My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2836: Is it so casual?

Is it so cruel--

Even Su Jin was a little surprised that Gu Tangyan had so much pocket money! In contrast, Shengcai Peacocks are a bit poor, but it's normal to think about it, the ancient family can't be stingy with her in this life of the dignified electric mother Tianjun!

"Gujia." Lin Yuefeng's eyes were a little crazy. Because of his aversion to Long Yuhao, he indirectly thought that Su Jin and Long Yuhao were in the same group. What does Gu Tangyan mean now?

"What to look at? You don't know that the one who is fighting with you is the future uncle of the ancient family?" Shengcai Peacock said with a smile.

Uncle of the ancient family?

Lin Yuefeng's heart trembled. His Lin family ranked in the top fifteen in the fairyland, which was far behind the ancient family's status in the fairyland. This is why he was so afraid of the ancient Tangyan smoke.

He never expected--

The one who was fighting with him at this moment turned out to be Gu Tangyan's Taoist companion!

"I have never heard that Tianjun Tianjun has a husband and son..." Lin Yuefeng scanned the three Shengcai Peacocks coldly.

"Haha, can't you afford to lose?" Sheng Cai Peacock asked back.

If the real body of Shengcai Peacock was exhibited, Lin Yuefeng would definitely know her, but now that she looks like a human, no one can guess who she is!

"A mere 25 million Purple Soul Coins, I really didn't take it seriously." Lin Yuefeng calmed down immediately and said lightly.

When Long Yuhao heard about Su Jin’s relationship with Gu Tangyan, he was almost frightened. Everyone knows how unfeeling Gu Tangyan is. The young master of the Ye family hasn’t chased him for so many years. Was taken by the boss?

Su Jin had his own thoughts, his eyes lightly turned and said, "Or, change the gameplay?"

"How to change!" Lin Yuefeng hummed.

"You pick ten Gods Origin Stone, I only pick one, if I lose, 25 million Purple Soul Coins go to you, if I win, you lose me four times, exactly 100 million Purple Soul Coins, dare Don't dare?" Su Jin said lightly.


Unconsciously, at least five hundred people gathered around. These people are experts in selecting source stones nearby. There are very few theaters, and no one is not scared by Su Jin's tone at this moment!

Shengcai Peacock's face changed, and he looked at Gu Tangyan, and said, "It's cold, I feel that my one million and your 20 million Purple Soul Coins are all gone--"

Gu Tangyan feels very bitter, this is all her money, if she loses once, it will be gone, really hurt! And because of the bad relationship with Su Jin, she can't say that she doesn't gamble, she doesn't even have a reason to withdraw the money, otherwise she won't be said that the ancient family can't afford to lose?

It's very embarrassing now--

More than five hundred connoisseurs, now surprised by Su Jin's mastery!

"This ancient family is really rich and rich. 25 million Purple Soul Coins are thrown away. Who doesn't know that this is the lowest-level Douyuan District. Jiucheng is empty stones and there is nothing in it." Some onlookers were embarrassed.

"People have money. It seems that Lin Yuefeng has won steadily. After all, if you bet on one of ten, you can't lose no matter how you look at it. Moreover, this person just said that he has never fought Yuan-"

"Look, you'll be honest if you fight like this a few times. If you have a big family and a big business, you can't use this method to ruin your family. If I have so much money, I will follow him like this. It's just a waste of money!"

"Can Lin Yuefeng pick up?"

"Nonsense, fools won't answer!"


Everyone is paying attention to Lin Yuefeng's face, and they are feeling uneasy in their hearts.

Lin Yuefeng's complexion kept changing, and finally he was filled with a smile and said with a smile: "Okay! A mere 100 million Purple Soul Coins, I can still afford it! I will bet with you today! But I have a condition!"

"Speak--" Su Jin's expression remained unchanged.

"If the source stone you choose has no value, I will win unconditionally!" Lin Yuefeng asked.

"No problem." Su Jin nodded in response.

"Make a note with the three referees! Anyway, since you are the son-in-law of the ancient family, I am not afraid that you can't afford it!" When Lin Yuefeng said, he walked towards the three referees naturally. I'm being taken advantage of, I don't know Douyuan at all, and I dare to bet with him like this. It seems that I have hit a big luck today!

Long Yuhao's face was nervous--

Why are you not nervous! With his money in, eating will be a problem in the future, let alone a few more turnaround battles, but after thinking about the egg dung stone before, he suddenly feels a lot more inexplicably stable. This is the end of the matter and he can only trust the boss. ! And still believe it unconditionally!

With a lot of eloquence, the two of them wrote the papers at the three referees together, and then the two regained their sides in the battlefield!

"Start!" The referee snorted, and immediately Lin Yuefeng began to run, sometimes observing the Shenyuan stone on the ground, sometimes holding it up and tapping it, and he also had a special mirror. The surface of the source stone lightly illuminates Daoxia.

Su Jin curled his lips. He was not in a hurry. Lin Yuefeng had to choose ten, so he could look for it carefully--

Because Dou Yuan's bet was too high, Lin Yuefeng only picked two in the next quarter of an hour, and one was undecided.

Before, Su Jin said that he only came to this low-level battle source field because he only had less than 10,000 Purple Soul Coins, so most of the source stones in it would not be shipped.

"These two gods source stones are enough to see Lin Yuefeng's foundation in identifying the source. One source stone is surrounded by gold silk patterns. It should be shipped inside, and the value is unknown." Someone sighed.

"It's all about choosing God's source, big or small, look at the other one from Lin Yuefeng. It doesn't even have a palm, and there are fish scale patterns. There will be at least some strange treasure fragments inside!"

"It's hard to tell, I really don't know if Ye Di is wealthy, or is he really capable, and he didn't even elect?"

"The third one!"


After nearly a stick of incense, Lin Yuefeng saw a little sweat on his forehead. He looked at the two gods source stones on the left and right in front of him, and couldn’t make up his mind. Bloodshot, he can only choose one of the two, because he has already selected nine!

Lin Yuefeng looked at Su Jin who was calm, and finally took the source stone of Qin Bleeding into the source stone of his choice, and said to Su Jin: "It's your turn!"

Su Jin smiled lightly and waved lightly with one hand. The dark green gods source stone that Lin Yuefeng was fond of flew up and landed in front of him!

His jaw dropped all over the place!

Is it so casual?

On Gu Tangyan's snow-white face, there are faint black lines appearing, she even thinks that Su Jin is deliberately punishing her! Where is this?

It's a gamble, but her belongings all-

Shengcai Peacock covered her eyes with her hands, and she couldn't bear to look straight. From the previous point of view, Ye Di should be going to punish Gu Tangyan. What can't someone like him do? !

"Hahahaha." Lin Yuefeng laughed loudly. How weird Su Jin looks at this? Looking at that Gu Tangyan's bad face, he should be vindictive. He is going to make a fortune?

The three referees walked directly to the two of them and confirmed with them. After getting the confirmed result, the source stone chosen by Lin Yuefeng began to solve the source!

"Boom bang bang!"

With three consecutive beeps, three of the ten selected by Lin Yuefeng had been shattered. Among them, a golden remnant jade the size of a bean appeared, emitting a trace of dim golden brilliance.

Shipped! Lin Yuefeng was so excited--

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