was even more disappointed when he heard it, and asked Longcheng Master and the others loudly.

"Earlier, I felt that some god-like auras were born in Yedi. If he becomes a man and god, he truly gives birth to a god-head, and then uses the power of the god-head to combine himself to create that ancient vision, it will not damage the origin! "

The Lord of Dragon City squeezed his fist tightly and continued: "It's a pity that it is too late. Even if he has condensed a godhead now, it is useless. The main road is injured and no one can save him."

"He possesses the'Great Life Art' of the Heavenly Dao Law. Isn't this kind of magical technique also good?" Gui Yan Kuanglan's tone was a little sad.


Who can't tell that Yedi is about to fall...

The Great Venerable Tianshan said: "If you hurt the origin, unless you find a way to heal yourself in a very short time, but now the emperor has to face the corpse-back person, and the corpse-back person is itself a legendary power. There is no hope anymore—"

"Emperor Ye cultivates the Nine Paths together! It only damages one source!" Xu Jingzhai yelled, unable to accept this fact.

Although there are some strong words, everyone can understand Xu Jingzhai's mood, and everyone understands that, let alone the Ye Emperor in a state of dying, even if it is strong, the corpse-backer said that he would cut it!


At the front end of the road to the sky, the beautiful **** lord standing on the edge, and Zhu Xueer after a short silence——

"Sister Cat..." Zhu Xueer resisted the tears in her eyes and looked at the beauty **** lord as if she asked for help.

"It's useless, the corpse-back person can ignore any rules, even if the destruction of the entire sin of Zihai is just a finger move, and will not bear any guilt, in fact, after seeing it appear, I know the result." Beauty God Lord Shook his head.

"Really...Is there no way?"

"Yes!" The beauty **** said with certainty.

"What way?" Zhu Xueer seemed to have a little hope.

"It's all on Ye Di himself, but the hope is minimal. After all, he is not dead yet! There is hope if he doesn't die!" The beauty **** master was also a little annoyed in her voice.

Although she had just played Wheel Wars before, it was a bit too much to send a corpse back! The goddess of beauty is actually quite puzzled in his heart. The Lord of Life and Death in the strongest time of the year is virtuous and can be admired by the corpse-backers.

But now... Even if the Yedi is the real reincarnation of the Lord of Life and Death, but it is also a reincarnation, far less powerful than that year. How can he ask this corpse-backer to carry him away now!

One person has an idea.

Ten thousand people have ten thousand ideas! When the entire Guilty Zihai plunged into a complicated atmosphere, Su Jin slightly raised his head, and the nine divine glows around him faintly shone!


Haven't given up yet!

As long as he has a breath, his mother is his fighting spirit!

The weak body seemed to be injected with unprecedented powerful aura! The dim and confused eyes seemed to have never been so sharp! He can still fight! !

Don't fear the death of the origin!

"The corpse man!! Since it's hard to live, this king will fight you for a life in the end!" Su Jin's power, in the eyes of everyone, has been incredibly fast, and then improved!

Su Jin does not want to leave regrets on this trip! Even if he died, before he tried to exhaust the last drop of blood, he would crawl to the snake and snake, and take a look through the pagoda window! !

The corpse-back man was shocked--

The world is shocked!

Many people in Longcheng, from the heroic city lord, Tianshan Grandmaster, to the street vendors, all showed shocked expressions!

"Burning Avenue? Thorough military solution?" Tianshan Great Sovereign held back his nervous Dao Xin, his eyes widened, looking at the scene, Su Jin's whole body is burning nine-color glow!


Su Jin’s eyebrows were in Mohe’s prison eye, the upper and lower skulls seemed to be cracked, and the blood ran down his face. This was his last highlight! The pinnacle of the pinnacle!


Su Jin shook violently, nine divine lotus condensed out, dancing around him!

The nine **** lotuses are lifelike, and the lotus cores above seem to be a group of worlds appearing! This is the world that Su Jin has evolved in every way, including the Realm of Space!

Su Jin looked at the stone snake stupa in the distance, clenched his fists, and shouted: "Many years later! Niang Ruo is still alive, I believe! Although her son did not rescue her, he did not disappoint her! I...have tried my best. I will be her eternal pride! Today, my night emperor burns the avenue and does everything! Cut your dead body! Your dead body... dare to fight!!"

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