My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2827: This punch is extraordinary!


Su Jin is not afraid! Only in this way can he feel the gap between himself and the other party. To be honest, he really doesn't think he has any difference in this way!

Shengcai Peacock had already prepared Yedi to be abused in his heart. Now that it’s such a problem, a dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor. There is no other good way to escape. You can’t escape, after all. There are ten strong from the ancient clan!

"If I didn't break through yesterday, maybe I'm really not as good as you, and I might even be suppressed to death by you alive, but I'm sorry, you are not too strong for me now!"

Su Jin gradually raised his head under the mighty coercion, the firmness in his eyes was impressive!

Gu Tangyan hates the emperor of the night-

Now that Su Jin said so, Gu Tangyan would have some judgment in her heart. She didn't know where Su Jin's confidence came from. Ye Wudao, the top ten master of the Ye family, lightly judging from the current performance, the strength is more Better than before!

The funny thing is.

This night the emperor actually said that he was not inferior to Ye Wudao!

In Gu Tangyan's heart, this is simply a big joke——

To be honest, Sheng Cai Peacock doesn't know the depth of Su Jin's strength, especially just after the initial formation of the Vulcan rank, but she feels that there is a high probability that it will not be Ye Wudao's opponent.

The sky full of suppressing the road marks, letting the wind and clouds gather, there is a very unstable celestial phenomenon in the sky and the earth, the dark stars are beginning to appear, and many stars are faintly showered, illuminating the road marks like fish in the sky. It makes people feel how strong Ye Wudao is!

"The child of the Ye family is really against the sky!" Patriarch Gu's eyes brightened.

"It is rumored that Ye Wudao is the reincarnation of the great Capricorn star king. When he is strongest, he can control the six weeks. Three hundred years ago, he swallowed and refined the eighth barren star. Now his strength is extremely terrifying——" Another member of the ancient family The master nodded.

"Ye Wudao also has an ancient and powerful flawless divine treasure, but he has never been revealed. This divine treasure can reverse the power of the starry sky. The enchanting genius within the scope of our fairy capital did not even have the courage to challenge him. "

"Yes, Patriarch! If this child of the Ye family marries our ancient family, he will become the Great Capricorn King in the future, and he will become a Taoist couple with our home appliance mother Tianjun Tangyan. He will definitely be extraordinary in the future—"

"Emperor Ye is extremely ridiculous, but Fan Xiu, a human god, dare to compete with Haoyue for glory?"


Ten people in the ancient family, including the ancient family master, praised Ye Wudao again and again, and even some ignored the existence of Su Jin.


Su Jin's aura is soaring, and there is almost a momentum like breaking a bamboo, a fire **** halo rising up all over his body, the lighted halo reflects the sky! Directly dissolve Ye Wudao's repressive power!


The ten members of the ancient family were all speechless at once.

Gu Tangyan was cold-eyed and reminded with a hateful voice: "Be careful! His Vulcan Avenue, I suspect that he has obtained the inheritance of the ancient Sui people, and he also obtained the Fuxi Dao pattern!"

Stare! Dog stay!

The ten people of the ancient clan, except for the ancient Patriarch, all others peeped at each other, with some faint feelings. Some even secretly communicated and thought that the emperor of the night was not as bad as it seemed on the surface!

Ye Wudao's eyes flashed, he didn't know why, he always felt that Su Jin was a little weird, perhaps because he heard the reminder that Su Jin inherited from him?

"No matter what's weird about you, I, Ye Wudao, can blow you up!" Ye Wudao roared, his whole body rolled with stars, and his breath was like a demon. After the low roar, he strode away and disappeared in place. !

The eyes of Su Jin Maha Town's prison were shining, and the superimposed brilliance of the three pupils attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Dog thief!" Gu Tangyan clenched her fists and was very angry. Seeing Su Jin using the pupil technique, she eagerly wanted to chop off his head and pulled out three eyes, really angry!

Ye Wudao's speed is terrifying to describe it!

Su Jin caught his trace, and when he looked intently, Ye Wudao already stretched out his fist and smashed at him fiercely——

"Those who insult Tangyan, die!" Ye Wudao roared as hard as he could!

Su Jin's feet shook lightly, and his Vulcan's right arm lightly raised, and he didn't retreat but moved forward!

The boundless boxing profound meaning, as if turned into a trace of Taoism, covering a hundred miles around him, this kind of boxing profound meaning even the ten people standing together in the ancient family looked solemn!

as if……

It is as if in the profound meaning of boxing, the achievements of Wanjia boxing have been gathered, and the breath of time revealed in it has taken a full epoch!

This punch is extraordinary!

When Su Jin didn't retreat but advanced, and brazenly greeted Ye Wudao, there were thousands of fist shadows around him!

You know, Vulcan Avenue is currently Su Jin's strongest one, coupled with Vulcan Arm, Condensing Era Tianquan, this kind of momentum alone is enough to make Su Jin magnificent!

It's too late to say, then soon!

Ye Wudao and Su Jin both held the mentality of a death fight, and the two of them did not take it lightly, and the punches collided together instantly! !

With two arcs, the Gutangyan, the Shengcai Peacock, and the ten Gujia standing to the north are forced to retreat!

The entire void, in the center of the fist fronts of Su Jin and Ye Wudao, directly exploded, penetrated up and down, and exploded into a dark black destruction hole world!

"Ah—" Ye Wudao showed a hideous face, very unhappy in his heart! He raised his other arm and patted Su Jin with a palm!

Naturally, Su Jin didn't give a half-point, and went away fiercely against each other!

Why is Ye Wudao upset?

You must know that in his eyes, the emperor of the night is only a strong human being, a human being! That realm is far from worthy of fighting with him, and even being a dog in the heavens is not worthy, and now he can take a punch!

Not satisfied!

Ye Wudao just refused to accept it! This also made him more determined to cut Su Jin's idea, if he indulges him and grows, how difficult will it be in the future?

"Good fellow--" Shengcai Peacock was forced to a long distance, initially estimated to be at least five hundred miles away. At this moment, she looked at the place where the two were fighting, and her eyes were simply brilliant!

The strength of Ye Di far exceeded his expectations!

Gu Tangyan frowned, why is Yedi's Vulcan Way so strong! Also, the Buddhist and Taoist cultivation that he showed before can even suppress her faintly!

She felt that if Ye Di used this Vulcan Dao to bless Ji Yuan Tianquan when he was fighting her, she would be defeated and seriously injured even if she did not die!

Similarly, Gu Tangyan felt uneasy in his heart. Fan Xiu who sneaked into the heavens with the sacred color peacock had at least two terrifying avenues, and both had good strength.

At this moment.

Although Ye Wudao was extremely annoyed, he was still calm in his heart. His eyes were full of strong killing intent. Looking at Su Jin, there was no lack of crazy anger and said: "Your strength is nothing more than this! Next, I want you to know, How big is the gap between you Fanxiu and me! I exhibited the power of the eight stars in one blow. If I can't kill you, I, Ye Wudao, will be there!"

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