My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2831: Void One

It doesn't matter if you look up--

The special artistic conception seems to put pressure on everything around! Su Jin, including Shenyan, was extremely calm. Even Ye Wudao, who thought he had a ninety-nine chance of winning, looked at it after feeling it!

Come from the Ye family, look at Ye Di!

Ancient strong man, look to the emperor!

Shengcai Peacock was a little nervous, and Gu Tangyan, who was the opposite of Su Jin, stared in extreme anger and depression, everyone was surprised!

From the naked eye, Su Jin's Taoist soul has actually stabilized, and there is a faint circle of six-character Daming curse around him. His eyes look at the void, as if there is no emotion, and in the darkness, there are faint golden figures. , Like fish swarming across the river, began to faintly manifest in the sparkling golden light——

"Ye Di! No matter you use any magical technique, it will be useless. It is all in vain. My'lost drum' is unparalleled in the past, let alone you, even the holy colored peacock who brought you here, she dare not approach my divine drum. !" Ye Wudao's heart jumped suddenly, and he shouted immediately.

Su Jin did not respond.

It was the non-response that made Ye Wudao faintly uneasy. Su Jin's state was too strange. The golden figures around him looked like but not like Buddha, sometimes disappearing, sometimes rushing out, and gently touched with his fingertips. , But it turned into a trace of golden mist and dissipated.

what's the situation?

The people of the Gu family and the Ye family don't understand what happened to Su Jin!

"Patriarch! The people of the Ye family are obviously more prosperous than ours, and the Dao-pattern **** array we have arranged around us has also been swept away by them. Or, let's tell a few more ancestors?" Someone from the ancient family asked Gu quietly. Homeowner.

"Okay! But keep it secret, so that the Ye family members cannot be aware of it. In addition, the four great elders of the Ye Family's'Heavenly South and the North' are very difficult to entangle. If not necessary, let's keep the soldiers and watch them for now. Strange!" Patriarch Gu said with a grim expression.

"The Ye family deceived too much! Persuaded the Patriarch to cut off the idea of ​​marriage! This Ye Wudao simply doesn't like our family's Tangyan! And he said so badly just now, it humiliated our ancient family once!"

"Yes! I now hope that there will be miracles in this Ye Di, even if he has many benefits, this Ye family can't get it, otherwise our ancient family will be suppressed by his Ye family alive!"

"This wonderful Buddha rhyme around, appealing to the avenue, seems to have the breath of Fuxi Dao pattern, weird! Weird--"


The people of the ancient family are like this. Although the Ye family has a lot of people, it is not time to fight, and this is originally the site of the ancient family, and it is relatively close to the fairy capital, it is really no good to fight!

In addition, the most important factor of uncertainty is Su Jin's place!

The bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger--

Gu Tangyan looked around blankly, feeling that the void was occupied by golden figures everywhere. This kind of experience made Su Jin's opponent very uncomfortable!

"Impossible! Impossible!" Ye Wudao panicked inexplicably.

Up to now, Ye Wudao clearly knew that almost all the methods on both sides had been exhausted, and it was impossible to keep hands, especially Su Jin, whose strength was below him!

But now, if we infer from time, Su Jin's Taoist soul should have been exiled by the "lost drum" a long time ago, falling into eternal loss, but this is not the case!

Shengcai Peacock trembled more and more violently, the brilliance in her eyes gradually lit up, and she muttered to herself: "Is this..."

Gu Tangyan took a step back in disbelief, and said to himself: "This is a precursor to the unity of void!"

One Void!

When these four words appeared in everyone's mind, it was incredible!

The four major elements of Buddhism and Taoism are all empty. Even if one obtains the first ‘One Buddha’ in Buddhism cultivation, the future will be a great achievement!

The four great emptiness, from ‘all Buddhas as one’, then ‘dharma realm as one’, and the third one is ‘empty one as one’! As long as you reach this kind of air, it is simply amazing! Being outside the sky, the world's three thousand avenues cannot take away its soul!

In this artistic conception, Su Jin's spirit is equivalent to being detached from the three thousand avenues!

Su Jin’s vision returned again, and the surrounding area was no longer shrouded in the invisible darkness. The ten scorching suns were still folds shining, but the divine drum between him and Ye Wudao was Trembling violently--

The Buddha's charm around is long-

"Your Buddhism!" Ye Wudao exclaimed in exclamation.

"Yes, I am a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths. Before the Vulcan Dao broke through to the human gods, and now the Buddha Dao has come, the godhead has begun to take shape. Thank you very much. If it hadn’t been for the momentary loss of me, how could I see? Clear yourself?" Su Jin slowly laughed, and his whole body shook slightly!

The power of Buddhism and Taoism to achieve the unity of the void, as if embodied in Su Jin, the sky full of Buddha, making the golden Buddha shadow more solid, in Su Jin’s feeling, the entire void seems to have breathing, and can touch it accurately. Wonderful context!



three times!

Su Jin, on the basis of the original self, tripled his power again, the nine ways merged and blessed on the road of Vulcan, the big sun golden crow turned into by the Donghuang Bell, the high-pitched scream, the first largest sun The volume increased sharply again, and the other nine fiery suns that were transformed into the Golden Crow of the Burning World began to soar in size!

Ye Wudao thumped, slowly backing away——

This night emperor is too weird.

"I don't believe it. If you don't believe my failure, it will not affect you!" Ye Wudao's eyes were a little angry, and he was about to take away the failure!

"Ding——" Su Jin raised his finger lightly, as strong as him, and immediately settled together with Ye Wudao! But after the trembling, the piece seemed to be still in the void.

Why can't I move? ! Ye Wudao felt like a puppet, terrified in his heart——

Do not! My drum!

Ye Wudao's heart was like a knife twist, Su Jin actually directly condensed a big hand, holding the lost and violent in his hand! Not only that, the long-standing Dao marks on it that Ye Wudao sacrificed and refined were instantly erased by him, losing the connection with the original master!

Lost one if you didn't get the treasure! Ye Wudao's eyes were a little red, and his body was already able to move, but was trembling slightly, and he hadn't completely escaped from the state of'Concentration Technique'!

Oh my god!

In such a crisis, Ye Di once again used a masterpiece magic! This is definitely a magical technique that can have a serious impact on the outcome, the magical technique!

Gu Tangyan can hardly have any thoughts anymore. Now her whole mind is dumb, very dumb and dumb——

"Ye Wudao, die!" Su Jin felt that the void he was breathing, all seemed to draw a strong force. The Buddhism's "Void Oneness" was too powerful, and it was beyond his expectation!

"Hey! Do you dare to try to kill my young master Ye Family!" The people of the Ye Family are still calm, and the four elders of the'Heavenly South and the North' instantly blushed.

However, the surrounding golden figures seemed to have opened their eyes. When they looked at the Ye Family members, they directly surprised the Ye Family's nineteen people. They had obviously forgotten Su Jin's methods! The terrible means of void oneness!

Su Jin's face was calm, his whole body shook, and his strength was like a wild horse that had run out of arms, gathering--

The brilliance of the ten suns and the power of the Buddha and Taoism blessed by the void make him invincible now! Even if there are people from the Gu family and the Ye family, he is not afraid!

Su Jin raised his hands high, and a magic weapon suddenly descended on the sky!

It's not so much that it came down, it's more condensed out of nothingness! The momentum is too full! Su Jin held his hands together, and the entire sword body was fierce and noble!

Qi Huang Jianwei? !

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