My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2822: Gutang Smoke


The sacred peacock fluttered its wings, the sky turned into a faint black sky, and the black thunder was rolling, and the lightning bolts led to the round mountain pass not far away. The circle of wooden people was actually sparking thunder and spitting out, and the radius was 100,000 miles Surrounded by ball lightning!


Su Jin was speechless.

See that the trouble is coming?

"What did you see?" Sheng Cai Peacock asked.

"Saw a female nun in the water—"


The Holy Color Peacock is helpless, and it's her fault that she didn't expect this. Like some powerful forbidden places, the most common method is to cover the avenue. The simple pupil technique can't break it. Who knows that the night emperor has this ability? !

"Walking into the heavens, no one can underestimate it, especially the most remote and secluded place from the capital, where there is a powerful monastery for a long time, but it is strange that these lightning can be turned into a ban, which is rare." Cai Peacock thought for a while.

"Ahem, can you hurry up? People are chasing us wildly--" Su Jin saw that the speed of the sacred peacock was greatly reduced, reducing by at least 70%.

"Blam me, it's hard to fly out, unless I throw you down and then leave." Sheng Cai Peacock said.

Su Jin:...

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

Shengcai Peacock clearly heard a soft cry of exclamation. She originally said to Su Jin on purpose. Who knew that after the explosion of divine power, her entire peacock body seemed to be pulled back by inexplicable power, and she couldn't get out of it? !

"What?" Su Jin was a little confused.

"It seems that you are not provoking ordinary people, think about how to deal with it, I have told you, you can't mess around, alas!" Seeing that the sacred peacock couldn't fly out of the spherical lightning, it fell directly over the face—

I don’t know how many miles the ball lightning contains!

Like a curtain, separating in all directions, and on that round mountain pass, a special Taoist rhyme spreads——


In the black environment, vortexes appeared in circles. Each vortex was ten miles in size. At the center of each vortex, there was a wooden figure manifested, lifeless, all of the maid’s face, which should be some kind of sacred wood. Carved.

Su Jin yelled slightly, which was really strange!

The dignified emperor of the night, surrounded by wooden people——

There are twelve whirlpools, and twelve wooden maids emerged, enclosing the sacred peacock!

Su Jin's mouth gradually grew up, and he couldn't close his mouth!

The one who walks slowly into the void is a beautiful woman who is dressed! Her long hair is cyan and smooth, and her long hair reaches her waist. Her face is eighteen, but the cold breath makes people faintly feel her powerful strength——

The blue and white clothes, bare feet, came up, looking at the Sheng Cai Peacock and said: "It turns out that it is Master Sheng Cai. Who is the Fan Xiu hidden by Master Sheng Cai?"

Su Jin:...

The curse is gone!

So easy to be found? No wonder Shengcai Peacock reminded him like that, Su Jin is still holding a fateful gourd in the eyes of a feather!

"Little girl, don't understand the truth of the disaster? You spherical lightning, I can break it with a breath. I just didn't know who it was, and I dared to stop this lord." Sheng Cai Peacock stood in the void and pecked gracefully Pecking Lingyu, a voice came.

"It's Tangyan being rude--"

"Your surname is Gu?" Shengcai Peacock looked around, moved in his heart, and asked directly.

"Exactly, Master Shengcai visited my ancient home 50,000 years ago." Gu Tangyan nodded.

Shengcai Peacock was speechless.

Gu Tangyan is really terrible. I'm afraid that she didn't have her 50,000 years ago. Otherwise, Shengcai Peacock would not know it, and this very late junior has repaired a hand of thunder and lightning to the point where she can't even fly out. .

But these are just a piece of cake. Under normal circumstances, Shengcai Peacock’s talents can transform the emptiness, and no one can harm her. As long as she thinks, she can transform the emptiness forever, and no one can trap her. Be famous for this talent.

But the combat power is really bad!

"The ancient family is indeed one of the best forces in the fairy capital. Well, since it's to say hello to me, let's retreat. I still need to hurry up--" Shengcai Peacock said.

Su Jin was confused, as if Sheng Cai Peacock knew this person's family?

Immediately, Su Jin asked via voice transmission: "Miss Shengcai, this person has a lot of origin!"

"Nonsense! You are in trouble! I would have known that I would not risk taking you in." Shengcai Peacock was a little bit dumbfounded when she was talking, she was easy to leave, but her talent could only be effective for herself——

"I really may not be afraid of her." Su Jin has this confidence.

"Don't be so self-confident. According to your current strength, the strong in the heavens can't look down on them, and don't bother to deal with them. Do you know what level the Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Silver Horn Bull Immortal are in the heavens?" Sheng Cai Peacock Voice asked .

"What kind of existence?"

"The errand runner, the most painful and exhausting existence, is similar to your family slaves in the mortal world, but the corpse-backer is powerful, and his status is not small. Forget it, I'm still thinking about how to coax this Nizi away! "Sheng Cai Peacock wants to cry without tears.

Gu Tangyan looked calm, and slowly said, "Master Shengcai has a relationship with my ancient family. How can we leave like this? Why don't I go with Master Shengcai to the ancient home of my capital city. My grandfather will welcome adults very much--"


Shengcai Peacock felt a threatening aura. Not to mention Gu Tangyan. She once faced the Immortal King Daluo in the heavens. She could still point fingers and feet. This little girl actually did not let her go. Mean to go?

"Another day--" Shengcai Peacock responded calmly.

"No." Gu Tangyan raised his head, gritted his teeth in his tone.

"What do you mean? You want to keep me? Let your entire fairy capital not hurt me by a single stroke!"

"Tangyan didn't mean to offend Master Shengcai. You can leave at will, but the people you hide must stay --" Gu Tangyan said, eyes full of anger.

The atmosphere feels like a rattling sword!

Shengcai Peacock's anger was not light, and now when she fell into a tense silence, she was hurriedly thinking of ways to deal with it, and she still communicated with Su Jin from time to time.

"Why don't you let me out?"

Su Jin smiled and asked: "I feel like I can't get out anymore. This girl should have a crush on me and wants me to be her husband! Stay in her ancient home!"

"You go out? You are not going out to be beaten to death by her--" Shengcai Peacock snapped at him angrily.

"I can't beat you, and don't let me beat her, there is no solution!" Su Jin's tone was very playful.

"I can't beat her? I can't beat her to death! Stop talking." Shengcai Peacock hummed. After refusing to communicate with Su Jin, she paused and looked at Gu Tangyan, "Leave people behind, you What will happen?"

Gu Tangyan squeezed his fan fist, his voice was hateful: "I want to gouge out his eyes!"

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